Table S7: Mutant mice for the genes highlighted by the transcriptome analysis (qualitative and quantitative) and their phenotype as retrieved from Mouse Genome Informatics (

Symbol / ID / Term
Rora / MP:0000186 / decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
Rora / MP:0000408 / absent duvet hair
Rora / MP:0000416 / sparse hair
Rora / MP:0000424 / retarded hair growth
Rora / MP:0000745 / tremors
Rora / MP:0000849 / abnormal cerebellum morphology
Rora / MP:0000852 / small cerebellum
Rora / MP:0000857 / abnormal cerebellar foliation
Rora / MP:0000875 / abnormal cerebellar Purkinje cell layer
Rora / MP:0000876 / Purkinje cell degeneration
Rora / MP:0000880 / decreased Purkinje cell number
Rora / MP:0000885 / ectopic Purkinje cell
Rora / MP:0000886 / abnormal cerebellar granule layer
Rora / MP:0000889 / abnormal cerebellar molecular layer
Rora / MP:0000890 / thin cerebellar molecular layer
Rora / MP:0001265 / decreased body size
Rora / MP:0001393 / ataxia
Rora / MP:0001402 / hypoactivity
Rora / MP:0001405 / impaired coordination
Rora / MP:0001406 / abnormal gait
Rora / MP:0001513 / limb grasping
Rora / MP:0001523 / impaired righting response
Rora / MP:0001524 / impaired limb coordination
Rora / MP:0001525 / impaired balance
Rora / MP:0002066 / abnormal motor capabilities/coordination/movement
Rora / MP:0002082 / postnatal lethality
Rora / MP:0002118 / abnormal lipid homeostasis
Rora / MP:0002152 / abnormal brain morphology
Rora / MP:0002804 / abnormal motor learning
Rora / MP:0002910 / abnormal excitatory postsynaptic currents
Rora / MP:0004263 / abnormal limb posture
Rora / MP:0005179 / decreased circulating cholesterol level
Rora / MP:0005338 / atherosclerotic lesions
Rora / MP:0005339 / increased susceptibility to atherosclerosis
Rora / MP:0006099 / thin cerebellar granule layer
Rora / MP:0008569 / lethality at weaning
Rora / MP:0008572 / abnormal Purkinje cell dendrite morphology
Rora / MP:0009958 / absent cerebellar granule cells
Rora / MP:0010053 / decreased grip strength
Ror2 / MP:0000029 / abnormal malleus morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000042 / abnormal organ of Corti
Ror2 / MP:0000060 / delayed bone ossification
Ror2 / MP:0000088 / short mandible
Ror2 / MP:0000102 / abnormal nasal bone morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000111 / cleft palate
Ror2 / MP:0000130 / abnormal cancellous bone morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000137 / abnormal vertebrae morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000150 / abnormal rib morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000154 / rib fusion
Ror2 / MP:0000158 / absent sternum
Ror2 / MP:0000163 / abnormal cartilage morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000164 / abnormal cartilage development
Ror2 / MP:0000166 / abnormal chondrocyte morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000281 / abnormal ventricular septum morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000438 / abnormal cranium morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000441 / increased cranium width
Ror2 / MP:0000445 / short snout
Ror2 / MP:0000454 / abnormal jaw morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000455 / abnormal maxilla morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000458 / abnormal mandible morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000547 / short limbs
Ror2 / MP:0000552 / abnormal radius morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000558 / abnormal tibia morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000559 / abnormal femur morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000562 / polydactyly
Ror2 / MP:0000572 / abnormal autopod morphology
Ror2 / MP:0000585 / kinked tail
Ror2 / MP:0000592 / short tail
Ror2 / MP:0001153 / small seminiferous tubules
Ror2 / MP:0001258 / decreased body length
Ror2 / MP:0001265 / decreased body size
Ror2 / MP:0001349 / excessive tearing
Ror2 / MP:0001575 / cyanosis
