Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grades 3-5—Standards Correlation
NV State ELA Standards Alignment
Unit / Session / Title of Lesson / Nevada Strand
Third Grade / Nevada Strand
Fourth Grade / Nevada Strand
Fifth Grade / Writing Process
Publishing / Writing Trait
Sentence Fluency
Word Choice
Session 1 / Starting the Writer’s workshop / 5.3.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan
written work / 5.4.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan written work / 5.5.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan written work. / Prewriting / Ideas
Session 2 / Generating More Writing / 3.3.9 Make connections to self, other texts, and or the world.
5.3.1 Explore a topic to plan written work. / 3.4.9 Make connections to self, other texts, and or the world.
5.4.1 Explore a topic to plan written work. / 3.5.9 Make connections to self, other texts, and or the world.
5.5.1 Explore a topic to plan written work / Prewriting
Drafting / Ideas
Session 3 / Qualities of Good Writing: Focus, Detail, and Structure / 5.3.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan
written work / 5.4.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan
written work / 5.5.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan written work. / Drafting
Revision / Ideas
Session 4 / The Writer’s Job In A Conference / 7.3.5 Actively listen to a speaker.
Listen to and participate in conversations.
With assistance, listen to and evaluate constructive feedback.
With assistance, provide
constructive feedback / 7.4.5 Actively listen to a speaker.
Listen to and participate in conversations.
Listen to and evaluate constructive feedback.
Provide constructive feedback / 7.5.5 Actively listen to oral communications.
Listen to and participate in conversations.
Listen to and evaluate constructive feedback.
Provide constructive feedback. / Drafting
Revision / Ideas
Unit / Session / Title of Lesson / Nevada Strand
Third Grade / Nevada Strand
Fourth Grade / Nevada Strand
Fifth Grade / Writing Process
Publishing / Writing Trait
Sentence Fluency
Word Choice
Session 5 / Building Stories
Step by Step / 3.3.9 Make connections to self, other text, and/or the world.
Use information to answer specific questions.
With assistance,
summarize information
5.3.2 Draft paragraphs about a
single topic that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details / 3.4.9 Make connections to self, other text, and/or the world.
Use information to answer specific questions.
Summarize information
5.4.2 Draft multiple paragraph
papers about a single topic
that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details
• introduction
• conclusion / 3.5.9 Make connections to self, other text, and/or the world.
Use information to answer specific questions.
Summarize information
5.5.2 Draft multiple paragraph
papers about a single topic
that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details
• introduction
• conclusion
• transitions / Drafting
Editing / Ideas
Word Choice
Session 6 / Choosing a Seed Idea / 5.3.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan written work. / 5.4.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan written work. / 5.5.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan written work. / Drafting
Revision / Ideas
Word Choice
Session 7 / Revising Leads:
Learning from Published Writing / 5.3.3 With assistance, revise drafts for
• organization
• focused ideas
• voice
• audience
• purpose
• relevant details
• word choice
• sentence fluency / 5.4.3 Revise drafts for
• organization
• focused ideas
• voice
• audience
• purpose
• relevant details
• word choice
• sentence fluency / 5.5.3 Revise drafts for
• voice
• organization
• focused ideas
• audience
• purpose
• relevant details
• word choice
• sentence fluency / Revision / Organization
Word Choice
Unit / Session / Title of Lesson / Nevada Strand
Third Grade / Nevada Strand
Fourth Grade / Nevada Strand
Fifth Grade / Writing Process
Publishing / Writing Trait
Sentence Fluency
Word Choice
UNIT 1, Session 8 / Writing Discovery Drafts / 5.3.2 Draft paragraphs about a
single topic that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details
With assistance, draft
multiple paragraph papers
about a single topic that
• introductions
• conclusions / 5.4.2 Draft multiple paragraph
papers about a single topic
that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details
• introduction
• conclusion
With assistance, draft
multiple paragraph papers
about a single topic that
address transitions / 5.5.2 Draft multiple paragraph
papers about a single topic
that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details
• introduction
• conclusion
• transitions / Drafting
Editing / Conventions
UNIT 1, Session 9 / Revising Endings:
Learning from Published Writing / 5.3.3 With assistance, revise
drafts for
• organization
• focused ideas
• voice
• audience
• purpose
• relevant details
• word choice
• sentence fluency / 5.4.3 Revise drafts for
• organization
• focused ideas
• voice
• audience
• purpose
• relevant details
• word choice
• sentence fluency / 5.5.3 Revise drafts for
• voice
• organization
• focused ideas
• audience
• purpose
• relevant details
• word choice
• sentence fluency / Revision
Editing / Voice
Word Choice
UNIT 1, Session 10 / Taking Charge of Our Writing Work / 3.3.9 Make connections to self, other texts, and or the world.
