Duval– Mandarin Oaks Elementary– 2017-18 SIP
Problem Solving Quick Report
Action Plan for ImprovementProblem Solving Key
G = Goal B = Barrier S = Strategy AS = Action Step
Step (1-5) / Description / Measurable / Step (1.b, 6-8)
G1. / If small group instruction is data-driven, and meets the expectation and rigor of the standards, then the academic climate of the school will continue to improve and student achievement will increase in the following targets: / Summative Results
K-2ndELA Proficiency: 62 to 72
K-2ndELA Gains: 62 (avg scale score gain) to 72
K-2ndMath Proficiency: 71 to 81
K-2ndMath Gains: 39 (avg scale score gain) to 49
3rd-5th ELA Proficiency: 75 to 85
3rd-5thELA Gains: 70 to 80
3rd-5thELA BQ Gains: 56 to 66
3rd-5thMath Proficiency: 79 to 89
3rd-5thMath Gains: 70 to 80
3rd-5thMath BQ Gains: 62 to 72
5th Science Proficiency: 66 to 76 / 1.b
Progress Monitoring
Achieve 3000
iReady Reading and Math
common assessments reviewed by reading coach
District Curriculum Guide assessments
Student work
Exit tickets
Observational data/ small group notes/ data chat notes
Milestones/ benchmarks based on SMART goals / 8
G1.B1 / Lack of training/ experience with working as a team to engage in the data-driven instruction (DDI) cycle.
G1.B1.S1 / Teambuilding exercises and activities throughout the DDI cycle. / Effectiveness:
Observational data will be collected to ensure that teachers are effectively working as a team to analyze data. / 7
G1.B1.S1.AS1 / Teams will create their vision of the work they will do this year using the “Open, Narrow, Close” protocol and create a set of group norms. / Fidelity:
Common planning agendas and TDE minutes will be analyzed.
Coaching cycle information and data will be monitored.
Feedback from reading coach and admin.
Self-assessment results will be monitored.
Exit tickets completed by teachers following professional development will be summarized and analyzed for trends. (Reading Coach will respond to some individually)
Charts, PowerPoints, and agendas created by the Leadership Team and the teacher teams will be collected.
Assessment calendar will be monitored and adjusted. / 6
G1.B1.S1.AS2 / Teams will create a SMART goal and monitor it every month for progress, making adjustments as necessary.
G1.B1.S1.AS3 / Teams will create a calendar that identifies dates for interim assessment creation, assessment delivery, data reporting, data analysis, and corrective instruction delivery and observation. This calendar will also be used to plan meeting agendas.
G1.B1.S1.AS4 / Ensure that each common planning agenda delineates time allotments, desired outcomes, and deliverables.
G1.B1.S1.AS5 / Facilitate and promote peer learning by supporting job-embedded professional development (based on their own learning needs and needs of their particular students) as well as modeling opportunities within and across grade levels.
G1.B1.S1.AS6 / Teachers will reflect on the DDI core skills and self-assess the team’s readiness. This will serve as a baseline for the work they are doing as a team.
G1.B1.S1.AS7 / Leadership Team will utilize the teachers’ perceived strengths and opportunities for growth (gathered during Pre-Planning) and make a plan to gradually release the facilitation of meetings to them.
G1.B1.S1.AS8 / Protocols will be introduced by the Leadership Team and utilized by teacher teams to analyze data results.
G1.B1.S1.AS9 / Exit tickets will be given at the end of each common planning session and the answers to 2 questions will be utilized to drive the support provided to teachers throughout the week, as well as plan for the next session.
(How can you implement what you learned today in small group instruction this week? What can the Leadership Team do to support you in small group instruction?)
G1.B1.S2 / Training and follow-up of implementation of learning centers/small group instruction that addresses students’ academic deficits. / Observational data will be collected to ensure that teachers are effectively prescribing andimplementing learning centers/ small group instruction that addresses students’ needs. / 7
G1.B1.S2.AS1 / Coach, Administration, and teacher leaders will assist teachers in being able to identify academic deficits, prescribe differentiated learning centers, and use research-based resources to meet the needs of all learners. / Fidelity:
Early Dismissal training agenda, minutes, and exit tickets.