Ror2 / MP:0001614 / abnormal blood vessel morphology
Ror2 / MP:0001688 / abnormal somite development
Ror2 / MP:0001691 / abnormal somite shape
Ror2 / MP:0001698 / decreased embryo size
Ror2 / MP:0001922 / reduced male fertility
Ror2 / MP:0001954 / respiratory distress
Ror2 / MP:0002058 / neonatal lethality
Ror2 / MP:0002081 / perinatal lethality
Ror2 / MP:0002109 / abnormal limb morphology
Ror2 / MP:0002110 / abnormal digit morphology
Ror2 / MP:0002111 / abnormal tail morphology
Ror2 / MP:0002113 / abnormal skeleton development
Ror2 / MP:0002114 / abnormal axial skeleton morphology
Ror2 / MP:0002187 / abnormal fibula morphology
Ror2 / MP:0002216 / abnormal seminiferous tubule morphology
Ror2 / MP:0002270 / abnormal respiratory alveoli morphology
Ror2 / MP:0002543 / brachyphalangia
Ror2 / MP:0002544 / brachydactyly
Ror2 / MP:0002622 / abnormal cochlear hair cell morphology
Ror2 / MP:0002687 / oligozoospermia
Ror2 / MP:0002759 / abnormal caudal vertebrae morphology
Ror2 / MP:0002764 / short tibia
Ror2 / MP:0002765 / short fibula
Ror2 / MP:0002823 / abnormal rib development
Ror2 / MP:0002861 / abnormal tail bud morphology
Ror2 / MP:0002896 / abnormal bone mineralization
Ror2 / MP:0003047 / abnormal thoracic vertebrae morphology
Ror2 / MP:0003050 / abnormal sacral vertebrae morphology
Ror2 / MP:0003055 / abnormal long bone epiphyseal plate morphology
Ror2 / MP:0003109 / short femur
Ror2 / MP:0003408 / increased width of hypertrophic chondrocyte zone
Ror2 / MP:0003409 / decreased width of hypertrophic chondrocyte zone
Ror2 / MP:0003419 / delayed endochondral bone ossification
Ror2 / MP:0003662 / abnormal long bone epiphyseal plate proliferative zone
Ror2 / MP:0003723 / abnormal long bone morphology
Ror2 / MP:0003854 / abnormal forelimb stylopod morphology
Ror2 / MP:0003855 / abnormal forelimb zeugopod morphology
Ror2 / MP:0003856 / abnormal hindlimb stylopod morphology
Ror2 / MP:0003857 / abnormal hindlimb zeugopod morphology
Ror2 / MP:0003936 / abnormal reproductive system development
Ror2 / MP:0003960 / increased lean body mass
Ror2 / MP:0004110 / transposition of great arteries
Ror2 / MP:0004173 / abnormal intervertebral disk morphology
Ror2 / MP:0004351 / short humerus
Ror2 / MP:0004355 / short radius
Ror2 / MP:0004359 / short ulna
Ror2 / MP:0004399 / abnormal cochlear outer hair cell morphology
Ror2 / MP:0004471 / short nasal bone
Ror2 / MP:0004472 / broad nasal bone
Ror2 / MP:0004506 / abnormal pubis morphology
Ror2 / MP:0004595 / abnormal mandibular condyloid process morphology
Ror2 / MP:0004596 / abnormal mandibular angle morphology
Ror2 / MP:0004619 / caudal vertebral fusion
Ror2 / MP:0004622 / sacral vertebral fusion
Ror2 / MP:0004634 / short metacarpal bones
Ror2 / MP:0004652 / small caudal vertebrae
Ror2 / MP:0004657 / small sacral vertebrae
Ror2 / MP:0004667 / vertebral body hypoplasia
Ror2 / MP:0004686 / decreased length of long bones
Ror2 / MP:0004703 / abnormal vertebral column
Ror2 / MP:0004708 / short lumbar vertebrae
Ror2 / MP:0004726 / abnormal nasal capsule morphology
Ror2 / MP:0004852 / decreased testis weight
Ror2 / MP:0005105 / abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology
Ror2 / MP:0005108 / abnormal ulna morphology
Ror2 / MP:0005222 / abnormal somite size
Ror2 / MP:0005225 / abnormal vertebrae development
Ror2 / MP:0005296 / abnormal humerus morphology
Ror2 / MP:0005306 / abnormal phalanx morphology
Ror2 / MP:0005454 / decreased adipose tissue amount
Ror2 / MP:0005508 / abnormal skeleton morphology
Ror2 / MP:0005587 / abnormal Meckel's cartilage morphology
Ror2 / MP:0006165 / entropion
Ror2 / MP:0006210 / abnormal orbit size
Ror2 / MP:0006279 / abnormal limb development
Ror2 / MP:0006280 / abnormal digit development
Ror2 / MP:0008272 / abnormal endochondral bone ossification
Ror2 / MP:0009642 / abnormal blood homeostasis
Ror2 / MP:0009703 / decreased birth body size
Ror2 / MP:0009886 / failure of palatal shelf elevation
Ror2 / MP:0009890 / cleft secondary palate
Sqstm1 / MP:0000607 / abnormal hepatocyte morphology
