1ts Grade – Singapore8 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Count objects in a set, read and write numerals to 10. / TB-A: Unit 1, 8-13
WB-A: 7-10 / EP: 5-6
Count and identify 1 more than or 1 less than a number within 10. / TB-A: Unit 1, 14-15
WB-A: 11-12 / EP: 3-4
Compare two or more sets of objects up to 10 and identify which set is equal to, more than, or less than the other.
Compare two sets of objects up to 10 and determine how many more or less are in one set than the other.
Understand number order and know that larger numbers describe sets with more objects in them than smaller numbers. / TB-A: Unit 1, 16-17
WB-A: 13-14

1st Grade – Singapore8 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Understand number bonds and part-whole concept. / TB-A: Unit 2, 18-25
WB-A: 15-24 / EP: 9-12
Understand the meaning of addition (missing whole, putting together, counting on, and simple addition stories).
Understand the meaning of subtraction (missing part, taking away, counting back, and simple subtraction stories). / TB-A: Unit 2, 24-25
WB-A: 20-24

1st Grade – SingaporeCH 1-4 DAYS, Ch 2-6 DAYS, Ch 3-4 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Understand number bonds and part-whole concept. / TB-A: Unit 3, Ch 2, 32-34
WB-A: 31-37 / EP: 17-18
Learn addition and subtraction facts within 20. (within 10 in this unit)
Understand the meaning of addition (missing whole, putting together, counting on, and simple addition stories). / TB-A: Unit 3, Ch1, 26-31, Ch 3, 35-37
WB-A: 25-30, 38-41 / EP: 15-16
EP: 19-22
EP: 23-24
EP: 25-26
Make addition/subtraction stories from problem situations.
Write equations and solve simple addition/subtraction stories.
Solve problems involving numeric equations or inequalities.
Use boxes and other symbols to stand for unknown numbers in expressions and equations.

1t Grade – SingaporeCH 1-6 DAYS, Ch 2-9 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Understand the meaning of subtraction (missing part, taking away, counting back, and simple subtraction stories). / TB-A: Unit 4, Ch 2, 47-55
WB-A: 49-55 / EP: 35-36
EP: 37-40
EP: 41-42
Learn addition and subtraction facts within 20.
Make addition/subtraction stories from problem situations. / TB-A: Unit 4, Ch1, 41-46
WB-A: 42-45, 46-48 / EP: 29-30
EP: 31-34
Write equations and solve simple addition/subtraction stories.
Solve problems involving numeric equations or inequalities. / throughout
Use boxes and other symbols to stand for unknown numbers in expressions and equations.
Select appropriate operational symbol to make an expression true.

1st Grade – SingaporeCH 1-1 DAY, Ch 2-3 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Give and follow directions about location. / TB-A: Unit 5, Ch1, 56-59
WB-A: 68-70 / EP: 47-48
Arrange and describe objects in space by proximity, position, and direction. / TB-A: Unit 5, Ch2, 60-61
WB-A: 71-88 / EP: 49-50
Understand and use ordinal numbers to describe position.

1st Grade – Singapore5 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Count, read, and write whole numbers to 20. / TB-A: Unit 6, 62-67
WB-A: 89-97
Compare numbers within 20. / TB-A: Unit 6, 68-69
WB-A: 98-100 / EP: 55-58
Understand number order and know that larger numbers describe sets with more objects in them than smaller numbers.

1st Grade – Singapore 7 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Use the commutative and associative properties to perform mental calculations and check results. / TB-A: Unit 6, 70-75
WB-A: 101-121 / EP: 59-60
EP: 61-61
EP 63-64
Add 1-digit numbers involving renaming (e.g. 7 + 5) by making a ten.
Subtract 1-digit numbers involving renaming (e.g. 14 – 8) by subtracting from a ten.
Add/Subtract numbers within 20.
Use inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.
Learn addition and subtraction facts within 20. / TB-A: Unit 6, 76-78
WB-A: 122-131 / EP: 65-68

