Minutes of Mickfield Parish CouncilMeeting

held at

Mickfield Village Centre on10 April2017

Present: Cllr Bridges, Cllr Heyhoe (Vice Chairman),Cllr Lynk (Chairman) and Cllr Rainer

Also present: Mrs A Thompson (Clerk), Mr P Davies,Mr A Stringer and Mr G Horn

Meeting Opened 19.30

1.Apologies for absence: Cllr Turner

Declarations of Pecuniary: None

Non-Pecuniary interests:None

2.Meeting Opened to the Public 19.31

No declarations of interests were expressed in any specific Agenda item.

Meeting Closed to the Public 19.32

3.Approval of the minutes of themeeting of Mickfield Parish Council held on 6 March2017.

The minutes were agreed as a true & accurate record of the meeting & duly signed by theChairman.

4.Action Points/matters arising from those minutes

Summary of Action Points from the Last Meeting
06.03.17 – 01 / Find out more details about defibrillators / AT

06.03.17 – 01 The Clerk has some details of defibrillators which were discussed. Questions were asked as to whether a First Responder would have a defibrillator in any event and what the insurance implications might be. In the light of such comments, it was agreed to make further enquiries of the First Responders in the first instance to ascertain the need to consider this issue further. Action Point 10.04.17 – 01

Meeting Opened to the Public19.36

5. Reports

5.1County Councillor’s Report

Cllr Stringer waspresent at the meeting and delivered his report a copy of which is attached.

5.2District Councillor’s Report

District Councillor G Horn waspresent at the meeting and provided his report.

Meeting Closed to the Public 20.45


6.1Planning Applications: None

6.2Listed Building Consent: None

6.3Planning Decisions: None

6.4Other Planning Issues: None

7.Clerk’s Report

7.1Financial Update

Bank Balances:

Treasurer’s Cheque Account: £1,403.73

Business Instant Access Account: £6,040.56

7.2Payments to be made:

Date Rcvd / Payee / Purchase/Service / Amount
(£) / VAT/IPT / Total
(£) / Agreed/
Declined / Chq No.
(& ref)
09.01.17 / Alpha Rural Services Limited / Grasscutting – Month 1 / 250.00 / 50.00 / 300.00 / Agreed / 000577
(17/18 - 01)
09.01.17 / Mrs A J Thompson / Clerks salary & expenses / 71.77 / 71.77 / Agreed / 000578
(17/18 - 02)
10.04.17 / HMRC / PAYE / 15.01 / 15.01 / Agreed / 000579
(17/18 - 03)
£336.78 / £50.00 / £386.78

7.3The Clerk confirmed that the Annual Audit is now due and Councillors agreed to ask Eric Cousins to undertake the internal audit.



9.AOB & Meeting opened to the public 20.10

9.1Cllr Stringer advised that Wetherinsett are close to having the VAS installed. The Clerk must contact their Parish Clerk to clarify progress as Highways are supposed to have joined the two Parish applications together and to date no communication has been received from Suffolk County Council. Action Pont 10.04.17 - 02

9.2Cllr Rainer enquired about responsibility for the maintenance of footpaths as Footpath 3 has been ploughed over. It was confirmed that Suffolk County Council has a Rights of Way Officer and that overall a watching brief should be kept on the footpath once planting has taken place.

9.3Cllr Heyhoe mentioned that following completion of the renovation works to Meadow Cottage the verge on one side of the road has been reinstated but not the verge opposite the house where damage to that verge was as a direct consequence of the workmen’s vehicles. It was noted that Highways are to undertake reparation works along Stonham Road in May and that it would be appropriate to contact Highways to ask that they reinstate the verge as part of their works. Action Point 10.04.17 - 03

Meeting closed to public 20.23

10. Next meeting, the Annual Parish Council meeting dateisMonday15 May 2017at 7.30 pm with the Annual Parish Meeting starting at 7.00pm.


Summary of Action Points for the Next Meeting
10.04.17 – 01 / Ascertain whether First Responders carry defibrillators / JR
10.04.17 – 02 / Contact Wetheringsett PC re VAS / AT
10.04.17 - 03 / Contact Highways re reinstatement of verges opposite Meadow Cottage / AT

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