Sqstm1 / MP:0000745 / tremors
Sqstm1 / MP:0000880 / decreased Purkinje cell number
Sqstm1 / MP:0001513 / limb grasping
Sqstm1 / MP:0001541 / abnormal osteoclast physiology
Sqstm1 / MP:0001559 / hyperglycemia
Sqstm1 / MP:0002941 / increased circulating alanine transaminase level
Sqstm1 / MP:0002968 / increased circulating alkaline phosphatase level
Sqstm1 / MP:0003203 / increased neuron apoptosis
Sqstm1 / MP:0003212 / increased susceptibility to age related obesity
Sqstm1 / MP:0003325 / decreased liver function
Sqstm1 / MP:0003633 / abnormal nervous system physiology
Sqstm1 / MP:0004985 / decreased osteoclast cell number
Sqstm1 / MP:0005343 / increased circulating aspartate transaminase level
Sqstm1 / MP:0005405 / axon degeneration
Sqstm1 / MP:0008396 / abnormal osteoclast differentiation
Sqstm1 / MP:0008706 / decreased interleukin-6 secretion
Sqstm1 / MP:0009972 / absent hippocampus pyramidal cells
Sqstm1 / MP:0009975 / absent cerebral cortex pyramidal cells
Insig1 / MP:0000598 / abnormal liver morphology
Insig1 / MP:0000603 / pale liver
Insig1 / MP:0002082 / postnatal lethality
Insig1 / MP:0002118 / abnormal lipid homeostasis
Insig1 / MP:0002139 / abnormal liver/biliary system physiology
Insig1 / MP:0002644 / decreased circulating triglyceride level
Insig1 / MP:0005178 / increased circulating cholesterol level
Insig1 / MP:0005278 / abnormal cholesterol homeostasis
Insig1 / MP:0005281 / increased fatty acid level
Insig1 / MP:0005317 / increased triglyceride level
Hspb1 / MP:0002169 / no abnormal phenotype detected
Nqo1 / MP:0000322 / increased granulocyte number
Nqo1 / MP:0000598 / abnormal liver morphology
Nqo1 / MP:0001262 / decreased body weight
Nqo1 / MP:0001552 / increased circulating triglyceride level
Nqo1 / MP:0002414 / abnormal myeloblast morphology/development
Nqo1 / MP:0002712 / increased circulating glucagon level
Nqo1 / MP:0003186 / abnormal redox activity
Nqo1 / MP:0003383 / abnormal gluconeogenesis
Nqo1 / MP:0003806 / abnormal nucleotide metabolism
Nqo1 / MP:0005016 / decreased lymphocyte cell number
Nqo1 / MP:0005276 / skin tumor
Nqo1 / MP:0005317 / increased triglyceride level
Nqo1 / MP:0005331 / insulin resistance
Nqo1 / MP:0005560 / decreased circulating glucose level
Nqo1 / MP:0005584 / abnormal enzyme/coenzyme activity
Nqo1 / MP:0005621 / abnormal cell physiology
Nqo1 / MP:0008254 / increased megakaryocyte cell number
Nqo1 / MP:0008853 / decreased abdominal adipose tissue amount
Krt5 / MP:0000468 / abnormal esophageal epithelium morphology
Krt5 / MP:0000470 / abnormal stomach morphology
Krt5 / MP:0000764 / abnormal tongue epithelium morphology
Krt5 / MP:0001216 / abnormal epidermal layer morphology
Krt5 / MP:0002058 / neonatal lethality
Krt5 / MP:0002111 / abnormal tail morphology
Krt5 / MP:0003755 / abnormal palate morphology
Krt5 / MP:0004271 / abnormal paw/hand/foot morphology
Krt5 / MP:0009546 / absent gastric milk in neonates
Fth1 / MP:0002080 / prenatal lethality
Fth1 / MP:0003674 / oxidative stress
Fth1 / MP:0004811 / abnormal neuron physiology
Fth1 / MP:0005416 / abnormal circulating protein level
Fth1 / MP:0005637 / abnormal iron homeostasis
Ddx5 / MP:0000259 / abnormal vascular development
Ddx5 / MP:0006206 / embryonic lethality before turning of embryo
Ddx5 / MP:0006207 / embryonic lethality during organogenesis
Actb / MP:0000767 / abnormal smooth muscle morphology
Actb / MP:0001120 / abnormal uterus morphology
Actb / MP:0001262 / decreased body weight
Actb / MP:0001265 / decreased body size
Actb / MP:0001883 / mammary adenocarcinoma
Actb / MP:0002032 / sarcoma
Actb / MP:0002035 / leiomyosarcoma
Actb / MP:0002080 / prenatal lethality
Actb / MP:0002083 / premature death
Actb / MP:0002947 / hemangioma
Actb / MP:0002997 / enlarged seminal vesicle
Actb / MP:0003984 / embryonic growth retardation
Actb / MP:0005140 / decreased cardiac muscle contractility
Actb / MP:0006205 / embryonic lethality before somite formation
Actb / MP:0006207 / embryonic lethality during organogenesis
