
Issue 22Summer 2014 -15

Economic Development update

Welcome to the summer edition of Connect - your businessdevelopment newsletter aimed at providing you withinformation to help you grow your business. This editionfocuses on the art of networking and if you missed therecent Business Networking Evening there is a wrap up onthis extremely popular night. The event was such a successthat one business reported they developed approximately 30qualified business leads on the night. That’s some amazingnetworking!

Networking events are one way to develop strongconnections, especially in a small business that can’t affordthe million dollar advertising budgets. In this edition,Jo Macdermott from Next Marketing explains the benefitsof networking through social media. According to Nielsen’sGlobal Trust in Advertising report 2012, 92 percent of the28,000 surveyed consumers said they trust recommendationsfrom people they know above all other forms of advertising.

This edition will provide the tips and tricks to develop strongnetworks to help promote your business through wordof mouth. On page 10, John Rovas from Telstra BusinessCentre Essendon explains how effective networking (throughpartnerships with Council) has helped build his successfulbusiness.

I, along with Deputy Mayor and Economic Developmentportfolio holder Cr Nation and all my fellow Councillors, hopeyou and your family have a safe and prosperous Christmasand festive trading period. I look forward to working with youin 2015.

Cr Narelle Sharpe

Mayor Moonee Valley City Council

Make your business aged friendly!

The number of people over the age of 60 is forecast to increase by 9 per cent by 2031 and with people living longer, our seniors are an increasingly powerful market segment. Is your business servicing the needs of the senior market?

Here are some low and no cost ideas to make your business

age friendly:

• Have a place where customers can sit and rest.

• Provide seniors card discounts.

• Allow customers to use the bathroom.

• Provide adequate lighting at the entrance and throughoutthe business.

• Avoid heavy doors or use electronic doors.

• Any stairs should have hand rails and low-risers

or have ramps.

• Place products on shelves which are within reach or offerhelp reaching items.

• Moderate music and noise.

• Keep aisles and footpaths clear of obstacles.

Customer Service

Customer service and personal attention is important to allcustomers, especially older customers. Older people wantpersonal interaction and value having a relationship with theirlocal traders. With increasing competition from online traders,local businesses that meet older people’s expectations can finda very loyal customer base to grow sales.

Make sure you highlight additional services, such as homedelivery and provide extra customer service to older adults,like a drink of water.

For further information visit

2014 Business Networking Evening Wrap Up

The Business Networking Evening was held on aperfect, balmy night at the Boathouse on Thursday 13November. Over 100 guests enjoyed the picturesquelocation, met new people, had fun participating innetworking activities and made new and lastingbusiness connections.

There was a palpable buzz in the air as people beganarriving to the smooth sounds of the jazz band. Thefun began when people had to find their ‘opposites’– my hot to your cold – to help with the initial meetand greet. After a delicious dinner, things really gotunder way and new acquaintances were given theopportunity to learn about each other’s businesses andthe things they had in common.

Our networker extraordinaire MC, Angela Pipposhelped cap off a wonderful night with our last activityinvolving sparkly hats and a squawking chicken!Needless to say the room was filled with laughter, andchatter - fostering the connections made during the night and helping to cement them into potentiallysuccessful business contacts.

As a testament to the great night had by all, whenAngela formally closed the night not one person lefttheir seat!

We hope you can join us next year at another of ourgreat events!

To highlight the success of the night and the value of faceto face networking:

• 63 per cent of attendees increased their businessconnections by 5-10 people by the end of the night.

• About one third (32 per cent), increased theirconnections by 10-15 and a very busy

• 5 per cent of attendees increased their connectionsby a staggering 15 or more – instant success!

• 61 per cent of the guests reported that they were more likely todo business with a new connection they made that night.

Proving that business networking can produce qualified leadsmore effectively than many other forms of marketing!


To assist you to develop your business plans, marketingstrategies and even new product feasibilities, we will provideyou with some key information about Moonee Valley in eachedition of Connect. Market research is a vital component to business planning andthe Economic Development unit has access to a broad range ofinformation that may support your business planning. To see an example of some of the information available, refer tothe economic profile of Moonee Valley at or the demographic profile at For more information email phone 9243 8866.

Our growing City

The population of Moonee Valley is steadily increasing. It isexpected the population will increase from 118,000 to 149,000by 2036. This is close to 1,500 new residents per year whichwill increase the local catchment for your business. The largestgrowing cohort for future residents is forecast to be aged between25 and 34 years with an additional 7,300 residents expected. Manyof these are young professionals driving the transition in MooneeValley’s demographic structure.

What is the growth by precinct?

The suburb of Moonee Ponds is expected to experience the greatestpopulation growth, with an annual growth rate of around 3 percent. This is followed by Essendon-Essendon North, at 1.6 per centand Flemington-Travancore at 1.2 per cent.

