Pro-Charles Darwin (±1800)


SHELTER: - leaving / constrution / hotels / agriculture

contacts: turism / transport / history / museum

wellfare: culture / health / education / revenue / resource / compromise

·  0 Accept Charles Darwin’s theory (±1800), and that it doesn’t substitute the Bible’s theory of the creation of humanity, but just an alternative complementation;

·  1 Explicit rules;

·  2 Merit in the first place;

·  3 Compromise-task-duty-before right;

·  4 Human development, cultural, work place, technology and infra-structure;

·  5 Respect to national sovereignty, culture, family and religion;

·  6 Right to ample and unrestricted critics;


·  7 members / president / directors / secretaries / Counselors will be composed by; any citizen interested, without distinction of sex, race, color, political conviction and country of precedence.

·  8 Semester meeting: should always coincide with public holidays arranged between members with disposal and administrative council should be composed of all directorate and ex-directorates.

·  9 Executives: Presidents, Directors and Secretaries = elect 5/5 years (independent of sex).

·  10 Titled members:- Age ≥ 18 years ( with matrimonial responsibility, social and professional)

·  11 Dependent members:- ‹18 years; According to new civil code, majority is as from 18 years

·  12 Solicit donation and request from governments: municipal, state, federal the donation of physical site for social activities.

·  13 Symbolic colors: RAINBOW;

REVEREND MESSAGE: We live in a period of turbulence. Globalization shakes ethics value in the society. Every body suffers the repercussion, no matter where you may be. Even in this century, there is reflex of crises, disrespect to human value. The ethic defined by Stephen Kanitz; which is the limit that it imposes on longing for ambition. All that should be avoided to meet an objective; like not robbing, not lying and not sub-estimating other fellows.

The objectives of this entity are very clear and defined:

a)   To promote and stimulate the study of the progress of humanity and science

b)   Perform sessions to discuss topics in relationship with the reintegration of cultures and sciences

c)   Promote courses and congress about the world and Africa

d)   Publish the activities, work and historic acknowledgement of members.

e)   Give opinion about the theory of Darwin

f)   Collaborate with public administrations about social interests

g)   Maintain contacts or joint ventures with similar entities of States, National and International level

In the names of the 7 great rivers that link the whole of mother Africa; Rivers Nile, Niger, Benue, Congo, Orange, Nipopo, Zambezi. Ethics, rules and regulations should be obeyed to maintain the objectives of this entity. To actualize the statute according to the reality of the new Millennium, we need to know how to respect it, as-far-as, it maintains the tranquility and the tradition of the century message. It is our maximum law, and for the sake of ethics, there should be no transgression. If you permit my digression, to tell you about the life of Eagle, a bird of prey with big carriage, that lives on mountain top and can live up to 70 years. But to reach that age, it needs to take various decisions around 40 years. At this age, it’s long and flexible finger nails are long reducing its capacity to hunt its preys for food; Its wings pointing against the chest, old and heavy due to the thickness of its feathers, so flying becomes a very difficult task! Its only chance is die or face the painful process of renovation that lasts for almost half a year.

*  The second chance for it is fly to a highest mountain and retreat to nest near a high-wall, where it needs not fly and there starts to strike its beak against the rock till its pulled off. And waits the growth of a new beak, with which its finger nails are pulled off and with the new finger nails pull of the old feathers. It then resumes its famous flight only after five months. And then could live more 30 years.

Many times, in our life, we need to protect ourselves for some times to resume the process of renovation. For us to succeed in the flight of victory, we must be free from the memory that used to cause pain. Only when we are liberated from this weight, the valuable result of auto-renovation can be of good use. Like Eagle, we should look far-away to the future. It is evident that this can only be constructed with the foundation of the past, but this entity has big pillars that is already beyond centuries.

Let’s make a flight of victory march forward to ransom the union of humanity and bring it back to the familiarity of its own self. So, together, we work to the enrichment of the world and we’ll be proud of the accomplished mission.

Now-a-days, only team work with absolute transparency and democratic spirit could have its chance in a modern and worthy society. The debate of ideas with disarmed spirit and without precepts is essential to enrich our entity. Let’s make every effort to associate the world and start a new phase. Let’s achieve some trimesters where every body can bring ideas to be debated. First civilization like, that of Egypt, Asia, Greece and Europe executed important functions in the scientific development, at the illustration of people of respective countries. Some of them struggled to make research, but they also performed public experiments, where discovered facts were demonstrated, almost like a theatrical or musical exhibitions.

In good era, the world community conserves the character of the generators of knowledge only in some countries of Eastern Europe and at China. In some other countries the community may be relevant links between decisions and government, and between these and the great public, reason why they must receive prestige and support.

Association for the community of African of America (ACAFAM, will be benefited in the future by great prestige and will be consulted always when political decisions are taken involving African continent and the world. We need to project our entity in a manner that it be consulted before polemic and difficult problems that could bring repercussions to the African society occurs. But, nothing like, a secular entity with highly differentiated members to illuminate these ways. Finally, I wish every body should make some minutes of silence of reflection about whatever would be the spirit of the entity. There should be public spirit and not only individual look but also collectivity that they belong to, and be respectful. All counselors should ask themselves; What can I be able to do in favor of the community and merit the title of a counselor?



1. The association for the community of Africans of America - ACAFAM was founded on 11th of October 2003, is a civil entity with undetermined duration under the rule disposed in the statute.(Art.53rd)

2. ACAFAM has Social home office and forum in the city of Ribeirão Preto, at Rua Dois de Julho 514, Vila Tibério Ribeirão Preto-SP, CEP: 14050-450, Brazil.