Actb / MP:0008527 / embryonic lethality at implantation
Actb / MP:0009342 / enlarged gall bladder
01/05/10 / MP:0000609 / abnormal liver physiology
01/05/10 / MP:0001923 / reduced female fertility
01/05/10 / MP:0002052 / decreased tumor incidence
01/05/10 / MP:0002169 / no abnormal phenotype detected
01/05/10 / MP:0002954 / abnormal aerobic energy metabolism
01/05/10 / MP:0005455 / increased weight gain
01/05/10 / MP:0005458 / increased percent body fat
01/05/10 / MP:0005669 / increased circulating leptin level
01/05/10 / MP:0005670 / abnormal white adipose tissue physiology
01/05/10 / MP:0008908 / increased total fat pad weight
Slc26a1 / MP:0000192 / abnormal mineral level
Slc26a1 / MP:0000194 / hypercalcemia
Slc26a1 / MP:0000609 / abnormal liver physiology
Slc26a1 / MP:0001654 / hepatic necrosis
Slc26a1 / MP:0001663 / abnormal digestive system physiology
Slc26a1 / MP:0001859 / kidney inflammation
Slc26a1 / MP:0002708 / nephrolithiasis
Slc26a1 / MP:0002853 / hyposulfatemia
Slc26a1 / MP:0002941 / increased circulating alanine transaminase level
Slc26a1 / MP:0005441 / hypercalciuria
Slc26a1 / MP:0008546 / abnormal vesicle-mediated transport
Slc26a1 / MP:0008873 / increased physiological sensitivity to xenobiotic
Slc26a1 / MP:0009472 / hypersulfaturia
Dnajb1 / MP:0002169 / no abnormal phenotype detected
Thbs1 / MP:0000160 / kyphosis
Thbs1 / MP:0000162 / lordosis
Thbs1 / MP:0000218 / increased leukocyte cell number
Thbs1 / MP:0000219 / increased neutrophil cell number
Thbs1 / MP:0000220 / increased monocyte cell number
Thbs1 / MP:0000281 / abnormal ventricular septum morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0000477 / abnormal intestine morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0001175 / abnormal lung morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0001182 / lung hemorrhage
Thbs1 / MP:0001191 / abnormal skin condition
Thbs1 / MP:0001243 / abnormal dermal layer morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0001263 / weight loss
Thbs1 / MP:0001297 / microphthalmia
Thbs1 / MP:0001310 / abnormal conjunctiva morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0001312 / abnormal cornea morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0001348 / abnormal lacrimal gland physiology
Thbs1 / MP:0001577 / anemia
Thbs1 / MP:0001861 / lung inflammation
Thbs1 / MP:0001869 / pancreas inflammation
Thbs1 / MP:0001883 / mammary adenocarcinoma
Thbs1 / MP:0001921 / reduced fertility
Thbs1 / MP:0001935 / decreased litter size
Thbs1 / MP:0001944 / abnormal pancreas morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0002014 / papilloma
Thbs1 / MP:0002020 / increased tumor incidence
Thbs1 / MP:0002022 / lymphoma
Thbs1 / MP:0002027 / lung adenocarcinoma
Thbs1 / MP:0002029 / fibrosarcoma
Thbs1 / MP:0002032 / sarcoma
Thbs1 / MP:0002038 / carcinoma
Thbs1 / MP:0002080 / prenatal lethality
Thbs1 / MP:0002083 / premature death
Thbs1 / MP:0002111 / abnormal tail morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0002135 / abnormal kidney morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0002191 / abnormal artery morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0002551 / abnormal blood coagulation
Thbs1 / MP:0002815 / adenoma
Thbs1 / MP:0002908 / delayed wound healing
Thbs1 / MP:0003299 / gastric polyps
Thbs1 / MP:0003667 / hemangiosarcoma
Thbs1 / MP:0003789 / osteosarcoma
Thbs1 / MP:0004207 / squamous cell carcinoma
Thbs1 / MP:0004771 / increased anti-single stranded DNA antibody level
Thbs1 / MP:0004974 / decreased regulatory T cell number
Thbs1 / MP:0005011 / increased eosinophil cell number
Thbs1 / MP:0005013 / increased lymphocyte cell number
Thbs1 / MP:0005287 / narrow eye opening
Thbs1 / MP:0005294 / abnormal heart ventricle morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0005488 / bronchial epithelial hyperplasia
Thbs1 / MP:0005489 / vascular smooth muscle cell hyperplasia
Thbs1 / MP:0005490 / Clara cell hyperplasia
Thbs1 / MP:0005491 / pancreatic islet hyperplasia