What are the median property prices inMoonee Valley?

Median property prices continue to rise across the municipality.Moonee Ponds had the highest recorded median house price inSeptember 2014, at $1,075,000.This was followed by Strathmore with a median of $950,000and Essendon at $940,000. In comparison, the median houseprice across Melbourne for September 2014 was $649,000. In the September 2014 quarter median unit sales were highestin Strathmore, at $620,500 and in Niddrie at $610,000.

What are the median rental prices inMoonee Valley?

Moonee Valley has proven to be a successful investmentmarket for property investors with rental prices increasingsubstantially over the last 15 years, with median rents acrossall dwelling types roughly doubling over this time period.

How does Moonee Valley compare to theregional unemployment figures?

Moonee Valley continues to maintain one of the lowestunemployment rates in the region and is consistently lowerthan the rate for Melbourne and Victoria. The unemploymentrate has however increased by 1.4 per cent over the year fromJune 2013 to June 2014 (from 4.4 to 5.8%).


Want to become a networker extraordinaire?

Business networking is one of the most effective andtrusted forms of business marketing. A recent surveyfound that 92% of the 28,000 surveyed consumers trustrecommendations from people they know, above all otherforms of advertising.

Networking is not all about you and what the contactcan do for you. Successful business networking is aboutwhat you can do for them. And, you need to trust that,in some way, someday, maybe in the most unexpected,unpredictable way, what goes around comes around. Itnever fails.

Business networking requires a leap for many people.Depending on your personality, meeting strangers andgreeting people that you hardly know can be daunting,stressful and even - scary. Others love the experience andplunge into business networking events with ease.

No matter what your personality, it is easy to start buildingyour networks today, use our 5 easy tips – it’s worth it foryour business.

Make business networking all aboutyour contacts and you will benefitbeyond your wildest dreams!

Top 5 networking tips!

1 Ask easy questions.

Don’t wait around the edges of the room,waiting for someone to approach you.To get the conversation started, simplywalk up to a person or a group, and say,“May I join you” or “What brings you tothis event?”

2 Ditch the sales pitch .

Remember, networking is all aboutrelationship building. Keep your exchangefun, light and informal – you don’t need todo the hard sell within minutes of meetinga person. The idea is to get the conversationstarted. People are more apt to do businesswith, or partner with, people whosecompany they enjoy.

3 Find a common passion.

Win people over with your enthusiasm forlistening to their story, product or service.Getting people talking about what theyenjoy is often contagious, too. When youget other people to share their passion itcreates a memorable two-way conversation.

4Don’t hijack the conversation.

Some people who dislike networking mayovercompensate by commandeering thediscussion. Don’t forget the most successfulnetworkers (think of those you’ve met) aregood at making other people feel special. Bea conversationalist, not a talker.

5Remember to follow up.

It’s often said that networking is where theconversation begins, not ends. If you’ve hada great exchange, ask your conversationpartner the best way to stay in touch. Some people like email or phone, othersprefer social networks. Get in touch within48 hours of the meeting

Using social media as a firststep to networking by Jo Macdermott

The power of face to face networking is undeniable,however making new contacts through social media cancomplement and extend your business network, especiallyon a local level.

After noticing a lack of formal networking groups for localbusiness owners when we moved into the area in 2013, wedecided to start the Next Marketing “I’m a Business Ownerin Moonee Valley” Facebook page.What started as a way for us to connect with localbusinesses has grown into a thriving community of over600 members and even earned Next Marketing a spot asa Victorian finalist in the Australian Marketing Awards. We love the opportunities the page has given us to buildconnections with local businesses, meet people and growour own business as well as helping other businesses in thelocal area.

Although the group was originally set up as a central placefor local business owners to meet and share informationonline, we’ve since organised a number of face-to-facenetworking events through the page. The page has becomea great way for businesses to showcase their talents andget noticed while at the same time building connectionsamong the local business community.

Getting involved in an online community like I’m ABusiness Owner in Mooney Valley can be especiallyappealing for people who find face-to-face networkingevents intimidating. Not everyone is comfortableapproaching people they don’t know and the idea ofwalking into a room full of complete strangers can putpeople off attending networking events and joining groupsin person.

The great thing about starting on social media is that it’seasy to join and talking to people you’ve never met overFacebook is far less scary than when they’re standing infront of you. Once you have chatted to people online,it’s less intimidating to meet face to face as you alreadyhave some common ground and a starting point for theconversation.

In spite of its many benefits I don’t believe that socialmedia can be a substitute to physical face-to-facenetworking but it can definitely help facilitate the process.Through social media sites like Facebook and groups likeours, business owners can get noticed, increase the trafficto their website and enjoy many of the benefits of face toface networking at any time of day or night, withoutleaving their desk.

