Report to: ASCLS House of Delegates

Report of: Region II
Submitted for: 2015 Annual Meeting

Prepared by: Nadine Fydryszewski, Region II Director
Date: June 20, 2015
Activities of the Region Director:

·  Communicated regularly with the Region II Council and responded to ASCLS requests for information and/or electronic votes

·  August 2014 – several conference calls/transition meetings with outgoing Region II Director Barbara Snyderman focusing on acclimating to the region status, review basic operation guidelines. Major concern: inactivity of VSCLS, and potential jeopardy of going “inactive”.

·  Aug. 17 – in-person meeting with Barbara and Jodie Presdholt – NJ (outgoing Region II treasurer), audit books.

·  Aug-Sep - several calls with new treasurer to arrange for account transfer; several calls to investigate the VSCLS issue – inactivity

·  Sept. 22 - participated in 1st ASCLS New Board Orientation Conference Calls

·  Sept 23 – 1st Region II Mtg. (conf. call) - updates state and region II leadership rosters, identified committee rep appointments; identified the need to revise Region II Guidelines/SOP Manual; discussed Region II Seminar – plans for Spring or Fall 2016; established monthly meeting schedule ( 3rd Tues 7PM) with three official meetings identified requiring full Council participation (Nob. 18 & March 24, ASCLS National Mtg – date TBA)

·  Oct 1 – attended ASCLS-NJ Board Meeting, Summit, NJ

·  Oct 7 - participated in 2nd ASCLS New Board Orientation Conference Calls

·  Oct 16 – Attended ASCLS-NJ Fall Seminar and House of Delegates Mtg, Scotch Plains, NJ

·  Oct. 17 – attended ASCLS-NJ 1st Student Forum – greeted students from across the state and emphasized the importance of belonging to a community or professionals, encouraged them to join as ASCLS Student members; attended ASCLS-NJ Education Scientific Assembly Meeting

·  Oct 17 – Conference call with new VSCLS leadership – orientation, Q/A, etc.

·  Oct. 21- 2nd Region II Mtg ( conf. call) - Discussed updated of Region II SOP, identified areas that still need revision/clarification; membership issues ( lapsed, online renewal, timeliness of national list updates); potential region II leadership seminar – will explore for the next meeting; “Theranos” and impact on the future of lab testing

·  Oct. 22 – attended DE Oktoberfest in Newark, DE, a social/networking event with DE members.

·  Oct 23 - in person meeting with region II treasurer in Strafford PA to finalize bank transfer, signature cards, etc.

·  Moderated Region II Conference Call Meetings on: Nov. 18, Dec. 16 and Feb. 17, April 21, May 19

·  Solicited for volunteers to be the new Region II Secretary upon the resignation of Cathy Otto (relocated out of Region II area). Stacey Robison volunteered and the council approved.

·  Special presentation at the Feb 17 meeting by Stephanie Noblit and Sherman Binas about a proposed mentorship program. Council provided feedback and advised they reach out to the Leadership Development and New Professionals Committees to coordinate efforts.

·  Updated Region II Leadership Roster

·  Compiled preliminary feedback with revisions for the Region II Policy/Procedure Manual – ongoing project

·  Region II state assessments sent early Dec. 100% return by Feb. 2015

·  Submitted Region II state article for ASCLS Today (written by ASCLS-NJ)

·  Feb. 4 - participated in a special ASCLS-BOD conference call

·  Submitted Region II Omicron Sigma nominees to ASCLS and Region II constituents

·  Feb. 14 - attended and presented at the ASCLS-MD & ASCLS-DE Joint winter educational meeting, Newark, DE

·  Feb. 19-21 attended and presented at 2015 CLEC in Cincinnati, Ohio

·  Continue to work with VA to re-active the state society, mentoring the new president.

·  Communicated with NP/NM Forum chair

·  Solicited for volunteers to serve in Region II Leadership positions for 2015-2016.

·  March 14 - participated in ASCLS Strategic Planning Day, Alexandria, VA

·  March 15 - participated in ASCLS Interim Board Meeting, Alexandria, VA

·  March 16-17 - attended Legislative Symposium, Washington, DC

·  April 16 - attended and presented a session at ASCLS-NJ Annual Spring Seminar and Expo, Windsor, NJ

·  April 29 - participated in NP/NM conference call April 29

·  May 4 - attended ASCLS-PA Annual House of Delegates Meeting, Harrisburg, PA

·  May 5 - attended and presented a session at ASCLS-PA Annual Spring Seminar, Harrisburg, PA

·  Drafted 2015-2016 Region II Budget in consolation with the Region II Treasurer

·  Continue to communicate with NP/NM Forum Chair

Regional Activities:

·  All Region II constituent societies have held a minimum of two Board of Director Meetings, one annual business meeting and/or state house of delegates meeting, and one annual scientific meeting.

·  Most states are distributing at least one-two issues of a state newsletter and/or other form of communication to the constituent state membership (website, email announcements/communications, etc.).

·  Under the leadership of Natalie Case, ASCLS-VA has re-activated, and is progressing toward increasing membership and solidifying a leadership team.

·  Collaborative ventures: ASCLS-DE and ASCLS-MD continue to collaborate on joint education meetings, as well as outreach to local AMT chapter. ASCLS-PA Spring Seminar was in partnership with PA Society of AMT.

·  Region II members Stephanie Noblit (PA) and Sherman Binas (NJ) developed a comprehensive mentorship program plan. Working with the national NP/NM Forum and Leadership Development, plans are underway to implement the program in 2015-2016.