Page 5647
January 7, 2008
Mayor Spangenburg called the reorganizational meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Mayor Spangenburg swore in the following elected officials:
Kevin F. Harley - 4 yrs.Dwight L. Addington - 4 yrs
Connie L. McElwain - 4 yrsGregory S. Bucher - 4 yrs.
Election of Officers:
Connie McElwain nominated Cappy Panus for President of Borough Council. Unanimous approval
Greg BuchernominatedKevin Harley for Vice-President of Borough Council. Unanimous approval
Kevin Harley nominated Tom Huber as President Pro Tem. Unanimous approval
Cappy Panus nominated Greg Bucher as Chair of the Vacancy Board. Unanimous approval
Reorganizational meeting adjourned at 7:10pm
The regular meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:12pm with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice President Kevin Harley, Connie McElwain, Dwight Addington, Tom Huber, Greg Bucher, Jeff Geoghan, Mayor Gary Spangenburg, Borough Manager Jim Williams and Public Works Superintendent Herbert Mattern. Absent:
The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
It was moved and seconded (Tom Huber/Greg Bucher) to accept the minutes of the December 18, 2007 Borough Council Meeting. Unanimous approval.
Bill payment review.
Attendees – John Wolf, Glenn Garber, Karl Bender, John J. Wider
Visit from -
Comments from Citizens:
Mayors Report – Police report for November 2007. For the month of November there were 131 complaints, consisting of 50 criminal investigations, 11 violators were processed, nine vehicle accidents no fatalities, 3 injuries, 72 calls for assistance and 27 traffic violations.
Mayor Spangenburg said he also wanted to appraise the Borough of information received about a week ago relative to the auto auction that is being planned out near Root’s. Mayor Spangenburg said there was an individual that thought the borough should know and he thanked her because know one else seemed to think the borough should know. The Mayor and Jim Williams looked at the plans and will be keeping their ears and eyes open as to what is going on and how, if any, impact there is going to be due to increase in traffic. This is separate from the Manheim Auto Auction. Jim said this auction will have Thursday sales. Strictly sales no recon business. It is for local dealers and very few car carriers will be used. Cappy Panus said Jim went to East Hempfield and expressed his disappointment that the Borough was not informed about this.
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January 7, 2008
Mayor Spangenburg swore in John J. Wider as a new Fire Policeman for East Petersburg Fire Company No. 1,
Reports from Appointed Officers
Borough Manager Report – See Attached
Public Works Superintendent’s Report – See Attached. Herb Mattern said he wanted to personally thank the members of the Fire Company for the time they put in some time to the Public Protection Classification (PPC) Survey done by the ISO, it’s ratings for insurance companies. They came in and did a complete survey.
Zoning/Building Code Officer Report - See Attached
Cappy Panus brought up the idea for the Borough to do something for New Year’s Eve. The idea was discussed (not sure discussed would be the correct word) about dropping something in the square as other towns do. Things such as a firemen’s boot or hat, water (because the borough has the best water in the state), a car carrier, etc. Something to think about.
Committee Reports
Fire Company Report – For the month of December there were 50 calls with 513 personnel responding, total staff hours for the month 186, training hours 206, number of staff attending training 55.
EMA Report - Tom Huber reported on the proposed adoption of Resolution #622, to Prepare, Maintain and Keep Current an Emergency Operations Plan. It was moved and seconded (Tom Huber/Greg Bucher) to adopt Resolution # 622. Unanimous approval.
Public Works
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Approve Appointed Service Organizations
It was moved and seconded (Tom Huber/Dwight Addington) to appoint Barley, Snyder, Senft & Cohen/Michael Davis as Borough Solicitor Unanimous approval.
It was moved and seconded (Kevin Harley/Greg Bucher) with unanimous approval, to appoint the following service organizations:
(1)General Engineer - 2008 - RAV Associates
(2)Water Engineer - 2008 - Arro Consulting Inc.
(a)Water Tank & Telemeter Engineer - 2008 - Navarro & Wright
(3)Auditor - 2008 - Trout, Ebersole & Groff, LLP
(4)Zoning Officer – 2008 – Edward Fisher – Light-Heigel & Assoc., Inc.
(5)Code Compliance Officer – 2008 – Andrew Nelson – Commonwealth Code Inspection Service, Inc.
It was moved and seconded (Greg Bucher/Tom Huber) to reappoint Kevin F. Harley to Hempfield Area Recreation Commission 2008-2009. Unanimous approval.
With no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Virginia A. Groff, Recording Secretary
Page 5649
February 5, 2008
The regular meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:01pm with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice President Kevin Harley, Connie McElwain, Tom Huber, Greg Bucher, Jeff Geoghan, Mayor Gary Spangenburg, Borough Manager Jim Williams and Public Works Superintendent Herbert Mattern. Absent: Dwight Addington
The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
It was moved and seconded (Greg Bucher/Jeff Geoghan) to accept the minutes of the January 7, 2008 Borough Council Meeting. Unanimous approval.