5.3.1 Explore a topic to plan written work
5.3.2 Draft paragraphs about a
single topic that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details / 3.4.9 Make connections to self, other texts, and or the world.
5.4.1 Explore a topic to plan written work.
5.4.2 Draft multiple paragraph
papers about a single topic
that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details
• introduction
• conclusion / 3.5.9 Make connections to self, other texts, and or the world.
5.5.1 Explore a topic to plan written work
5.5.2 Draft multiple paragraph
papers about a single topic
that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details
• introduction
• conclusion
• transitions / Drafting
Revision / Organization
Word Choice
Unit / Session / Title of Lesson / Nevada Strand
Third Grade / Nevada Strand
Fourth Grade / Nevada Strand
Fifth Grade / Writing Process
Publishing / Writing Trait
Sentence Fluency
Word Choice
UNIT 1, Session 11 / Timelines as Tools for Planning Stories / 5.3.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
7.3.5 Actively listen to a speaker.
Listen to and participate in conversations.
With assistance, listen to and evaluate constructive feedback.
With assistance, provide
constructive feedback / 5.4.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
7.4.5 Actively listen to a speaker.
Listen to and participate in conversations.
Listen to and evaluate constructive feedback.
Provide constructive feedback / 5.5.1
Use prewriting strategies
to plan written work
Actively listen to oral communications.
Listen to and participate in conversations.
Listen to and evaluate constructive feedback.
Provide constructive feedback. / Drafting
Revision / Organization
Word Choice
Sentence Fluency
UNIT 1, Session 12 / Timelines for Developing Stories / 7.3.5 Actively listen to a speaker.
Listen to and participate in conversations. / 7.4.5 Actively listen to a speaker.
Listen to and participate in conversations. / 7.5.5 Actively listen to oral communications.
Listen to and participate in conversations. / Drafting / Organization
Sentence Fluency
UNIT 1, Session 13 / Writing from Inside a Memory / 5.3.2 Draft paragraphs about a
