Peggy’s Ponderings

Is Christmas over? At midnight on Christmas Day, the radio stations stopped playing Christmas carols. There don’t seem to be Christmas advertisements on TV any more – and people – and stores – are taking down their decorations. Christmas seems to be over – or is it?

Well I think it depends on how you think of Christmas and how you celebrate Christmas. For Christmas, our focus is on Christ – and Christmas is just the beginning of our story. Yes, we celebrated his birth and talked about the prophecy of Jesus – and the angel Gabriel – and the trip to Bethlehem to register as required by King Herod. Last Sunday, we talked about the wise men. We are continuing the story. All year we will continue to tell the story that began with Christmas. We will never stop telling the story. It will continue – in our lives and in our hearts.

But Christmas is even more. There is the Spirit of Christmas. Haven’t you seen it and felt it? It’s the Spirit that causes people to go to the homeless shelter to cook food. It’s the Spirit that causes us to open our wallets and donate to non-profit organizations. It’s the Spirit that causes us to smile at strangers – say a kind word – give a hug. It’s that kind of Spirit that never ends.

We are beginning a new year – 2012. It is a brand new beginning. Together – with God – we will fill the days. Each day is unique and special. Once that day has passed, we will not see it again. So, I pray God’s blessings on our days in the next year. May we fill them with love and kindness – with faithfulness – with strength and the courage to do God’s will and God’s work.

I share this thought with you for the New Year. It is a poem by Helen Steiner Rice.



The more you give,

the more you get;

The more you laugh,

the less you fret;

The more you do


The more you live


The more of everything

you share,

The more you’ll always

have to share.

The more you love,

the more you’ll find

That life is good

and friends are kind.

For only what

we give away

Enriches us

from day to day.

So let’s live Christmas

through the year

And fill the world

with love and cheer.




You are such a generous church! Thank you for the Christmas staff donation – as well as the presents and cards. Thank you for taking the time to think of me during Christmas. I love you all.



Sunday School – 9:45 a.m.

Worship Service – 11:00 a.m.

January 8, 2012

Baptism of the Lord

Scripture: Mark 1: 4-11

Sermon “Jesus is Baptized”

“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.” (Mark 1: 9)

January 8 Worship Assistants:

Steward: Bob Samuels

Ushers: Sarah Rhodes and

Ruby Agnew

Acolyte: Jonathan Beaver

Nursery: Kay Little

Counters: Perry Beaver and

Jackie Samuels



These are some changes for the Room-In-The-Inn mission this year.

The Hmong’s will host on December 11 and Febraury 5. I bring them up because they may need some help setting up and serving for the evening time. I have volunteered myself for both of their nights.

Our nights of responsibility will be January 15 and February 19. I chose those dates because the following Mondays are holidays and many will be out of work and school. Children’s help welcomed.

Another change is Betty Davis (Kilgo host) is cutting back her responsibility. Each church will provide their own hosts. Donna will be our host.




4:00 to 7:00 P.M.

Greet guests, help them settle in, prepare supper, make bag lunches for next day, set tables, make coffee, set dessert table, set up serving table, lay out bacon on parchment for breakfast, clean kitchen.


Two people needed for each night.


4:15 to 6:30 A.M.

Cook breakfast, make coffee, serve, make sure dirty lines are ready for pick-up, check bathrooms and empty trash, clean kitchen and mop floor.




DECEMBER 25, 2011

No Sunday School

Church 24


DECEMBER 25, 2011

Honorariums, Memorials,

and Budget $2377.00




JANUARY 1 2012

Sunday School 10

Church 24


JANUARY 1, 2012

Budget and Honorarium $941.00


Thank you so much for my generous Christmas staff gift.

Thank you for my Christmas presents, the Christmas cards, and your kind words. They meant so much to me. It is a joy and blessing to be your secretary.

Happy New Year! God Bless one and all.



In Honor of Frances Pridgen

By: Frances and Ron Lynch

In Honor of Mable Davis

By: Sarah and Sam Haigler

In Honor of Sarah Rhodes

By: Virginia Odom



In Memory of R. C. Pridgen

By: Melodie and Jack Wilson

By: Sarah and Sam Haigler

By: Donna and Thomas Nasko

By: Frances and Ron Lynch



The New Directory is coming soon. Let us know as soon as possible of any address or phone number changes.


Phyllis Baker, Emma Grace Barnes, Milton Burgess, Bobbie Denny, Joann Fitzsimmons, Nancy Godfrey, The Gulledge Family, Bobbie Hagler, The Hardy Family, Sandy Hirsch, The Jackson Family, David Jones, Scott Keever, Jennie Kehoe, Martha Lee, Anne and Sarah Lever, Lucille McConnell, Evelyn McRae, Stephen Mims, Jackie Nolan, Edna Ormand, Charles Page, The Pridgen Family, Bill Richardson, LaVerne Roberts, Leonard Robinson, Hannah Rushing, Larry Shepherd, Edith Simmons, Lynne Skelton, Gerald Smith, Tara Snider, Nancy Schwaiger Stacey, Jim Trollinger, Cathy Weaver, Margery Weaver, O.J. Weaver, Mabel Winn, Jerry Wood


Mable Davis, Dorothy Fitzpatrick, Maxine Kincaid, Hazel Lands, Judy Ledwell, Ann Pike, Ralph Stephenson, Jean Stoneman, Ellen Williams


There are 2 meetings that you need to attend. If you are an officer in the church or on one of our main committees – you are encouraged to attend “Vitality Rally” on Sunday, January 22, 2012 (See information on the back page of our newsletter.)

The second meeting each of you should attend is on Sunday, January 29, 2012 from 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. This is a church-wide meeting – not just Committees or Administrative Council. It is a time to look at our financial situation – our facility – our programming to see what we need to do to reach people for Christ. This meeting is “New Beginnings.” Come and share your ideas as we plan for 2012. It’s going to be an exciting year.

Your lunch will be provided for the meeting – but you need to sign-up so that we’ll know how many to provide for. Sign-up sheets are in the narthex or you may call the church office to sign up.

Please make a commitment to attend this meeting. It will be important for you and for the church.



United Methodist Men

Sunday, January 8

8:00 a.m. - Fellowship Hall

Blood Pressure Check

Sunday, January 8

9:15 a.m. - Fellowship Hall

Wesleyan Circle

Tuesday, January 10

12:30 p.m. - Fellowship Hall


Sunday, January 15

4:00 p.m. - Kilgo UMC

District Leadership

Vitality Rally

Sunday, January 22

2:45 p.m. - Myers Park

Committee Meetings and Administrative Council

Sunday, January 29

12:30 – 3:00 p.m. – Fellowship Hall

(Lunch provided)