Dear Patients,
South Oxford Health Centre has always been able to offerour patients free consultations for Travel advice/vaccinations. However, due to ever increasing workload,the Practice nursesno longer have the capacity to offer this service (travel medicine is not an entitlement on the NHS, and your GP surgery is not obliged to provide you with advice or vaccinations).
Moving forward, should you require travel advice, you can attend any of the following places for a free travel consultation:
Shouldyou require a copy of previous immunisations that may be recordedin your paper notes, there will be an administration fee of £15.00 payable by cash/cheque to South Oxford Health Centre, we would aim to organise this to be completed within one week from the request date.
Upon receiving free advice from a Travel Clinic, if you require any of the vaccinations which can be given free on the NHS, we are able to book you a 5 minute consultation here at South Oxford for the Nurse to administer the vaccine(s).
Vaccinations which can be given free on the NHS:
- Combined dose of Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio
- Hepatitis A
- Typhoid
- Combined dose of Hepatitis A and Typhoid – where appropriate
During this very short consultation our nurses will not be able answerquestions such as: what vaccines do I need for my trip? Do I need malaria tablets?
If you would like to have this type of discussion with our nurses, you should schedulea private consultation 15 minute appointmentwith a fee of £30.00 payable by cash/cheque to South Oxford Health Centre.Each family member must book a separate appointment and unfortunately our nurses will not be able to order additional vaccines that you may require,as we do not hold these in stock.
If you chose to arrange an appointment with one of our GPs to discuss travel a fee of £50.00 will be payable to South Oxford Health Centre.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.