FAQs – SpecialistItem writer

What is the role of an item writer/editor and what experience do I need?

An item writer is a sector specialist who produces high quality assessment questions to be used in Pearson’s externally assessed examinations. An item editor is responsible for checking items which have been written to ensure they are accurate technically and that they are appropriate for the skills and knowledge being tested. .

How do I apply and what is the selection procedure?

Please apply via the Expression of Interest form you found on the link provided. Or click here for the expression of interest link.If you meet the stated criteria, complete the online.References will be required to confirm your appointment. If you are successful in your application, you will be invited to attend writing training workshops.

How do I find out abouttraining?

You will be informed of the outcome of your application by email and if successful, your name will be added to the list of newly recruits to be invited to training workshops. Invitation to training depends on the current demand for SVs in your particular sector. If we are not able to offer you training at the time of your application you will remain on the reserve list until training is available.

When would I need to be available for work?

We are looking to commence an intensive period of item production between June and December 2015. You will need to be available for specific dates within that time frame – usually a two or three day window to attend the workshop and then undertake work from home. You will be working to tight deadlines but, outside of fixed workshop dates, you will be able to work as flexibly as you choose.

Will my school be reimbursed for any supply costs incurred during my absence?

If you do need to take time off work to attend a meeting, Edexcel will offer a Teacher Release payment to your school to cover any supply costs incurred. Should you choose to take a Teacher Release payment this will be in place of your meeting attendance fee.

What level of ICT Proficiency is required?

The draft items you will be creating are produced in Word and submitted electronically. You will need to have sufficient proficiency in Word to ensure draft items conform to specified styles and to produce simple graphical elements if necessary.

How much will I get paid?

Fees are paid based on a £7.20 rate per item.

You also receive an attendance fee for each day you attend the workshop (2 – 3 days)

If I need more information who should I contact?

Email us at