Thbs1 / MP:0005492 / exocrine pancreas hypoplasia
Thbs1 / MP:0005493 / stomach epithelial hyperplasia
Thbs1 / MP:0005494 / esophagogastric junction metaplasia
Thbs1 / MP:0005496 / impaired macrophage recruitment
Thbs1 / MP:0006000 / abnormal corneal epithelium morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0008074 / increased CD4-positive T cell number
Thbs1 / MP:0008567 / decreased interferon-gamma secretion
Thbs1 / MP:0008681 / increased interleukin-17 secretion
Thbs1 / MP:0008880 / lacrimal gland inflammation
Thbs1 / MP:0009308 / adenocarcinoma
Thbs1 / MP:0009309 / small intestine adenocarcinoma
Thbs1 / MP:0009321 / histiocytic sarcoma
Thbs1 / MP:0009343 / dilated gall bladder
Thbs1 / MP:0009493 / abnormal cystic duct morphology
Thbs1 / MP:0009591 / liver adenocarcinoma
Myc / MP:0000029 / abnormal malleus morphology
Myc / MP:0000107 / abnormal frontal bone morphology
Myc / MP:0000109 / abnormal parietal bone morphology
Myc / MP:0000216 / absent erythroid progenitor cell
Myc / MP:0000239 / absent common myeloid progenitor cells
Myc / MP:0000259 / abnormal vascular development
Myc / MP:0000260 / abnormal angiogenesis
Myc / MP:0000274 / enlarged heart
Myc / MP:0000288 / abnormal pericardium morphology
Myc / MP:0000333 / decreased bone marrow cell number
Myc / MP:0000352 / decreased cell proliferation
Myc / MP:0000373 / belly spot
Myc / MP:0000445 / short snout
Myc / MP:0000592 / short tail
Myc / MP:0000598 / abnormal liver morphology
Myc / MP:0000600 / liver hypoplasia
Myc / MP:0000601 / small liver
Myc / MP:0000687 / small lymphoid organs
Myc / MP:0000691 / enlarged spleen
Myc / MP:0000694 / spleen hypoplasia
Myc / MP:0000702 / enlarged lymph nodes
Myc / MP:0000929 / open neural tube
Myc / MP:0001262 / decreased body weight
Myc / MP:0001265 / decreased body size
Myc / MP:0001606 / impaired hematopoiesis
Myc / MP:0001622 / abnormal vasculogenesis
Myc / MP:0001663 / abnormal digestive system physiology
Myc / MP:0001698 / decreased embryo size
Myc / MP:0001700 / abnormal embryo turning
Myc / MP:0001711 / abnormal placenta morphology
Myc / MP:0001715 / placental labyrinth hypoplasia
Myc / MP:0001718 / abnormal yolk sac morphology
Myc / MP:0001722 / pale yolk sac
Myc / MP:0001732 / postnatal growth retardation
Myc / MP:0001783 / decreased white adipose tissue amount
Myc / MP:0001923 / reduced female fertility
Myc / MP:0001935 / decreased litter size
Myc / MP:0001944 / abnormal pancreas morphology
Myc / MP:0002023 / B cell derived lymphoma
Myc / MP:0002052 / decreased tumor incidence
Myc / MP:0002080 / prenatal lethality
Myc / MP:0002083 / premature death
Myc / MP:0002089 / abnormal postnatal growth/weight/body size
Myc / MP:0002108 / abnormal muscle morphology
Myc / MP:0002169 / no abnormal phenotype detected
Myc / MP:0002223 / lymphoid hypoplasia
Myc / MP:0002396 / abnormal hematopoietic system morphology/development
Myc / MP:0002416 / abnormal proerythroblast morphology
Myc / MP:0002459 / abnormal B cell physiology
Myc / MP:0002836 / abnormal chorion morphology
Myc / MP:0002940 / variable body spotting
Myc / MP:0003840 / abnormal coronal suture morphology
Myc / MP:0003934 / abnormal pancreas development
Myc / MP:0003984 / embryonic growth retardation
Myc / MP:0004029 / spontaneous chromosome breakage
Myc / MP:0004030 / induced chromosome breakage
Myc / MP:0004200 / decreased fetal size
Myc / MP:0004229 / abnormal embryonic erythropoiesis
Myc / MP:0004470 / small nasal bone
Myc / MP:0004471 / short nasal bone
Myc / MP:0004738 / abnormal brainstem auditory evoked potential
Myc / MP:0004787 / abnormal dorsal aorta morphology
Myc / MP:0004952 / increased spleen weight
Myc / MP:0005014 / increased B cell number
Myc / MP:0005018 / decreased T cell number
Myc / MP:0005031 / abnormal trophoblast layer morphology
Myc / MP:0005069 / abnormal NK cell physiology
Myc / MP:0005093 / decreased B cell proliferation
Myc / MP:0005095 / decreased T cell proliferation
Myc / MP:0005105 / abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology
