Report of Vice-President Susan Slade

April 05 and 06, 2017

I first must apologize for the lateness of this particular report. I admit to struggling with what I am going to write as it seems that we just had Provincial Executive and the majority of my time has been spent at AGMs, not sure about everyone else but this year seems to be flying by.

AGMs…. the chapter executives are doing a great job encouraging members to attend as well as run for positions. The training that is being provided to the chapter chairs and vice-chairs I believe has really helped with these successful meetings. The mentorship and smooth running of meetings is very noticeable. I am hoping that with continued yearly education those chapter executive positions will grow and continue to mobilize and engage members.

On March 18 I joined the Local 046 bus to head up to Cold Lake and support the workers at Points West Living. I was very pleased to see that the bus was pretty much full with members from various locals. We are always being asked what locals can do to support these locked out members. My answer every time is ‘boots on the ground’. I encourage all locals to rent a bus go up for the day, maybe even spend the night and make a meeting out of it. Those members are so inspiring and strong, standing up for a fair and equitable first agreement. I do find it very frustrating that the very government that has condemned private-for-profit care for many years will not intervene or even take a position on this lockout. The Young Activists Committee decided to have a meeting in Cold Lake on March 19/20. It was very eye opening for some of the members as they had never been on a picket line but have sure come away with a new understanding of what the issues are and what these workers are facing. Plus the bonus was we rented a van and were able to travel together.

As executives we spend a great amount of time answering emails, texts, phone calls and social media. These past two months with the ratification vote for ANC/AHS, the questions and concerns on social media have been magnified tenfold. Many members asking questions about process of bargaining, how it is decided what articles are opened, and how it is decided what the increases are going to be. Most of the conversations are very respectful and appreciative of the information. As well some of these members have attended the AGM and further asked for further clarification and have a better understanding of what the union is doing for them.

In closing and as we head into Local AGM’s where we may see some changes on PE, I want to thank each and everyone of you for the outstanding last two years. I think as a group, we have really grown and have made some decisions for this union that will continue to make AUPE a household name.

I want to welcome Brother Scott back from his sabbatical, he is an integral part of the executive team and as much as we all have tried to cover and make sure his area was taken care of, it is great to have him back in the saddle.

Happy Spring everyone!!

Yours in solidarity,

Susan Slade


Activity Report

Jan 29-Feb 1 Canadian Health Care Coalition Ottawa

Feb 1 Edmonton Area Council Edmonton

Feb 2-3 PE

Feb 6-7 Telephone Town hall ANC Edmonton

Feb 8 118/19 AGM Edmonton

Feb 9 Locals 005, 49, 47/22, Local 60 Edmonton

Feb 10 Local 95/002 AGM Calgary

Feb 13 Executive meeting, Local 54/3 AGM Edmonton

Feb 14 Local 47/34 AGM Edmonton

Feb 15 Locals 54/9, 42/Southgate Edmonton

Feb 16 Local 50 AGM Red Deer, Local 54/11, 47/4 Edmonton

Feb 17 Local 47/8 Edmonton

Feb 18-Mar 1 Vacation

March 2 Local 54/001, 46/004 Edmonton

March 3-5 Governor General Vancouver

March 8 Local 49 Lynwood AGM, 40/10 AGM, Local 001/31AGM Edmonton

March 9 Local 47/15 AGM, Local 47/14 AGM, Local 001/034 AGM Edmonton

March 10 Local 46/008 AGM Edmonton

March 11 Local 006 Edmonton

March 13 Executive meeting, Local 42/006 AGM Edmonton

March 14 Local 46/001 AGM, Local 49/Dickensfield AGM Edmonton

March 15 Women’s Committee

March 16 Local 40, 54/006, 42/001, 47/23 AGMS Edmonton

March 17 Local 47/29 AGM Edmonton

March 18 Bus to Cold Lake

March 19 Points West Living lockout line and YAC committee

March 20 Points West Living lockout line and YAC committee

March 22 Local 47/13, 118/21 Edmonton

March 23 GRB, Local 004/19 AGM

March 26-30 Labour School Banff