Bill payment review.
Attendees – John Wolf, Glenn Garber, Norman King, James Rohrer Jr., Lisa Sandhaus, Adam Gochnauer, Sid Gochnauer, Don Schoenberger, Doug Nolt, Barry Newton, Nessie Saint Cyr
Visit from – Barry Newton, HARC Executive Board – Mr. Newton said this past year HARC was awarded a 501C3 organization, which makes us a tax exempt charitable organization and this gives us the ability to go out in the community and seek tax deductible contributions. That will help a lot in our endeavors, on looking for funding, state grants. We’ve started an $800,000 renovation project of our facility. We were able to get a tax-exempt loan, which will save us a lot of money.
Cappy said that since Mr. Newton gave a nice summary of the HempfieldRecCenter perhaps now we can have a motion to appoint Adam Gochnauer. It was moved and seconded (Greg Bucher/Tom Huber) to appoint Adam Gochnauer to represent East Petersburg Borough on HARC Board for 2008. Unanimous approval.
Chief James Rohrer, East Petersburg Fire Co. No. 1 – Chief Rohrer went over the annual fire company report for 2007. There were a total of 551 calls with 6,307 personnel responding, total staff hours for the year 3,369.40, training hours 4,008.47.
Chief Neil Harkins, Manheim Township Police Department – Chief Harkins went over the annual police report for 2007 (see attached). Chief Harkins also said that Mayor Spangenburg felt it would be a good idea to explain to council what the police are going to try to accomplish during the year. (see attached)
Comments from Citizens:
Mayors Report – Police report for December 2007 was included with Chief Harkins annual report. Mayor Spangenburg updated council on EPAC, the three-part objective of EPAC is to promote, recognize and achieve. One of the areas that we felt very strongly about was that the borough is not really promoted very well nor do we have a mechanism of which to promote the borough very well either. So we became very original and creative and decided to use the internet. We have within our residency a lot of talent in graphic arts and digital photography and internet capabilities. One resident in particular, Bob Freeman on Stevens Street, is a web designer and graphic artist. So he has brought forth two ideas, which are here for council to look at what the proposed East Petersburg Borough website would look like. Various links would be built into it. Looking for input from the public.
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February 5, 2008
Reports from Appointed Officers
Borough Manager Report – See Attached - Jim commented that East Petersburg Day is moving along, had the first meeting in January and have started for 2008. There are new volunteers. On the Municipal Transportation Grant that has to do with the Main Street project, sent letters to PennDOT and waiting for answers. Also spoke with Rep. Bear to give us a little nudge and he said he would.
Public Works Superintendent’s Report – See Attached.
Zoning/Building Code Officer Report - See Attached
Committee Reports
Fire Company Report – For the month of January there were 32 calls with 390 personnel responding, total staff hours for the month 278.8, training hours 244.25, number of staff attending training 111.
EMA Report –nothing to report
Public Works
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Announcements: East Petersburg Day at the Barnstormers will be on Monday June 23, 2008
With no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:59 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Virginia A. Groff, Recording Secretary
Page 5651
March 4, 2008
The regular meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:01pm with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice President Kevin Harley, Connie McElwain, Tom Huber, Dwight Addington, Greg Bucher, Jeff Geoghan, Mayor Gary Spangenburg, Borough Manager Jim Williams and Public Works Superintendent Herbert Mattern. Absent:
The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
It was moved and seconded (Tom Huber/Dwight Addington) to accept the minutes of the February 5, 2008 Borough Council Meeting. Unanimous approval.
Bill payment review. Greg Bucher asked if the plow we bought for Kreider’s is used to plow other places, such as Stauffer’s. Jim said to his knowledge no, the only place you may see it is in the East Hempfield area of the Borough, along Split Rail Drive because Kreider plows for them also and those streets are in the Borough area. Jim said he would find out for sure.
Attendees – Bob Friedman, John D. Wolf, William Pfautz, Chet & Jane Schoenberger, Jim Rohrer, Doug Nolt, Lisa Sandhaus, Jamie Rohrer, Karl Bender, Caleb Simmers, John Wider, Don Schoenberger, Sid Gochnauer, Adam Gochnauer, Glenn Garber, Nessie Saint Cyr
Visit from –
Comments from Citizens:
Mayors Report – Police report for January 2008. For the month of January there were 103 complaints in the Borough consisting of 20 criminal investigations, 8 violators were processed, 6 vehicle accident investigations, no fatalities and one injury. 77 calls for service and the department cited 36 motorists for traffic violations.
