British Academy of Management’s Management Knowledge & Education (MKE) Grants Scheme: 2015-2017
Online Application Form

MKE Grant applicants will need to complete this application form. The application form needs to be submitted electronically tothe BAM’s Management Knowledge and Education (MKE) Grants Scheme: 2015-2017 Online Submission Website.When making an application, please ensure that the format requirements are adhered to, and that the requested information is included in the order given.

The MKE Grant is for BAM members who want to propose a research project that informs the scholarly debate around management knowledge and education: on management learning and teaching, pedagogy, andragogy,leadership development or the generation and circulation of management knowledge and knowing. Research projects should be designed to contribute to theoretical and philosophical understandings that inform the practice of management educators.

Please refer to the Financial Explanatory Guidance Notes and the Terms and Conditions when completing the application form.

The application deadline for the scheme is Friday 25th September at 17:00UK Time.

1. Application Form[1]

Project Title

Abstract(maximum of 250 words and which can be used for publicity purposes)

Keywords (please also choose the relevant Research Area (s) the application falls under) [2]

Name of Key Research Area:

Background (maximum of 500 words)

Literature (maximum of 800 words)

Research Aims and Objectives (maximum of 500 words)

Methods (maximum of 500 words)

Dissemination of results (maximum of 500 words)

Potential Impact of Research (maximum of 500 words)

Supporting statement (maximum of 500 words)

Applicants are invited to include any further information relating to this project that they may wish to be taken into account in assessing this application. For example, an overview of how the proposed project meets the remit of this particular fund; for example, the project may present specific opportunities for BAM members to work with more experienced researchers and so contribute to career development, or a collaboration with a third party; it may be that the proposed research is a particular response to a specific policy initiative or a response to identified practitioner needs or impact.

References and Bibliography – 2 pages maximum

Final Word Count of Application Form (Abstract to Supporting Statement)

2. Expenditure Form

Please give a breakdown of the total costs that will be incurred, specifying the particular items for which this application is being made.

Amount Requested (to nearest full pound and cannot exceed £4,000) See financial guidance notes.

Duration of project

A) Duration of current project / Start / End
B) Duration of entire research project (if different) / Start / End

3. Particulars of costs

Give a breakdown of the total costs that will be incurred, specifying the particular items for which this application is being made.

Item / Cost (to nearest full pound)
Accommodation and daily maintenance (incorporating local travel costs)
Please state number of days and rate claimed and indicate the sources where quotes have been obtained with the date and time.
Travel and Subsidence costs Please indicate the purpose of the journey and the approximate number of journeys. Please note that Apex/economy/standard class fares should be quoted unless there are special circumstances, in which case, please specify. Also, indicate the sources where quotes have been obtained with the date and time.
Consumables: please state item and number. Also, indicate the sources where quotes have been obtained with the date and time.
Transcription/data inputting: please state period of employment and hourly/monthly rate. Please specify how total period has been calculated. Also, indicate the sources where quotes have been obtained with the date and time.
Other eligible costs: please specify
Total cost / £ / Total sought from BAM / £

4. Particulars of other support

Please state any other funds applied for or already awarded in connection with this application. Please state exactly how funding applied for here will be utilised in conjunction with existing funding. We strongly encourage the applicant’s organisation to match the funding wherever possible.

Has any part of this application or a related application been made to other funding bodies? If so, which and with what result?

Please keep BAM informed of results of any other applications relating to this project.

Fund/organisation / Amount requested / Result (or date expected)

5. Digital Resources

If the primary product of the research will be a digital resource, have you obtained guidance on appropriate standards and methods? (Please tick to confirm)


6. Ethics

6a. Applicants need to provide a definitive ethical statement discussing any ethical issues arising from your research and how you will address them below:

6b. If the above point is applicable, you must also gain written ethical approval from your employing organisation or relevant authority. (Please tick to confirm)


7. Organisational Information and Support

7a. Name and address of Organisation to which grant will be paid

7b. Head of Principal Applicant’s Department/Organisation (scanned electronic signature)
This application is made with my support

Full Name
Email address

7c. Name of Research Office or Administrative Authority (scanned electronic signature)
The organisation will administer a grant made by BAM and accepts the terms and conditions of the award.

Full Name
Email address

8. Checklist for Applicants

Please ensure you have read the applicant’s agreement and have included all the information required before submitting your application.

Checklist for Applicants / Please tick to confirm
Principal Applicant and all Co-Applicants are a BAM Member and has a valid BAM Membership / YES
Have received Organisational Support for the proposal / YES
Have received confirmation from the organisation that the total amount requested will be granted and will not be top-sliced / YES
Have received commitment from the organisation to support attendance at the Conference; over and above standard conference support. / YES
If applicable, have received ethical approval from the organisation or have explained how you will address them / YES
Confirmation that proposal has not been submitted elsewhere / YES
Submitted Application as a Word document / YES
Proposal is clear and legible / YES
No identifying information for the applicants has been disclosed in the main application form / YES
CVs for every applicant have been included / YES
Contact Details of Research Office Administrating Grant
has been included / YES

9. Applicant’s Agreement

For joint applications, only the Principal Applicant must sign the application form.

9a. Applicant’s Signature (scanned electronic signature)

I confirm that all the information provided in this Application Form is true and valid. I accept the Conditions of the Grant and the Data Protection Policy.

Full Name
Email address
Signature(scanned electronic signature)

Thank you for completing the Application Form.

Please submit the Application Form online to the BAM’s MKE Grants Scheme: 2015-2017 Online Submission Website.


[1]Please note that all boxes expand upon use.

[2] Please see the BAM Transitions 1 Grants Scheme:2015-2017 List of Research Areas document