WorldQuest New York 2009 Resource Guide

The resources listed below may provide assistance to advisors and students preparing to play the third WorldQuest New York competition. You may also substitute in-class resources, maps, and more to prepare for the competition.

Round One - Current Events

This round will feature questions about global leaders, individuals, and institutions who have been involved in major events from September 2009 through November 2009.

Ø – The New York Times

Round Two – Global Pandemics

This round will consist of questions about the backgrounds, treatments, and preventive measures for global influenza outbreaks over the last century.

Ø  “Pandemics and National Security”, Great Decisions 2006

*Please contact FPA for copies of the Great Decisions 2006 article

Ø Pandemics of the 20th Century, Centers for Disease Control

Ø - General Information, H1N1 (Swine Flu), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Ø - H5N1 (Avian Flu), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Round Three- Great Decisions 2009

Questions for this round will be drawn from the Great Decisions 2009 articles.

Ø  Great Decisions 2009

*Please contact FPA for copies of the Great Decisions 2009 briefing book

Round Four - International Migration

This round will consist of questions about population mobility patterns around the globe in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Ø  “International migration in a globalizing economy”, Great Decisions 2007

*Please contact FPA for copies of the Great Decisions 2007 article

Ø - Facts and Figures on “Global Estimates and Trends, Regional and Country Figures and Labor Migration and Demographics,” International Organization for Migration

The Migration Policy Institute Data Hub has two sections that will be the source of questions: The statistics of the Global City Migration Map accounting forforeign-born residents making up 25% or more of the total population. Also, the Global Remittances Guide.

Round Five – World Cup South Africa 2010

Students will be asked about the 2010 FIFA World Cup competition in South Africa, including questions about the tournament locations, the countries and teams involved, and news on South Africa’s preparations for the event.

Ø - Official Website, FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010

Round Six – Wall Street Bailouts

This round will consist of questions about the U.S. Treasury Department bailouts issued to failing Wall Street firms between 2008-2009, including the institutions and people involved, as well as the latest news between September 2009 and November 2009.

Ø – The New York Times Topics: “Credit Crisis – Bailout Plan”

Round Seven- Countries

This round will be on general knowledge questions about countries around the world including locations, leadership, flags, geography, and languages spoken.

Ø - CIA World Factbook

Ø - CIA World Leaders

Round Eight – Food Production and Consumption

This round will consist of questions about the ongoing global food crisis as well as food safety concerns in 2009.

Ø  “Global Food Crisis”, Great Decisions 2009

*Please contact FPA for copies of the Great Decisions 2009 briefing book

Ø - FPA Global Food Crisis Blog

Ø - “How to Feed the World by 2050: Global agriculture towards 2050” – Food and Agricultural Organization

Round Nine – Genocide

This round will consist of questions about acts of government-sponsored ethnic killings in the 20th and 21st centuries, the history of the International Criminal Court (ICC), and the ICC’s current cases.

Ø  “War Crimes”, Great Decisions 2007

*Please contact FPA for copies of the Great Decisions 2007article

Ø – International Criminal Court

Ø – New York Times Topic Page: “War Crimes, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity”

Round Ten – World Music

This round will consist of questions about international music artists and news between September 2009 and November 2009.

Ø - “ArtsBeat Blog”, The New York Times

Ø – News from the Recording Academy

General Resources


Ø – BBC News

Ø – The New York Times

Ø – The Financial Times


Ø - Foreign Policy Association blogs

Ø - U.S. Department of State

Ø - CIA World Factbook