Mayor Spangenburg presented Chet Schoenberger with a presentation for 55 years of service with the East Petersburg Fire Company. Gary said Chet and a couple of others spearheaded what we know to be the greatest fire company in the county of Lancaster. We as a community would like to recognize Chet Schoenberger and commend him for all the years he volunteered with East Petersburg Fire Company #1. You have taken classes that are to numerous to list and served as President, Vice President, Secretary, Trustee, Chief Engineer, Engineer, Asst. Chief and Deputy Chief. Along with serving in the positions previously mentioned, you continue to serve on numerous committees. You have been a mentor to many firefighters that came up through the ranks as Junior Firefighters and who are now serving in various rolls and positions within the fire company. Your continued dedication as a volunteer, being a driver for the Fire Company and helping to review all new prospective drivers, is an inspiration to all of us. As the Mayor it is my esteemed pleasure to thank you for your many, many years of service to this Borough and to the whole county of Lancaster with the East Petersburg Fire Company.
Cappy said she isn’t so sure that other communities can give commendations like this, someone who has dedicated 55 years of his life. That’s a long time to be with one organization in all the capacity that he has had. We are very proud of our fire company and it’s people like Chet that have made that foundation and we do thank you. Cappy said it would be a great benefit to the community if there were more people like him.
Mayor Spangenburg introduced Bob Friedman. Gary said he and Bob are friends who have known each other for a few years and Bob has a lot of talent that he uses in business and profession as a web designer, graphic arts, marketing, etc. In just getting to know Bob over the last few years it became very apparent to Gary that he has a lot to offer and the borough could really benefit from some of his offerings in terms of his skills and talent that he does professionally. Therefore, Gary said he talked to Bob about helping EPCAC develop a website solely for the purpose of promoting East Petersburg Borough. EPCAC was started last year, East Petersburg Community Achievement Council on the three fold purposes to promote, recognize and urge achievement within the Borough and we want to take a look at the first objective to begin to promote the Borough and we’ve decided that probably a website would make a lot of sense of the foundation and that website would be directly linked to the Borough website for the government side. It will not replace that or the two will not be joined together other than a linkage, it will still have it’s own purpose for running the Borough. However, this purpose will be to
Page 5652
March 4, 2008
promote the Borough. Gary said he invited Bob here to meet the community and the community could meet him and allow him to talk about his vision for the website. He is also going to address a couple of needs he is going to have down the line where the community could participate and help, especially those of you who might be able to contribute in terms of website and understanding of technology. At the last meeting we had brought forth a couple of renditions that we were looking at, made them public and we got feedback, went back and came up with a rendition that we’d probably like to begin to use. It doesn’t mean we can’t refine it but took the ideas and reformatted it to come up with a new rendition. Gary passed copies of the new rendition to council.
Bob said every single type of group will have their own page or area on the website, baseball team, soccer team, churches, etc. It will be set up where each group will have the ability to edit and add to that portion of the website using software that requires little technology so it’s going to be a huge project a lot of stuff is going to happen and it’s going to take awhile to put together. Technology wise is no problem. In put is an issue, organization is an issue, structure to a certain degree is an issue. Bob said part of what he is seeing here is to avoid having to pay to get this website going. Hopefully each single section would make a sponsorship of their page, i.e. baseball, soccer etc., to a local business then that would put a flow of cash into EPCAC to keep them going and cover the cost of making this happen. Hopefully it will become a virtual portal for East Petersburg where everything that EPCAC is looking at is recognized, updated and readily available for everybody to see and use. No limits, whatever it takes to make it work.
Cappy asked, for example, would there be a page for the fire company if they wanted to reach out to youth, like about the cadet camp. They already have their own site so there would just be a link to their site from EPCAC’s site. Bob said the biggest hurdle now to get the next step moving forward is if you look at all the categories, #1 does that cover everything/did we miss anything and then #2 if we could get a list of each individual thing under each category then can build a bare bones skeleton working template. Then start filling it in with stuff. But the first step is to get a skeleton put together that works, empty but just all the pieces in place.
Gary said if there is anybody that is interested in helping Bob or if you know of anyone Bob could contact to help form that group so that he can effectively build the website and get the right information in there and have some “go to” people to get information and get it back to him. Especially when it comes time for him to write news articles that will happen weekly. It could the Borough’s weekly news source.
Reports from Appointed Officers
Borough Manager Report – See Attached - East Petersburg Day update, John Wolf said things are moving along, got musical groups lined up, the fireworks lined up. Jeff Geoghan said maybe a car show. Looking at trying to fill in that gap between 3 to 6 pm where there is a lull in the action. Looking into some different games and things like that. Cappy asked about the date and John told her September 20. Cappy said there needs to be another way to display the posters the children made for the contest, so it’s more obvious.