St Jacob’s United Church of Christ, Blue Creek 8 am

Combined Sunday School 9:30 am

St John’s United Church of Christ, Penntown 10:30 am

August 24, 2014

~ Thoughtfor the Day ~

If you're out of step with the world maybe you're in step with God.

Welcome (* All who are able, please stand)



*Call to Worship (inspired by Exodus 1:8-2:20, Psalm 138)

One: Holy One, our contractions are minutes apart.

All: You stretch out your hand; You deliver.

One: You coach us through pain as the pangs of birth make way for something new.

All: You stretch out your hand; You deliver.

One: “Push!” you say as your new creation appears.

All: You stretch out your hand; You deliver.

One: Holy One, fulfill this purpose in us.

Labor with our hands to create new life.

All: You stretch out your hand; You deliver.

*Opening Hymn “Come to the Church in the Wildwood” (see insert)

* Gathering Prayer

Mother God, stand on the birthstool with us.

The pain is too much to bear.

Our world has dealt so “shrewdly” with your people

that your renewal seems impossible.

Fears of economic uncertainty confront us all

and seem to limit our choices;

Fears of immigrants and strangers in our midst

seem to require walls;

Fears about changing traditions

seem to require blocks to new family expressions.

We lament, Mother God, but we don’t push through the fear.

Let us open ourselves to labor with you.

Stand on the birthstool with us.

Push us to labor in your love. Amen.

Passing of Christ’s Peace

(After the passing of peace, please continue to care for one another by passing the bottle of hand sanitizer found in the back of the pews, near the center aisle.)

Response #472 (sing twice)

Turn your eyes up-on Jesus, look full in his wonderful face; and the

things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.

Scripture Reading Exodus 1:8-2:10 Romans 12:1-8 *Matthew 16:13-20

Gathering on the Steps

Meditation “Conformation or Confirmation” Pastor Lynne

Morning Prayer / Lord’s Prayer (sins/sin)

Offering Invitation

With praise and thanks, we create new life.

With vigor and sweat, we deliver our love.

With care and hope, we stretch out our hands.

We give our gifts of tithes and offerings to renew the world again.

*Offertory Response Doxology #44

Offertory Prayer

Mother God,

with praise and thanks, vigor and sweat, care and hope,

we bless these gifts in your love. In Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.

*Closing Hymn “Lord, Speak to Me” #593 vss 1-2


*Choral Response “Lord, Speak to Me” #593 vss 3-4



Next Week’s Scripture: Matthew 16:21-28

St. Jacob’s Organist………………………………………..Shirley Huber

Special Music…………………………………………Jim Robertson

Copyright 2014 Local Church Ministries, Faith Formation Ministry Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved.

All Saints’ Ladies Sodality Breakfast Bar Buffet TODAY (Aug. 24)

at St. Paul’s Campus Church Hall in New Alsace,

serving 7:30am-12pm, free will donation.

Youth Calendar – Fall 2014

August 31 Meeting after church- Bring Haunted House ideas

Sept 6 Salute a Soldier – Cheer along route

and Bake Sale at Wine Festival

September TBA – Building Haunted House

October 5 Crop Walk – Milan – lunch

October TBA Meeting Date

Nov 7-9 Fall Youth Assembly – Merom Conference Center

Please pray for: the people of Quito, Ecuador, in the wake of the recent earthquake;

the family of LaVerne Werner, who passed away on July 31;

Sarah Batta, daughter of Dan & Janelle, in Mali, South Africa with the Peace Corps;

Lynsey Gesell (Stonemill Village, 850 Washburn Ave., Apt. 277, Louisville, KY 40222); Jessica, friend of Connie Flaspohler, with an upcoming corneal transplant;

Joyce, Pastor Lynne’s friend, with a newborn baby and a recent diagnosis of throat cancer; Sheryl Newport, post-surgery; Mason Cook (P.O. Box 380, Sunman, IN 47041);

Jim Gilbert, in therapy at home from a recent stroke; Bob Lewis (Tracey Ratliff);

Julene Hornberger; Mary Telinda (friend of Barb & Mike Francis);

Cheyenne Greenwell (friend of Mason & Nicole Cook); Delmar Hoff, on dialysis;

Darrell Salatin, with health concerns; Rev. Craig & Judy Amlin;

Ralph Schaefer; Nicole Miller Smith, friend of Pastor Lynne;

and Loraine Galle, at Arbor Grove Village.

Saturday, Sept 6th – Salute A Soldier 5K – Looking for runners, walkers, and Youth (or others) to cheer them on!

See Pastor Lynne if you’re interested.