Myc / MP:0005154 / increased B cell proliferation
Myc / MP:0005352 / small cranium
Myc / MP:0005584 / abnormal enzyme/coenzyme activity
Myc / MP:0006207 / embryonic lethality during organogenesis
Myc / MP:0006326 / conductive hearing impairment
Myc / MP:0006358 / absent pinna reflex
Myc / MP:0006410 / abnormal common myeloid progenitor cell morphology
Myc / MP:0008011 / intestinal polyps
Myc / MP:0008045 / decreased NK cell number
Myc / MP:0008050 / decreased memory T cell number
Myc / MP:0008101 / lymph node hypoplasia
Myc / MP:0008372 / small malleus
Myc / MP:0008375 / short malleal manubrium
Myc / MP:0008376 / small malleal manubrium
Myc / MP:0008758 / abnormal T cell receptor beta chain V(D)J recombination
Myc / MP:0008782 / increased B cell apoptosis
Myc / MP:0008813 / decreased common myeloid progenitor cell number
Myc / MP:0008973 / decreased erythroid progenitor cell number
Myc / MP:0009106 / abnormal pancreas size
Myc / MP:0009109 / decreased pancreas weight
Myc / MP:0009111 / pancreas hypoplasia
Myc / MP:0009143 / abnormal pancreatic duct morphology
Myc / MP:0009145 / abnormal pancreatic acinus morphology
Myc / MP:0009146 / abnormal pancreatic acinar cell morphology
Myc / MP:0009158 / absent pancreatic acinar cells
Nol3 / MP:0002753 / dilated heart left ventricle
Nol3 / MP:0003037 / increased infarction size
Nol3 / MP:0003141 / cardiac fibrosis
Nol3 / MP:0003222 / increased cardiomyocyte apoptosis
Nol3 / MP:0005598 / decreased ventricle muscle contractility
Nol3 / MP:0005629 / abnormal lung weight
Hes1 / MP:0000034 / abnormal vestibule morphology
Hes1 / MP:0000433 / microcephaly
Hes1 / MP:0000470 / abnormal stomach morphology
Hes1 / MP:0000477 / abnormal intestine morphology
Hes1 / MP:0000633 / abnormal pituitary gland morphology
Hes1 / MP:0000783 / abnormal forebrain morphology
Hes1 / MP:0000820 / abnormal choroid plexus morphology
Hes1 / MP:0000841 / abnormal hindbrain morphology
Hes1 / MP:0000897 / abnormal midbrain morphology
Hes1 / MP:0000913 / abnormal brain development
Hes1 / MP:0000914 / exencephaly
Hes1 / MP:0000928 / incomplete cephalic closure
Hes1 / MP:0000952 / abnormal CNS glial cell morphology
Hes1 / MP:0000955 / abnormal spinal cord morphology
Hes1 / MP:0000961 / abnormal dorsal root ganglion morphology
Hes1 / MP:0001062 / absent oculomotor nerve
Hes1 / MP:0001064 / absent trochlear nerve
Hes1 / MP:0001328 / disorganized retinal layers
Hes1 / MP:0001698 / decreased embryo size
Hes1 / MP:0001890 / anencephaly
Hes1 / MP:0001944 / abnormal pancreas morphology
Hes1 / MP:0002081 / perinatal lethality
Hes1 / MP:0002151 / abnormal neural tube morphology/development
Hes1 / MP:0002152 / abnormal brain morphology
Hes1 / MP:0002182 / abnormal astrocyte morphology
Hes1 / MP:0002622 / abnormal cochlear hair cell morphology
Hes1 / MP:0002653 / abnormal ependyma morphology
Hes1 / MP:0002659 / pituitary gland hypoplasia
Hes1 / MP:0002691 / small stomach
Hes1 / MP:0002928 / abnormal bile duct morphology
Hes1 / MP:0002929 / abnormal bile duct development
Hes1 / MP:0003243 / abnormal dopaminergic neuron morphology
Hes1 / MP:0003250 / absent gall bladder
Hes1 / MP:0003400 / kinked neural tube
Hes1 / MP:0003424 / premature neuronal precursor differentiation
Hes1 / MP:0003647 / absent oligodendrocytes
Hes1 / MP:0003816 / abnormal pituitary gland development
Hes1 / MP:0003817 / abnormal Rathke's pouch
Hes1 / MP:0003934 / abnormal pancreas development
Hes1 / MP:0003984 / embryonic growth retardation
Hes1 / MP:0004164 / abnormal neurohypophysis morphology
Hes1 / MP:0004261 / abnormal embryonic neuroepithelium morphology
Hes1 / MP:0004274 / abnormal embryonic/fetal subventricular zone morphology
Hes1 / MP:0004327 / increased vestibular hair cell number
Hes1 / MP:0004395 / increased cochlear inner hair cell number
Hes1 / MP:0004401 / increased cochlear outer hair cell number
Hes1 / MP:0005220 / abnormal exocrine pancreas morphology
Hes1 / MP:0005603 / neuron hypertrophy
Hes1 / MP:0006069 / abnormal retinal neuronal layer morphology