Sample centers for each grade level and examples of differentiation.
Blended learning reports pulled and analyzed weekly.
Small group lesson plans. (growth from b.o.y.)
Plan for teachers to observe “master teachers” in implementing the SGIB. (small group instructional block. / 6
G1.B1.S2.AS2 / Guidance Counselors, Admin Team, and Reading Coach will provide teachers with an RtI toolkit, and train teachers on effective ways to implement and collect data using RtI strategies.
G1.B1.S2.AS3 / Blended learning data will be monitored and analyzed weekly by coach/administrators. Teachers will be provided with the data/bring this data to common planning.
G1.B1.S2.AS4 / Admin will provide small group lesson plan feedback each week for the first quarter.
G1.B1.S2.AS5 / Teachers will be provided with opportunities to observe effective small group instruction/centers in action within the school.
G2. / If all classrooms at Mandarin Oaks Elementary are focused on developing the whole child and improving classroom culture, then student achievement will increase. / Summative Results:
K-2nd ELA Proficiency: 62 to 72
K-2nd ELA Gains: 62 (avg scale score gain) to 72
K-2nd Math Proficiency: 71 to 81
K-2nd Math Gains: 39 (avg scale score gain) to 49
3rd-5th ELA Proficiency: 75 to 85
3rd-5th ELA Gains: 70 to 80
3rd-5th ELA BQ Gains: 56 to 66
3rd-5th Math Proficiency: 79 to 89
3rd-5th Math Gains: 70 to 80
3rd-5th Math BQ Gains: 62 to 72
5th Science Proficiency: 66 to 76 / 1.b
Progress Monitoring:
Achieve 3000
iReady Reading and Math
common assessments reviewed by reading coach
District Curriculum Guide assessments
Student work
Exit tickets
Observational data/ small group notes/ data chat notes
Milestones/ benchmarks based on SMART goals / 8
G2.B1 / Lack of consistency in the use of student engagement strategies during core instruction. / 7
G2.B1.S1 / Maintain a focus on student engagement when meeting with teachers and developing learning opportunities. / Effectiveness:
Agendas, minutes following meetings.
Observational data focused on student engagement. / 7
G2.B1.S1.AS1 / Admin and coach will model a variety of engagement strategies during common planning and faculty meetings. / Fidelity:
Observational data will be reviewed for effective implementation of various engagement strategies. / 6
G2.B1.S1.AS2 / Teachers will be provided with a “toolkit” of engagement strategies.
G2.B1.S1.AS3 / Teachers will work closely with the coach in refining the execution of directions and transitions, if needed. Co-teaching opportunities will be offered so that a sense of urgency and time-on-task can be maximized.
G2.B2 / Lack of consistency of student ownership of their learning. / 7
G2.B2.S1 / Review the Vision of Excellent Instruction with teachers. / Effectiveness:
Focus walk data using the Vision of Excellent Instruction as a guide. / 7
G2.B2.S1.AS1 / Admin and coach will work with teachers to plan lessons with this question in mind: Are the students the ones responsible for doing the thinking in this classroom? / Fidelity:
Teacher lesson plans.
Observational data focused on student collaboration, discussion, and productive struggle. / 6
G2.B2.S1.AS2 / Assist teachers in creating the conditions for student discussion. Students should be talking about and asking questions about each other’s thinking.
G2.B2.S1.AS3 / Plan with teachers to ensure that they are providing students with opportunities for productive struggle.
G2.B2.S2 / Assist teachers in helping their students develop “accountability folders” or “student data notebooks” to set and monitor their own goals. / Effectiveness:
Evidence of students monitoring and adjusting their own goals. / 7
G2.B2.S2.A1 / Dedicate one common planning session per month for teachers to discuss the milestones and benchmarks that their students are striving for and how they encourage student ownership within their own classrooms. (begin with iReady and Achieve) / Fidelity:
Teachers’ data chat schedules
Assess whether or not students can articulate their successes or needs as they work toward learning outcomes. / 6
G2.B2.S2.A2 / Encourage teacher leaders to share best practices and conduct mini-PD sessions to help other teachers build student ownership.