Position:Shop Manager

Location:Based in local shop

Reporting to:Regional/Area/Local Organiser (RO/AO/LO)

Context and purpose of the job

Shop managers carry out the day-to-day tasks required for the smooth operation of Cards for Good Causes (CFGC) shops during the trading season. Shop managers are responsible for shop set-up, recruiting volunteers and organising rotas, maintaining adequate stock levels, presenting a tidy shop, daily banking, assisting with publicity tasks and keeping accurate paperwork. All tasks are to be performed as agreed in advance with the RO/AO/LO and in accordance with CFGC’s operational procedures.

CFGC places great emphasis on providing quality service to its member charities and customers alike. The post-holder will play an integral role in this process by ensuring that his/her shop is operated according to operational procedures. The post-holder will be a key point of contact for customers and local volunteers and will be expected to work closely with the RO/AO/LO.


  1. Publicity: Assisting RO/AO/LO with publicity tasks
  1. Volunteers:
  • Ensuring volunteers are contacted on list provided by Head Office
  • Utilising volunteers whenever possible
  • Recruiting additional volunteers as necessary
  • Contacting RO/AO/LO if difficulty is experienced in recruiting the volunteers needed
  • Creating a rota indicating names of volunteers and scheduled shifts
  • Maintaining a detailed list including name, address, phone number, organisation affiliation and total hours worked for each volunteer
  • Obtaining permission from new volunteers for personal details to be kept on file in accordance with the Data Protection Act
  • Ensuring that volunteers understand and follow all proper operational procedures.
  1. Set Up Shop:
  • Deciding on a suitable layout with RO/AO/LO
  • Setting up tables and covering them with cloths
  • Setting up, labelling and filling display boxes with cards
  • Displaying Christmas goods
  • Ensuring till is working
  • Creating a shop Day File
  • Displaying insurance certificate and credit/debit card notice
  • Adding seasonal decorations, whilst remaining sensitive to the wishes of the host organisation
  • Any other tasks that are necessary to prepare the shop for trading
  1. Stock:

•Keeping card boxes tidy

•Checking stock levels daily and maintaining appropriate stock levels

•Maintaining Stock Record Sheets

  • Reordering stock when necessary
  • Forwarding stock paperwork to RO/AO/LO
  1. Banking:
  • Maintaining petty cash book and VAT receipts
  • Ensuring shop has adequate float
  • Daily banking
  • Forwarding banking paperwork to Head Office and RO/AO/LO
  1. Maintaining regular contact with RO/AO/LO with regard to sales totals and stock levels either by email or telephone.
  1. Ensuring that paperwork is completed accurately and returned on time to Head Office and RO/AO/LO both during and at the close of the trading season
  1. Ensuring that the shop is cleared completely at end of trading season
  1. Participating in debrief meeting with RO/AO/LO.

Be prepared to:

  • Discuss strengths and weaknesses of site
  • Identify any problems you experienced with operational procedures

Person Specification


  • Ability to manage time effectively and prioritise a varied workload
  • Ability to interact well with customers, volunteers and hosts
  • Willingness and ability to communicate and discuss ideas with Area or Local Organiser (as applicable)
  • Numeracy and basic accounting skills


  • Experience recruiting and motivating volunteers and/or working in the voluntary sector

CFGC will:

  • Provide all necessary administrative materials
  • Reimburse expenses properly and reasonably incurred in the performance of a manager’s duties provided any claims are supported by receipts, invoices and other evidence of actual payment

FG: updated June 2015