Hes1 / MP:0006089 / abnormal saccule morphology
Hes1 / MP:0006090 / abnormal utricle morphology
Hes1 / MP:0006174 / abnormal isthmic organizer morphology
Hes1 / MP:0006207 / embryonic lethality during organogenesis
Hes1 / MP:0006208 / lethality throughout fetal growth and development
Hes1 / MP:0006292 / abnormal olfactory placode morphology
Hes1 / MP:0006294 / absent optic vesicle
Hes1 / MP:0008328 / increased somatotroph cell number
Hes1 / MP:0008367 / absent pituitary intermediate lobe
Hes1 / MP:0008934 / absent choroid plexus
Hes1 / MP:0008949 / increased Cajal-Retzius cell number
Hes1 / MP:0009463 / abnormal pituitary infundibular stalk
Hes1 / MP:0009493 / abnormal cystic duct morphology
Hes1 / MP:0009495 / abnormal common bile duct morphology
Hes1 / MP:0009498 / abnormal extrahepatic bile duct morphology
Hes1 / MP:0009937 / abnormal neuron differentiation
Cdkn1a / MP:0000005 / increased brown adipose tissue amount
Cdkn1a / MP:0000061 / fragile skeleton
Cdkn1a / MP:0000111 / cleft palate
Cdkn1a / MP:0000131 / abnormal long bone epiphysis morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0000149 / abnormal scapula morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0000150 / abnormal rib morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0000153 / rib bifurcation
Cdkn1a / MP:0000157 / abnormal sternum morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0000159 / abnormal xiphoid process
Cdkn1a / MP:0000221 / decreased leukocyte cell number
Cdkn1a / MP:0000223 / decreased monocyte cell number
Cdkn1a / MP:0000240 / extramedullary hematopoiesis
Cdkn1a / MP:0000351 / increased cell proliferation
Cdkn1a / MP:0000352 / decreased cell proliferation
Cdkn1a / MP:0000358 / abnormal cell content/ morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0000400 / abnormal awl hair
Cdkn1a / MP:0000405 / abnormal auchene hairs
Cdkn1a / MP:0000490 / abnormal crypts of Lieberkuhn morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0000526 / small inner medullary pyramid
Cdkn1a / MP:0000607 / abnormal hepatocyte morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0000609 / abnormal liver physiology
Cdkn1a / MP:0000621 / salivary adenocarcinoma
Cdkn1a / MP:0000691 / enlarged spleen
Cdkn1a / MP:0000693 / spleen hyperplasia
Cdkn1a / MP:0000702 / enlarged lymph nodes
Cdkn1a / MP:0000715 / decreased thymocyte number
Cdkn1a / MP:0000729 / abnormal myogenesis
Cdkn1a / MP:0000757 / herniated abdominal wall
Cdkn1a / MP:0000761 / thin diaphragm muscle
Cdkn1a / MP:0001163 / abnormal prostate gland anterior lobe morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0001204 / increased resistance to skin irradiation
Cdkn1a / MP:0001260 / increased body weight
Cdkn1a / MP:0001262 / decreased body weight
Cdkn1a / MP:0001263 / weight loss
Cdkn1a / MP:0001272 / increased metastatic potential
Cdkn1a / MP:0001504 / abnormal posture
Cdkn1a / MP:0001505 / hunched posture
Cdkn1a / MP:0001828 / abnormal T cell activation
Cdkn1a / MP:0001846 / increased inflammatory response
Cdkn1a / MP:0001883 / mammary adenocarcinoma
Cdkn1a / MP:0001914 / hemorrhage
Cdkn1a / MP:0001954 / respiratory distress
Cdkn1a / MP:0002007 / increased cellular sensitivity to gamma-irradiation
Cdkn1a / MP:0002018 / malignant tumors
Cdkn1a / MP:0002019 / abnormal tumor incidence
Cdkn1a / MP:0002020 / increased tumor incidence
Cdkn1a / MP:0002023 / B cell derived lymphoma
Cdkn1a / MP:0002024 / T cell derived lymphoma
Cdkn1a / MP:0002038 / carcinoma
Cdkn1a / MP:0002046 / renal carcinoma
Cdkn1a / MP:0002058 / neonatal lethality
Cdkn1a / MP:0002081 / perinatal lethality
Cdkn1a / MP:0002082 / postnatal lethality
Cdkn1a / MP:0002083 / premature death
Cdkn1a / MP:0002100 / abnormal tooth morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0002106 / abnormal muscle physiology
Cdkn1a / MP:0002114 / abnormal axial skeleton morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0002115 / abnormal skeleton extremities morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0002176 / increased brain weight