single topic that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details
3.3.9 Make connections to self, other text, and/or the world. / 5.4.2 Draft multiple paragraph
papers about a single topic
that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details
• introduction
• conclusion
3.4.9 Make connections to self,
other text, and/or the world / 6.5.2 Write multiple-paragraph
papers about experiences
and/or events appropriate to
audience and purpose that
include• logical sequence
• characters
• setting
• plot
• dialogue
• figurative language
3.5.9 Make connections to self, other texts, and or the world.
5.5.1 Explore a topic to plan written work / Prewriting
Editing / Ideas
Word Choice
Unit / Session / Title of Lesson / Nevada Strand
Third Grade / Nevada Strand
Fourth Grade / Nevada Strand
Fifth Grade / Writing Process
Publishing / Writing Trait
Sentence Fluency
Word Choice
UNIT 1, Session 14 / Writing in Passages of Thought: Paragraphing / 5.3.2 Draft paragraphs about a
single topic that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details / 5.4.2 Draft multiple paragraph
papers about a single topic
that address
• audience
• purpose
• supporting details
• introduction
• conclusion / 6.5.2 Write multiple-paragraph
papers about experiences
and/or events appropriate to
audience purpose that
• logical sequence • characters • setting • plot • dialogue
• figurative language / Revision
Editing / Voice
Word Choice
UNIT 1, Session 15 / Developing the Heart of a story: Revision / 5.3.3 With assistance, revise
drafts for
• organization • focused ideas • voice • audience
• purpose • relevant details
• word choice
• sentence fluency / 5.4.3 Revise drafts for
• organization
• focused ideas
• voice • audience
• purpose • relevant details
• word choice
• sentence fluency / 5.5.3 Revise drafts for
• voice • organization
• focused ideas • audience
• purpose
• relevant details
• word choice
• sentence fluency / Revision / Ideas
UNIT 1, Session 16 / Using Editing Checklists / 5.3.6 Edit sentences for
• complete sentences
• combining sentences
With assistance, edit
sentences for
• compound sentences
• complex sentences / 5.4.6 Edit sentences for
• complete sentences
• combining sentences
• compound sentences
• complex sentences
With assistance, edit sentences for the elimination of
• fragments • run-ons / 5.5.6 Edit sentences for
• complete sentences
• combining sentences
• compound sentences
• complex sentences
Edit sentences for the elimination of
• fragments
• run-ons / Editing / Conventions
UNIT 1, Session 17 / A Writing Community Celebrates / 5.3.7 Prepare a legible final draft to display or share
8.3.3Use public speaking
techniques to deliver
presentations with
• prosody
• volume / 5.4.7 Prepare a legible final draft to display or share.
With assistance, select a publishing format appropriate to the audience and purpose.
8.4.3 Use public speaking
techniques to deliver
presentations with
• prosody
• volume
• eye contact / 5.5.7 Prepare a legible final draft to display or share.
Select a publishing format appropriate to the audience & purpose.
8.5.3 Use public speaking
techniques to deliver
presentations with appropriate
• prosody • volume
• eye contact • enunciation
• posture • expressions
• audience • purpose / Publishing / Voice
Unit / Session / Title of Lesson / Nevada Strand
Third Grade / Nevada Strand
Fourth Grade / Nevada Strand
Fifth Grade / Writing Process
Publishing / Writing Trait
Sentence Fluency
Word Choice
UNIT 2, Session 1 / Reading with a Writer’s Eye / 5.3.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan
written work / 5.4.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan
written work / 5.5.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work.
Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas.
Explore a topic to plan
written work / Prewriting / Voice
UNIT 2, Session 2 / Starting with Turning Points / 3.3.9 Make connections to self, other texts, and or the world.
5.3.1 Explore a topic to plan written work. / 3.4.9 Make connections to self, other texts, and or the world.
5.4.1 Explore a topic to plan written work. / 3.5.9 Make connections to self, other texts, and or the world.
5.5.1 Explore a topic to plan written work / Prewriting
Drafting / Ideas
Word Choice
Session 3 / Starting with
Strong Feelings / 6.3.2 Write paragraphs about
experiences and/or events
appropriate to audience and
purpose that include
• logical sequence
• character
• setting / 6.4.2 Write multiple paragraph
papers about experiences
and/or events appropriate to
audience and purpose that
• logical sequence
• characters • setting
• plot
• dialogue / 6.5.2Write multiple-paragraph
papers about experiences
and/or events appropriate to
audience and purpose that
• logical sequence • characters • setting • plot • dialogue
• figurative language
• sensory details / Drafting
Revision / Ideas
UNIT 2, Session 4 / Yesterday’s Revisions / 5.3.2 Draft paragraphs about a
single topic that address
• audience • purpose
• supporting details
5.3.6 Edit sentences for
• complete sentences
• combining sentences
With assistance, edit
sentences for
• compound sentences
• complex sentences / 5.4.2 Draft multiple paragraph
papers about a single topic that address • audience • purpose
• supporting details
• introduction • conclusion
5.4.6 Edit sentences for
• complete, combining, compound & complex sentences
Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grades 3-5 Standards Correlation