We’ve been surprised at the results we’ve seen fromthe page and the networking opportunities that havearisen for our members and ourselves. Networking is aproven strategy for any business that is looking to raisetheir profile and market themselves and gettinginvolved in social media groups can be an easy firststep to face to face networking.

If you’re a business owner in the Moonee Valley area whois thinking about networking in your local community, whynot join the group? You never know where it may take you!

Supporting New Businesses in Moonee Valley

Segut & French Pop Up shop

1037 Mt Alexander Road

Essendon 3040

Melbourne based business Segut & French (S&F) is a labourof love that started in 2008 with a range of productsincluding natural skincare, natural candles, natural soapsand gifts. Creators Jon Ten Segut Rakey and Marty Frenchare very passionate and proud of their range and areexcited to share their creations with the rest of the world.

S&F is inspired by nature and aims to create high qualityaffordable lifestyle products without compromise.Ingredients and supplies are sourced from ethical producersincluding certified organic manufacturing facilities inTasmania and New South Wales.

S&F have built their business online and the recentopening of a Pop Up shop in North Essendon aims to buildawareness of their brand. The pop up shop concept is partof an elaborate and long term strategy to build the brandloyalty, targeting new and existing customers with a viewto establish a permanent flagship store.

The business supports the local community and aligns itselfwith local businesses to make shopping in North Essendona vibrant and enjoyable experience with extensive andvaried product offerings.

Why not pop in and say hi to the team today?

Just Lashes Moonee Ponds

18 Everage Street

Moonee Ponds 3039

1300 790 898

Just Lashes are the leaders in unique beauty services inAustralia and with new owners and existing experiencedstaff in the Moonee Ponds salon you can take advantage ofprofessional, specialised eye lash extensions and much moreright at your door step.

The “new” Just Lashes Moonee Ponds has a 24 hour onlinebooking system for the convenience of clients. AleenaManey, the new owner of the salon, says that puttingthe customer first and constantly reviewing the productsand prices on offer is the number one priority. Friendly,well trained staff are on hand to deliver all your eye lashextension and other beauty service needs.

Just Lashes Moonee Ponds is looking forward to a brightfuture in the area and are very excited to introduce theteam and services available to you.

If you are an new business in Moonee Valley and would like to tell us why you chose this great city please email us at

What is happening in your local precinct?

The role of the trader association is to support and assist businesses to attract customersgrowing sales. In Moonee Valley there are four associations, Moonee Ponds, Flemington,Union Road Ascot Vale and Keilor Road Niddrie. Below are the recent highlights, make sureyou are up-to-date with what is happening in your local precinct and get involved!

Moonee Ponds

The Moonee Ponds Rate Levy Association haverun a couple of competitions:

> Take a ‘selfie’ competition via Facebook,Instagram and Twitter.

> Tickets to the Grand Final Footy ShowRoving entertainment and face painters werearound to celebrate racing and the Cox Plate.

Keilor Rd, Niddrie

The Niddrie Trader Association have recentlyhosted the Niddrie Spring Competitionwhere 4 prizes of $500 were offered to luckyshoppers.

The Father’s Day Competition offered a$500 voucher to one lucky father to spend inNiddrie Shopping Precinct.

Union Road, Ascot Vale

The Union Road Trader Association supportedthe recent Pink Ribbon BreakfastCelebration held at Flemington. Around20 businesses donated gifts and got exposurefrom the almost 1000 attendees from all overMelbourne.

Look out for the Christmas celebrationsdown at Union Road. Traders are puttingon Christmas Carols and festivities forthe whole community. How is your businessinvolved?


The Flemington Chamber of Commerce havesupported extending the Alcohol Ban.The streets of Flemington now have a 24 houralcohol restriction.

Don’t forget to support your fellow tradersthis festive season by purchasing gifts,services and decorations locally.

Council is here to support all traders and businesses in Moonee Valley. We have a dedicated BusinessDevelopment Officer and Marketing Officer who can provide you with advice.

Contact us on 9243 8866 to see how we can help.

The benefits of networkingby Telstra Business CentreEssendon

Building our business over the past ten years in the shadowof a strong brand has meant positioning, relationships andnetworking have been key for our Telstra Business Centre inEssendon.

In 2010, the Telstra Business Centre brand and concept wasnew to the area. Communicating that we are a dedicatedlocation delivering personalised service for the full suiteof Telstra business products was our first challenge. Thenputting a local face to the National Telstra business brandis how we reiterated what many business customerssometimes may not realise - that we are a privately ownedsmall to medium sized business – just like them.

When we took on the opportunity to be the local contactpoint for all businesses across the Moonee Valley, Humeand Brimbank Councils, we knew we needed a strongstrategy in place to grow and solidify our position in themarket.