1st Grade – Singapore5 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Identify, describe, and categorize common 2-dimensional shapes, including the faces of 3-dimensional objects. / TB-A: Unit 7, 79-86
WB-A: 132-146 / EP: 73-76
Identify common 2-dimensional shapes within compound shapes, combine shapes to form common shapes. / TB-A: Unit 7, 89-90
WB-A: 149 / EP: 77-78
Sort objects and data by common attributes. / throughout
Describe and extend repeating patterns involving color and shapes. / TB-A: Unit 7, 87-88
WB-A: 147-148

1st Grade – SingaporeCH 1-1 DAY, Ch 2-1 DAY

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Compare and measure length and weight by making direct comparisons with reference objects. / TB-A: Unit 8, Ch1, 91-94
WB-A: 150-153 / EP: 81-82
Compare and measure length, and weight using nonstandard units. / TB-A: Unit 8, Ch2, 95-96
WB-A: 154-156 / EP: 83-84

1st Grade – SingaporeCH 1-1 DAY, Ch 2-1 DAY

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Compare and measure length and weight by making direct comparisons with reference objects. / TB-A: Unit 9, Ch1, 97-99
WB-A: 157-158 / EP: 87-88
Compare and measure length, and weight using nonstandard units. / TB-A: Unit 9, Ch2, 100-101
WB-A: 159-172 / EP: 89-90

1st Grade – SingaporeCH 1-1 DAY, Ch 2-1 DAY

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Compare and measure capacity by making direct comparisons with reference objects. / TB-A: Unit 10, Ch1, 102-105
WB-A: 163-165 / EP: 93-94
Compare and measure capacity using nonstandard units. / TB-A: Unit 10, Ch2, 106-107
WB-A: 166-176 / EP: 95-96

1st Grade – SingaporeCH 1-2 DAYS, Ch 2-1 DAY

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Compare numbers within 20. / TB-B: Unit 11, Ch1, 8-9, 10-11
WB-B: 7-8, 9-10 / EP: 99-100
EP: 101-102
Compare numbers by using subtraction to find the difference. / TB-B: Unit 11, Ch2, 12-15
WB-B: 11-18 / EP: 103-104

1st Grade – Singapore3 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Represent and compare data using picture graphs. / TB-B: Unit 12, 16-18
WB-B: 19-25 / EP: 109-110
Represent and compare data bar graphs.
Represent and compare data using tally charts. / TB-B: Unit 11, 19-21
WB-B: 26-29 / EP: 111-114

1st Grade – Singapore5 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Use place-value models to represent numbers to 100. / TB-B: Unit 13, 22-29
WB-B: 30- 39 / EP: 123-124
EP: 125-126
Read, write in words, standard, and expanded notation, and identify place values of digits for numbers within 100.
Understand number order and know that larger numbers describe sets with more objects in them than smaller numbers.

1st Grade – Singapore2 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Use place-value models to represent numbers to 100. / TB-B: Unit 13, 30-33
WB-B: 40-41
Understand number order and know that larger numbers describe sets with more objects in them than smaller numbers.
Count and identify 1 more than or 1 less than a number within 30. / TB-B: Unit 13, 34-35
WB-B: 42-44 / EP: 127-128
Count and identify 1 more than, 1 less than, 10 more than, 10 less than a number within 100.

1st Grade – Singapore7 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Add/Subtract numbers within 100. / TB-B: Unit 13, 36-43
WB-B: 45-62
Write equations and solve one-step word problems involving addition/subtraction.
Write equations and solve simple addition/subtraction stories.
Solve problems involving numeric equations or inequalities.
Use the commutative and associative properties to perform mental calculations and check results. / TB-B: Unit 13, 38,40-43
WB-B: 51-62 / EP:129-132
EP: 133-136
Mentally add/Subtract numbers within 100.

