Church in Wales Primary School

Foundation Phase Year 2 R.E. Scheme of Work

Strand (Range): Church / Term: Spring 1
Year Group: Year 2
Learning Objectives:
·  To recognise prayer books (service sheets / leaflets appropriate to the church associated with the school)
·  To know about reminders of Jesus in church
·  To begin to appreciate the symbolism of church buildings reflecting on symbolism of Welsh Saints connected to school’s church (if applicable)
·  To know about the special services which take place in church
·  To know the church is a family and that each member has a different role.
·  Aim; for all children to attain outcome 5 and to be moving into outcome 6 / Literacy Numeracy Framework
Literacy Elements:
Oracy – developing and presenting information and ideas – speaking, listening collaboration and discussion
Reading – Locating, selecting and using information. Responding to what has been read
Writing - Organising ideas and information. Writing accurately
Numeracy Elements:
Using data skills – collect and record data
Using numerical reasoning – represent and communicate
Core Skills/A.f.L / Links
(Values, S.E.A.L. and P.4.C) / Suggested Skill Development (including resources)
[Learning Activities]
Spiritual Development
·  Can give their opinions on aspects of religion (outcome 5/Level 2)
·  Can explore own feelings about the beginnings of their own faith journey. (outcome 5/Level 2)
·  Respond to collective worship and reflection time (outcome 5/level 2)
·  Can begin to accept concept of faith--what one cannot see.(Outcome 6/Level 3)
·  Can explore shared values, personal identity, a sense of belonging (Outcome 6/Level 3)
Curriculum Cymreig
·  Can say why Welsh Saints are important to Wales. (outcome 5/level 2)
·  Can ask questions about their own experiences. (Outcome 5/level 2)
·  Can ask questions about aspects of religion and suggest some answers. (outcome 5/level 2)
·  Can talk/write about values or rules and how these apply to their own lives. (Outcome 6/level 3)
Personal Social and Well-being
·  Can ask and answer questions about how belonging to a religion (usually their own) can affect the way believers live. (Outcome 5/level 2)
·  Can begin to accept concept of faith. (Outcome 6/level 3)
Thinking and problem Solving
·  Can suggest in simple terms, why religious stories and celebrations are important to some people.
(Outcome 5/level 2)
·  Can say what they have learnt and realise that not all questions have answers. (Outcome 5/level 2)
·  Can explore questions raised by their own experience and the world around them and give their own opinions (Outcome 6/level 3) / Values –
understanding / Look at and talk about a prayer book, service sheet or church leaflets that are familiar to the children. Eg choose a prayer book that the children use when they visit church. Make a display in classroom area of different types of prayer books.
·  Write some prayers in Welsh and English, thanking God or asking for ‘Care’ of someone special. Child to illustrate prayer – make a class book.
Look at and talk about a variety of artefacts that remind us of Jesus in church. (Use pack about Christian symbols) Eg – crosses, candles, icons, symbol of a fish etc.
Explore the importance of stained glass windows in the church. What were they traditionally used for? – To tell stories about Jesus. Why did people use pictures instead of words? – To tell the story of Jesus to people who could not read.
·  Children are to work in small groups to create their own ‘simple’ stained glass window that reminds us of Jesus. – Eg CROSS – Jesus gave his life for us.
·  Stained glass windows of ‘Welsh Saints’ are also a suggestion.
· images-celtic crosses
· resources Diocese Art in Religious Buildings written for Key stage 2 but may have useful information
Visit school / local church. Look at the inside of the church. Explore the inside and talk about the features that they see. What are the features made of?
·  Encourage the children to be ‘church detectives’ by providing them with a list of ‘church features’ to find. Eg – ALTAR, PULPIT, KNEELERS, PEWS, LECTERN, ALTAR CLOTH, FONT, BELL TOWER ETC
·  What are they used for? What is their purpose?
·  Children to make suggestions why certain features are in specific places.
·  Children to make suggestions why different coloured altar cloths are used. EG purple – ADVENT, red – PENTECOST, green – ORDINARY TIME. Etc.
·  http/
Discuss the meaning of a family and the role that each member of the family has. Eg. mum, dad, bother, sister. Granddad, daughter etc.
What different members are there in the church family – priest, organist, flower arranger, sacristan, choir member, church warden, altar server?
·  Invite as many different ‘members of the church family’ as possible to talk about their role with the children. This could be done at school, but would be advantageous to be done inside the church environment. Children would then have opportunities to explore their role
·  Children could ring the bells, arrange flowers etc.