Unique Paragraph- ACAFAM has as Logotype, adapted symbol and colors, registered as eagle a-home rainbow (all Colors to unique home Africa).


1. Promote and intensify friendship and solidarity within associates.

2. Give prestige as tradition and collaborate to the progress and development of activities of African descendants.

3. Act to appreciate members.

4. Publicize worthy facts of distinction about African continent.

5. Promote Social Work and social, cultural and sporting activities.

6. Promote the welfare of the community.

7. Maintain a scholarship fund for the needy.

8. Maintain relationship with congener entities in American Countries and Africa.

9.   Promote annual fraternization of members to meet objective.

·  14 To obtain its objectives, ACAFAM will depend on;

10. Contribution of members and benevolence given for exposition desire and legacy for maintenance of activities.

11. Donation funds for study scholarship.

12.   Patrimonial incomes.

·  15 All and any direct and indirect activity in relationship to topics about political party and religion are not prohibited, but with an independent opinion or participation and non-allied.


1.  The requirements for admission are basically consider self consideration as descendant of African and accept to discuss Creationism and Evolutionism

2.  Dismissal is voluntary, the exclusion of associate occurs when statute is disrespected without consideration to error committed, leaving room for appeal by associate to general assembly.

Members are considered “Born Associate”: all citizens or naturalized foreigner, independent of the color of skin or hair, and so far he or she considers and declares him or herself descendent of African; “Non Born Associates”: if not citizen of country of home office.

Members are responsible to social obligations (Art.46o)


1.  The duty of associate is to respect the statute and basic principles of the entity of unique race and contribute to annual maintenance donation. Associate that disrespects these duties can loose his or her right; to be supported-with cultural, social assistance and resources sustainable by the entity.

2.  The rights of associate are to be supported-with cultural, social assistance and resources sustainable by the entity.


1. The functioning of The Directorate Administration and The Administration Council will be mentioned in the regiment, proposal attributed to internal regiment for directorship and administration council. Determined for social statute alteration and that the destitution of administrators should be realized especially in convoked assembly for it.(Art. 59o) The deliberative convocation should be in form of a statute, warranting 1/5 (one fifth) of associates the right to be promoted (Art. 60o).

2. General assembly of all members to deliberate about specific subjects, in established limits on ACAFAM objectives, as determined in the statute could be ordinary or extra-ordinary.

3. General assembly represents the last instance in ACAFAM, being supreme for resolution in the statute terms.

4. Ordinary and Extra-ordinary general assembly will be of convocation by the president of the administration council through publication of respective editing in the daily or monthly press, or other means of communication, with minimum antecedence of (15) fifteen days running from the date of effect.

·  16 Ordinary General Assembly should only be convoked for electoral process; extra-ordinary assembly should be convoked for the alteration of statute, property alienation and ACAFAM’s extinction.

5. Right to vote in ordinary and extra-ordinary assembly are for only associated members at plenitude of obligation.

·  17 Ordinary General Assembly for electoral process will be deliberated by simple majority of members present or represented, to be optional and facultative postal vote.

·  18 Extra-Ordinary General Assembly for statute alteration is realized in first call with minimum of (10) ten counselors, while second call, (30) thirty minutes later installs with minimum of (5) five counselors.

·  19 Not obtaining the minimum to install extra-ordinary general assembly for alteration of statute for lack of quorum, the topic will be taken to administration council meeting, to be decided with (1/5) one fifth of its members. The convocation of ordinary general assembly will be pre-established.

·  20 Extra-ordinary general assembly, conformably are for topics referring to alienation of immovable, dissolution and extinction of ACAFAM, which should be realized in the presence of minimum of (1/5) one fifth of associates.


·  21. The Administrative Council is composed of all directorates and ex-directorates

·  22. Should be presided by Executive President or by Vice-President in the president’s absence.

·  23 No election for Administrative Council.

A. Administration council is due to;

1. Appreciate and approve the programming of ACAFAM, certifying for consecution of objectives established, like institutionalization, telecommunication with Africa, Diplomatic links of counselors;

2. Reduce Doubts at interpretation of statutory des-positives, such as, decide about omissible cases in statute;

3. Judge recourses and petitions presented by president and directorate;

4. Install in office president at directorship;

5. Appreciate and vote financial balancing of previous year;

6. Appreciate and vote prevision budget, programming activities of coming year and determine the contribution value;

7. Impose for-seen penalty in regiment proposed by directorate to any member that des-respects the statute;

8. Designate revenue commission before (30th) thirtieth of December of each year, constituted of (3) three counselors at the plenitude of their obligation to analyze and elaborate the report of economic financial balance of the year;

9. Administer by observing des-positive in the statute and by decision taken in general assemblies;

10. Appreciate conditions of directorate to designate ACAFAM representatives to external institutions like embassy, enterprise and government;

11. Approve names indicated by president of directorate for posts of directorate in case of vacancy;

12. Judge recourses that do not depend on referendum of general assembly;

B. The administration council meets when is of convocation by its president or by solicitation of (4) four of the counselors.

1. The convocation of the administration council can be done in (7) seven days of antecedence which could be reduced when the subject is urgent and of emergency.

·  24 The agenda to be examined by administration council should be mentioned in convocation term.

2. Minimum presence demanded to start meeting of administration council is (3) three of the counselors and /or (7) seven of associate members.

3. Decisions of administration council are to be determined by majority votes of members present in meetings.

·  25 Decisions of administration council are to be reproduced in memorandum drafted by a secretary to be elected in the beginning of the meeting by its president.

4. The president of administration council is due to;

( I ) Install in office the directorate president, elected counselors and deputies.

( II ) Convocation, establish the agenda and preside meeting of council.

( III ) Execute and make executed the decisions of council.