Ann Hoyt/Jim Easton JOAD Grant
The Ann Hoyt/Jim Easton JOAD Grant is made possible by archery legend, Ann Hoyt and current supporter of youth archery, Jim Easton. Through contributions from the Ann Hoyt Legacy Fund, the Easton Sports Development Foundation, and the Archery Trade Association, JOAD clubs can request funds for items such as target butts, stands, archery equipment, general supplies, and coaching certifications.
The grant is administered by USA Archery for specific purposes. This grant is not a loan. Grantees (USAA JOAD Clubs) are required to plan programs, submit grant proposals, respond to inquiries, keep scrupulous records of finances and program participants, and produce written reports to the grantor (USAA) on finances, program goals, and accomplishments.
Club Requirements
USA Archery distributes grants to benefit USAA JOAD Clubs in good standing. These grants can be used for target butts, stands, archery equipment, general supplies, and coach certifications to support growth of the club’s infrastructure.Please do not request target FACES in your application as funds for these items will not get approved.Requests for high-performance equipment that would benefit individual archers will not be accepted.
Grant requests should not exceed $5,000. Applicants do not need to be a qualified 501(c) 3 organization in order to receive funding; however, the club must have its own unique entity established and an Employee ID Tax Number assigned by the IRS (separate from any other for-profit business). The club must also be able to furnish a W9 identifying the club’s name as registered with the IRS and the Tax ID assigned to the club. In other words, the club name must be listed on the W-9 and be legally connected with the listed Tax ID. Club finances may not be run through personal banking accounts.
Please visit: and click on Form SS-4 for instructions on how to apply for an Employee Identification Number with the IRS.
Grant Application Deadlines
Requests may be submitted at any time. USAA will review grants three times per year. Applications must be submitted for review by March 1st, June 1st, and September 1st. Applications submitted after these deadlines will not be considered until the following grant period. Applications submitted after September 1st will be discarded and must be re-submitted the following year. Applications submitted via mail must be received by the specified deadline date to be considered for that grant period.
Grant Submission
Grant proposals must be submitted via e-mail to Jon Taylor at . The supporting application qualification materials and documents should be mailed to:
USA Archery
4065 Sinton Road, Suite 110
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
To be qualified, USAA JOAD Clubs must meet the following conditions and submit the following material:
- Club must be a USA Archery JOAD club and have a current membership with USA Archery
- Club must have at least one Level II, or above, certified instructor with a current USAA/NFAA Archery Certification
- Must submit a completed Grant Application
- Grant Application must include a detailed list with a breakdown of the items that will purchased with the grant money, quantity, cost, and vendor for the supplies
- Must submit a list of the club’s members and the certification level of the coaches involved in the program
- A list of the key sources of revenue for the club and amounts received during the last year.
- Must submit a completed W-9 form (JOAD club name and name on W-9 must match exactly)
- Supplemental information may be asked for to support the grant
- Any supplemental information or material examples provided in addition to the proposal that will help the Committee evaluate the applicant’s club or specific proposal will be accepted
**Please note:
- Only a club that has been in existence for less than a year can request grant funds for range fees
- Grant funds may NOT be used to reimburse a club for any past expenses
- Grant funds may NOT be used to purchase achievement pins and/or lanyards
USAA Grant Review and Selection Process
Proposals will be evaluated by the JOAD Committee and USAA staff or their designee(s). Successful applicants will be notified within 10 days of acceptance.
Project Completion and Satisfaction of Performance
The grant agreement with the successful applicant shall contain contractual provisions requiring the grantee to verify actual disbursements from their program for approved expenses. Grant terms and conditions will allow for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances in which the club violates or breaches the grant terms, and shall provide for appropriate remedial actions.
A portion, 10-25% of the approved Grant amounts, may be withheld by USAA and paid to the Grantee after successful completion of the project and submission of the final approved report of costs.
USAA Grant Application
Every box must be completed. If the application is incomplete it will not be considered for review, if an item is not applicable, please write NA. Please print clearly or type the application. If your email and or phone are not legible then we will not be able to contact you with questions and you will not receive a grant.
JOAD Club Name: ______
Club City: ______Club State: ______Zip: ______
Club Website: ______
Requestor’s Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______Fax: ______
Email: ______
Start Date of the JOAD Club: ______
How many archers are in the JOAD club? ______
How often does the club meet? ______
Diversity initiatives are important to USA Archery. Please tell us what types of activities your club is currently engaged in to support the inclusion of all participants in the sport of archery, including disabled, economically challenged, minority or otherwise under-represented archers:
Please describe your facility or range: ______
Please list the certified coaches in your JOAD club along with their certification level:
What other sources of revenue are being used besides the grant? (i.e. club fundraising, community civic group donations, individual contributions etc.)
What is the amount of the requested grant? ______
Describe the use of funds requested and explain how the grant request will achieve any of the goals of developing the competitive archery efforts that create a clear path for skilled young archers to reach the goal of being an Olympic, Paralympic, or World Champion archer. Please use extra pages if needed.
Requestor SignatureTitleDate
JOAD Club Roster
Name: Age: # of Years in Club
Name:Age: # of Years in Club
Detailed List of Items to be Purchased with Grant Funds
*If using grant funds for an instructor certification, please note date of class, class level, and instructor name
Item/Vendor: Quantity: Unit Price: Total Price: