Succession Planning


Guidance Document


Leadership in Church of England Schools

Succession Planning

What does Succession Planning mean to Governors in a Joint Church of England/Catholic School?

It is part of every governing body’s statutory responsibility to ensure that their school is well-led. Governors also have a strategic role to play in ensuring that they create the right conditions for leadership to flourish within their school. Christian Leadership is especially important in a Church School and is key to school improvement, without good and effective leadership schools cease to develop and pupil performance is adversely affected.

Key questions to ask the governing body

  • What staffing do we need to implement the developments we have prioritised in our School Development/Improvement Plan in the short, medium and longer term that will support the Christian character of the school?
  • What posts do we know we have to fill to replace staff leaving in the next 2-3 years?
  • What do we do in the event of a senior leadership resignation or long term absence of the headteacher or others in the senior leadership team?
  • What links do we have with other Church Schools to share opportunities for leadership development?
  • How can we use forthcoming recruitment opportunities to strengthen our Church School leadership capacity, particularly around school improvement priorities?
  • How do we promote our Church School vision for continuous leadership development to the staff?
  • Can we improve the marketing of vacancies to give a clear message about our Christian commitment to leadership development
  • Are we monitoring admission trends that will inform staffing levels?

The aim of this document is to provide governors with the knowledge and tools in which to support staff on a career path within the Church School family and to give governors the guidance and process for making appropriate staff appointments.

The responsibility lies with governors to ensure that teachers in Church schools have opportunities available to them to enable them to continue to develop in their role, and have pathways to follow to aspire towards middle management and ultimately senior management, through progressive channels.

Effective succession planning will allow participants to grow in their understanding of the opportunities available and of future roles within Education. In a Church school environment individuals will also be supported on their own faith journey. However, development will not happen unless it is clear how to build on skills and experience progressively. It also needs to acknowledge the governors vision for the school so that effective planning can become a reality in the reactive deployment of staff.

Governors’ Challenge

As governors with the responsibility for the

implementation of the school’s vision and

for staff well-being, your challenge is to

think about your role in this school and the

potential impact you have on the lives of the employees.

The quality of care and development of the staff

initiated by the governors will have a short and

long term effect on the standard of education

for the children


You role as governors is to develop a vision of Christian Distinctiveness that informs every aspect of school life. The vision should be encompassed in the Mission Statement which states a rationale for the school’s existence based on the distinctive nature of the school.

Church of England schools take all faith seriously seeking common ground as well as understanding and respecting differences between faith communities.

Liverpool Diocesan Board of Education Vision Statement

Affirming Diocesan priorities for working with children and young people and the General Synod’s Resolution that Church schools ‘stand at the centre of the Church’s mission to the nation’, the Diocese of Liverpool seeks to ensure that, through its Church schools and academies it offers children and young people a high quality education including the experience of belonging to a Christian community and a knowledge of God.

The Succession Planning Mission Statement will determine the governors’ policies and activities that support Christian values through

  • Recruitment and retention
  • Professional standards of teachers
  • Standards for support staff
  • Job descriptions
  • Performance management
  • Continuing professional development in order to promote relationships based on Christ’s model of love


If your school is to aspire to be the best Church school possible, then it is crucial that the staff appointed are able to recognise and develop the distinctive elements that make Church schools unique.

All staff should contribute to the promotion of an environment of high quality learning.

Core standards and skills supporting the Christian values and ethos should be available for all staff to aspire to and for all governors to use for the recruitment of staff with the appropriate qualities. The core standards support a team ethos working within a common vision that has been agreed by the governors. Each member of the team should be valued for their individual contribution whilst celebrating their uniqueness

A qualified teacher needs to have basic core skills that have been identified in the TDA Professional Standards for Teachers. These standards have been supplemented with Christian Standards that have the professional attributes, professional knowledge, understanding and professional skills that are essential for teachers in a Church school.

Support staff do not have, currently, a similar National Framework, nevertheless, governors should use the Christian standards chart to assist with the appointment of support staff. This is also a reference point for support staff to aspire to in their work in a Church school.

Planning for the future

The quality of leadership is one of the most important factors in determining the success of a school. Every school is different, what suits one schools will not necessarily suit yours; what suited the school in the past may not serve it well in the future. We encourage you to think deeply and creatively about the challenges facing your school, short term and long term, discuss your aspirations and hopes for the future, and plan accordingly. Knowledge of an imminent staff departure is too late to put thoughts into action – preparation is the key. There is much evidence that the most successful schools have planned for long term leadership development and succession, even more importantly they invest in growing their own talent pool by creating leadership opportunities and progressive development training.

What has created a shortage of Christian headteachers?

  • A lack of understanding of the distinctive dimension to leading a Church school
  • A lack of uptake of training to prepare for Christian leadership
  • All schools are affected by 45% to 50% of heads and deputies being over 50, a result of post war baby boomer years
  • There has been a decline in the numbers of teachers in their 30’s and 40’s preparing for leadership
  • A perception by teachers that headship is too demanding

Governors need to equip themselves with the planning strategies for successful leadership through a thorough continuing professional development programme for all staff recognising skills and talents. At the same time governors need to recognise their own perceptions of how headship will work in their school and whether or not more innovative approaches to headship may be more appropriate. There are examples within the North West Dioceses of soft federations or collaborations where two schools share the resource of one Headteacher. Co-headship is a situation where two appropriately trained and prepared candidates may share the position within one school.

The Diocese is committed to supporting Church schools in creating a pool of good quality church school leaders for the future but this needs the commitment to succession planning by governing bodies to be active in developing opportunities with their own schools and in collaboration with others.

Governors – Key Purposes

Our governing body is committed to developing the school workforce in ways which will:

  • Enable continuing professional development opportunities in order to develop skills that will further serve the school and support individuals, in line with Diocesan standards for teachers and support staff.
  • Recognise the talents of all members of staff and enable them to utilise their individual skills and abilities
  • Develop visionary Christian Leadership
  • Distribute leadership throughout the school
  • Contribute to leadership capacity throughout Church schools in the Diocese.

We will work with schools in the Church family and beyond to support and develop opportunities for staff progressions.

Underlying Principles

  • The family of Church schools share a common challenge in leadership recruitment which can be addressed through the Diocesan Strategy
  • ‘Growing’ our own leaders will benefit Church schools as well as other schools within the maintained sector
  • Our Church school will benefit in turn by recruiting leaders who have profited from relevant preparation for leadership
  • There are opportunities for creative partnership arrangements between Church schools that will require new structures of leadership

In implementing a Succession Planning Policy the governing body will:

  • Monitor leadership development both within school and through links with other schools
  • Maintain an overview of the school’s staffing profile and continuing professional development needs
  • Allocate sufficient funds from the school budget to support agree priorities for leadership development
  • Consider the school’s involvement in appropriate Diocesan, local and national leadership programmes
  • Seek to develop a collaborative school culture which is seen by all staff to offer leadership developmental opportunities


Annually the governing body will review the:

  • The deployment of teaching and support staff

o  Teaching and learning responsibilities

o  Different points on the pay spine

o  Customised work programmes

  • Performance management profile of the school and individuals
  • Continuing Professional Development

o  Progression through the standards

o  Leadership preparation eg National Professional Qualification for Headteachers (NPQH)

o  Continuing Headship development

  • Trends

o  Absence rates

o  Reasons for staff leaving

o  Application rates

o  Staff satisfaction

o  Local context

  • Recruitment and retention documentation and strategies
  • Induction programmes throughout school

Christian Standards for Teachers in Joint Church of England/Catholic Schools

These standards are designed to run in parallel with the TDA standards, they provide the added dimension that is required for teachers in the Church school distinctive environment. They will assist governors in the recruitment of teachers, when formulating person specifications and decided questions for interview as well as informing headteachers and teachers of progression throughout their careers.

StandardsNQT/Threshold / Professional Attributes / Professional Knowledge and Understanding / Professional Skills
  • Have a commitment to ensuring that children reach their potential spiritually
  • Recognise that Christian values inform teaching and learning
  • Plan for profess in RE and/or Worship across age ranges

  • Establish relationships promoting Christian values
  • Recognise that Christian values inform behaviour strategies and support personalised learning
  • Link Church community to extended learning

  • Demonstrate and hold Christian values and morality
  • Know assessment requirements for RE and/or Worship and have strategies for improvement
  • Make effective use of assessment monitoring and recording in RE and/or Worship on learners

  • Be aware of the Christian aspect of policy
  • Have a secure understanding and knowledge of RE and the cross-curriculum links (Primary)
  • Evaluate the impact of RE and/or Worship on learners

  • Communicate effectively with the Church community
  • Know and understand the Diocesan Primary RE Syllabus or Secondary Framework as an RE teacher
  • Establish a purposeful Christian environment

  • Recognise that involvement in the wider Church community influences development of children’s emotional and spiritual health
  • Know how to use skills in literacy, ICT and numeracy to support RE and Worship
  • Identify opportunities to support Christian awareness

  • Reflect on and improve personal spiritual development
  • Understand how young people and children develop spiritually taking account of differing cultures and world faiths
  • Apply Christian values to support classroom discipline and management

  • Recognise the role of Jesus as a model for teaching and living
  • Apply Christian values to personalised learning and teaching
  • Work as a team member within a Christian ethos

  • Apply Christian values to Every Child Matters and the duty of care

  • Know when to use support from Church, Diocese

Middle Management Standards / Professional Attributes / Professional Knowledge and Understanding / Professional Skills
Post Threshold /
  • Contribute significantly to implementing policy that upholds Christian dimension
  • Have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the Christian character/RE and/or Worship
  • Design opportunities for learners to access RE/Worship creatively and with challenge

  • Have a more developed understanding of Assessment for RE and/or Worship
  • Plan for progression within RE taking account of prior attainment

  • Have an up to date knowledge for qualifications and specifications for RE that meet learners needs
  • Promote team working and identify opportunities to work together

  • Secondary schools to appoint RE specialists for the Department
  • Provide support for colleagues co-ordinating RE/Worship

Excellent /
  • Be willing to lead in developing policy acknowledging Christian character
  • Have a critical understanding of how Christian values inform effective teaching, learning and behaviour management for learners to reach their potential
  • Take a lead in planning RE/Worship to promote effective practice

  • Research and evaluate innovative curricular practices relating to the delivery of RE/ and or Worship
  • Be able to analyse statistical information for RE
  • Identify cross curricular links for RE/Worship

  • Evaluate effectiveness of teaching and learning across school for RE/Worship
  • Act as a role model for teaching RE/Worship and provide CPD for colleagues

  • Have an extensive knowledge of inclusion, equality and diversity within a Christian environment
  • Demonstrate excellent ability and provide feedback to all stakeholders

  • Secondary schools to appoint RE specialists for the Department
  • Work closely with the SLT to contribute to school improvement

Advanced /
  • Take on strategic role in developing policy that reinforces Christian aspects/values
  • Secondary schools to appoint RE specialists for the Department
  • Work closely with SLT taking lead role in developing RE/Worship in own school and others

  • Work closely with SLT to contribute to school improvement

Christian Standards for Support Staff in Joint Church of England/Catholic Schools