WCHS Athletic Booster Club August 2010 Minutes

Date: August 9, 2010
Board Members in Attendance: Jane Robinson, Jacqui Hardiman, Diana Ferrara, Kelly Sitz, Ed Green, Christi Green, Chip Letizia, Jim Vannett, Andy Ey
Sports Team Reps in Attendance: :Tom Gardy, Michelle Holtom, Mike Bertelsen, Mel Hetterscheidt, Michelle Erlenbach, Cindy DiPangrzio, Jennifer Henson, Tina Shirey, Linda Staab, Jennifer Eckstein, and Marc Ayle.

Other Attendees: Dale Miller, InAction Photos

Meeting was called to order by President, Jane Robinson at 7:02 pm.

Presidents' Report - Jane Robinson

  • The May 2010 minutes were distributed at the meeting. Chip Letizia made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, second by Michelle Erlencbacher, and the motion passed.
  • Jane announced that future meeting minutes will be emailed to the teams and board members in advance of the monthly meetings. Only a few copies of the minutes will be available at the meetings.
  • Board members were individually introduced to team representatives:
    Jane Robinson - PresidentJacqui Hardiman - Vice President
    Diana Ferrara - TreasurerKelly Sitz - Secretary
    Ed Green - ConcessionsChristi Green - Concessions
    Chip Letizia - Past Vice PresidentJim Vannett - Past Booster President
  • 2010-2011 Athletic Booster meeting dates were distributed. Meetings will occur on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7:00 pm in the Commons. There is no meeting in December.
  • Linda Staab accepted the role as the 2010-2011 Westerville Parent Council (WPC) representative. If anyone else wants to help in this position, please let Jane know. WPC meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am.
  • The Central Athletic Booster website is currently down. The system was recently upgraded by the district and the site will be back up soon. A lot of the info on our site was outdated because we hadn't had a web manager for at least a year. Cindy Sneid (a cheerleading parent) has volunteered to served as the site's web manager. Cindy has some web experience and will get some training through the district as well. Central teams that have their own websites can link their site to the Central Athletic Booster site. If anyone else is interested in helping as a web manager, let Jane know.
  • The main fundraisers that Central Athletic Boosters coordinate are:
    Concessions Tailgate (prior to a big rivalry football game)
    Casino Night (instead of Chili Cook Off) Flower Sale (spring rather than poinsettias)

Vice Presidents' Report - Jacqui Hardiman

  • The proposed new flower fundraiser in the spring could be highly profitable. Jacqui researched a vendor called Fort Myer that is involved in this type of fundraising. One of the Pickerington high schools sold 40,000 units last year. Fort Myer will set up the flower and handle the logistics. All we would have to do is sell the flower. They specialize in annuals, flats, and hanging baskets. We have the potential to make up to 30% of total sales. Orders would be placed in March and April with pickup in the school parking lot in May.
  • Athletic Boosters have sold poinsettias in the past during the winter holiday season. Most of the
    orders for these plants came from boys/girls tennis. The Booster Board has asked tennis if they
    would like to take this fundraiser over and make it their own. We are waiting on their response.
    Central Band Boosters may also be selling poinsettias, but band boosters are a separate entity.
  • The goal of the Boosters are to have 3 big fundraisers throughout the school year. We would like to be able to give teams more than $1000 or $500 at the end of the season. We will be able to do this if we have profitable fundraisers.

Treasurers' Report - Diana Ferrara

  • There is a new Check Request/Deposit form coming out in the next week. It's a 3-part form. The bottom copy will be for the team rep to tear off and keep for his/her records, once all the signatures are complete on the form. The other 2 copies will be placed in the Athletic Booster mail slot for processing. You will no longer have to make copies of these forms.
  • Envelopes won't be attached to checks any longer. If you need an envelope to mail a check, envelopes will be available next to the teams' mail bins. Only take an envelope if you need on.
  • The check request/deposit process is the same. Check requests submitted by Tuesday noon will be processed and back to your sports' mail bin by Friday afternoon. Requests submitted after Tuesday noon will be processed the next week.
  • All team sports financial balance sheets as of August 9 are available in your mail bins.

Secretary's Report - Kelly Sitz

  • Kelly didn't have anything to report.

Athletic Director's Report - Andy Ey

  • Andy inquired as to whether a boy's volleyball rep was in attendance. There wasn't. Andy said that there is some paperwork that needs to be completed and processed ASAP for some money related to boys' volleyball. He will need to contact the Wood's and the Mill's to get the information.
  • Andy asked the fall team sports' reps that were present at the meeting if they would be interested in participating in a Fall Sports Banquet, like the winter sports and spring sports tried last year. There are 9 fall sports, some of them quite large in number. Andy suggested that the Fall Sports Banquet may need to be divided into 2 separate nights. He asked the team reps to discuss with their coaches and individual booster members. The Fall Banquet will probably occur the first week of November, although no official date has been set.
  • August 12 is the preseason meeting for fall sports at 7:00 pm. Some sports are also using this night to host their "Meet the Team" event. The meeting is for parents and players.
  • There was a lot of activity at Central over the summer related to athletic facilities. Some events include:
  • Tennis courts dug up and resurfaced
  • Turf field installed in the football stadium
  • More landscaping needs to be done around the digital athletic marquee out front. If anyone is interested in helping please let Andy/Kathy Klosterman know.
  • Sports who have events they'd like to advertise on the marquee need to contact Kathy or Andy.
  • August 20 is the ribbon cutting ceremony for the unveiling of the turf field. There are events scheduled at Central all-day for the community to come out and see the field.
  • Krieger Ford will be promoting test drives of 15 new Ford models from 10 am - 6 pm in the northeast parking lot (front small lot). Drivers must be 18 years and older. We are hoping to schedule 300 test drives throughout the day. The Athletic Boosters will make $20 for each person that test drives a car. Encourage friends and family to come out and test drive a vehicle.
  • The 4 Westerville middle schools 7th and 8th grade football teams will be playing one another on the field starting at 1 pm.
  • Central's band will be performing around 6 pm.
  • Central Varsity Football will scrimmage Beechcroft HS at 7:00 pm
  • Concessions will be open from 1 pm - 10 pm.
  • All sports teams that have apparel or other Warhawk items to sell are encouraged to set up a table at the event to sell product. Check with your boosters about participating.
  • Other vendors at the event include Shane's Rib Shack, Rita's Italian Ice, Smoothie King and Muscle Milk.

Concessions' Report - Ed Green

  • Concession will be opening for scrimmages this year. We haven't done this in the past.
  • A new grill was purchased for this coming year. It's a big one!
  • A new ice machine was purchased. Bagged ice will be delivered and stored in the ice freezer outside of the concessions building.
  • A new coffee machine has been donated to outdoor concessions.

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