1st Grade – SingaporeCh 4 - 1 DAY, Ch 5 – 1 DAY

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Find the sum of three 1-digit numbers. / TB-B: Unit 13, 44-45
WB-B: 63-65 / EP: 137-138
Write equations and solve one-step word problems involving addition/subtraction.
Write equations and solve simple addition/subtraction stories.
Describe and extend regular number patterns within 100, including counting by 2's and 20's. / TB-B: Unit 13, 46-47
WB-B: 66-73 / EP:139-140

1st Grade – SingaporeCH 1 - 2 DAYS, Ch 2 - 2 DAYS, Ch 3 - 3 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Use repeated addition and arrays to solve multiplication problems within 40. / TB-B: Unit 14, Ch1, 48-51, Ch 3, 56-59
WB-B: 74-79, 83-100 / EP: 143-144
EP: 147-148
Recognize and extend regular linear patterns.
Solve simple multiplication/division problems using objects and pictures. / TB-B: Unit 14, Ch2, 52-55
WB-B: 80-82 / EP: 145-146

1st Grade – Singapore2 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Use sharing and grouping to divide. / TB-B: Unit 15, 60-65
WB-B: 101-108 / EP: 151-152
Solve simple multiplication/division problems using objects and pictures.

1st Grade – Singapore4 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Recognize and name halves and fourths. / TB-B: Unit 16, 66-67
WB-B: 109-114 / EP: 155-156

1st Grade – SingaporeCh 1 – 2 DAYS, Ch 2 – 2 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Relate time to events. / TB-B: Unit 17, Ch 1, 68-72
WB-B: 115-122 / EP: 159-162
Tell time to the half-hour (analog clock face).
Estimate time relative to the hour and half past the hour. / TB-B: Unit 17, Ch 2, 73-75
WB-B: 123-129 / EP: 163-164

1st Grade – SingaporeCh 1 – 3 DAYS, Ch 2 - 1 DAY

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Use place-value models to represent numbers to 100. / TB-B: Unit 18, Ch 1, 76-82
WB-B: 76-140 / EP: 175-178
Read, write in words, standard, and expanded notation, and identify place values of digits for numbers within 100.
Understand number order and know that larger numbers describe sets with more objects in them than smaller numbers.
Describe and extend regular number patterns within 100, including counting by 2's and 20's.
Count by 10’s within 100.
Make reasonable estimates when comparing numbers and sets of objects within 100. / TB-B: Unit 18, Ch 2, 83-84
WB-B: 141 / EP: 179-180

1st Grade – SingaporeCh 3 – 4 DAYS, Ch 4 - 1 DAY

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Understand number order and know that larger numbers describe sets with more objects in them than smaller numbers. / TB-B: Unit 18, Ch 3, 85-88
WB-B: 142-149 / EP: 181-182
Describe and extend regular number patterns within 100, including counting by 2's and 20's.
Count and identify 1 more than, 1 less than, 10 more than, 10 less than a number within 100. / TB-B: Unit 18, Ch 3, 88
WB-B: 144-146
Compare numbers within 100 and use the symbols <, +, >. / TB-B: Unit 18, Ch 4, 89-90
WB-B: 150-152 / EP: 183-184
Select appropriate operational symbol to make an expression true.

1st Grade – Singapore6 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Add/Subtract numbers within 100. / TB-B: Unit 18, 91-99
WB-B: 153-166 / EP: 185-188
Write equations and solve one-step word problems involving addition/subtraction.
Write equations and solve simple addition/subtraction stories.
Solve problems involving numeric equations or inequalities.
Use the commutative and associative properties to perform mental calculations and check results.
Mentally add/Subtract numbers within 100.

1st Grade – Singapore6 DAYS

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Add/Subtract numbers within 100. / TB-B: Unit 18, 100-109
WB-B: 167-185 / EP: 189-192
Write equations and solve one-step word problems involving addition/subtraction.
Write equations and solve simple addition/subtraction stories.
Solve problems involving numeric equations or inequalities.
Use the commutative and associative properties to perform mental calculations and check results.
Mentally add/Subtract numbers within 100.

1st Grade – SingaporeCh 1 – 3 DAYS, Ch 2 – 1 DAY

Learner Goals: / Singapore Page Citations
Identify and know the value of coins and use the cent symbol. / TB-B: Unit 19, Ch 1, 110-118, Ch 2, 119-121
WB-B: 186-192, 193-208 / EP: 197-200
EP: 201-202
Identify and know the value of bills and use the dollar symbol.
Count combinations of coins.
Count combinations of bills.