Cdkn1a / MP:0002264 / abnormal bronchus morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0002267 / abnormal bronchiole morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0002270 / abnormal respiratory alveoli morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0002398 / abnormal bone marrow cell morphology/development
Cdkn1a / MP:0002401 / abnormal lymphopoiesis
Cdkn1a / MP:0002427 / disproportionate dwarf
Cdkn1a / MP:0002432 / abnormal CD4-positive T cell morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0002494 / increased IgM level
Cdkn1a / MP:0002581 / abnormal ileum morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0002607 / decreased basophil cell number
Cdkn1a / MP:0002628 / hepatic steatosis
Cdkn1a / MP:0002743 / glomerulonephritis
Cdkn1a / MP:0002780 / decreased circulating testosterone level
Cdkn1a / MP:0003000 / increased resistance to lymphoma
Cdkn1a / MP:0003010 / decreased mortality induced by ionizing radiation
Cdkn1a / MP:0003052 / omphalocele
Cdkn1a / MP:0003055 / abnormal long bone epiphyseal plate morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0003075 / altered response to CNS ischemic injury
Cdkn1a / MP:0003077 / abnormal cell cycle
Cdkn1a / MP:0003084 / abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0003237 / abnormal lens epithelium morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0003331 / hepatocellular carcinoma
Cdkn1a / MP:0003436 / decreased susceptibility to induced arthritis
Cdkn1a / MP:0003453 / abnormal keratinocyte physiology
Cdkn1a / MP:0003606 / kidney failure
Cdkn1a / MP:0003613 / abnormal kidney medulla development
Cdkn1a / MP:0003638 / abnormal response/metabolism to endogenous compounds
Cdkn1a / MP:0003667 / hemangiosarcoma
Cdkn1a / MP:0003675 / kidney cysts
Cdkn1a / MP:0003725 / increased autoantibody level
Cdkn1a / MP:0003763 / abnormal thymus physiology
Cdkn1a / MP:0003887 / increased hepatocyte apoptosis
Cdkn1a / MP:0003893 / increased hepatocyte proliferation
Cdkn1a / MP:0003909 / increased eating behavior
Cdkn1a / MP:0003917 / increased kidney weight
Cdkn1a / MP:0003941 / abnormal skin development
Cdkn1a / MP:0003960 / increased lean body mass
Cdkn1a / MP:0004002 / abnormal jejunum morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0004023 / abnormal chromosome number
Cdkn1a / MP:0004025 / polyploidy
Cdkn1a / MP:0004028 / chromosome breakage
Cdkn1a / MP:0004045 / abnormal cell cycle checkpoint function
Cdkn1a / MP:0004174 / abnormal spine curvature
Cdkn1a / MP:0004200 / decreased fetal size
Cdkn1a / MP:0004207 / squamous cell carcinoma
Cdkn1a / MP:0004320 / split sternum
Cdkn1a / MP:0004321 / short sternum
Cdkn1a / MP:0004353 / abnormal deltoid tuberosity morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0004354 / absent deltoid tuberosity
Cdkn1a / MP:0004393 / abnormal cochlear inner hair cell morphology
Cdkn1a / MP:0004396 / decreased cochlear inner hair cell number
Cdkn1a / MP:0004402 / decreased cochlear outer hair cell number
Cdkn1a / MP:0004407 / increased cochlear hair cell number
Cdkn1a / MP:0004408 / decreased cochlear hair cell number
Cdkn1a / MP:0004432 / abnormal cochlear hair cell physiology
Cdkn1a / MP:0004499 / increased incidence of chemically-induced tumors
Cdkn1a / MP:0004500 / increased incidence of ionizing radiation-induced tumors
Cdkn1a / MP:0004503 / decreased incidence of ionizing radiation-induced tumors
Cdkn1a / MP:0004686 / decreased length of long bones
Cdkn1a / MP:0004762 / increased anti-double stranded DNA antibody level
Cdkn1a / MP:0004771 / increased anti-single stranded DNA antibody level
Cdkn1a / MP:0004794 / increased anti-nuclear antigen antibody level
Cdkn1a / MP:0004796 / increased anti-histone antibody level
Cdkn1a / MP:0004809 / increased hematopoietic stem cell number
Cdkn1a / MP:0004819 / decreased skeletal muscle mass
Cdkn1a / MP:0004910 / decreased seminal vesicle weight
Cdkn1a / MP:0004948 / abnormal neuronal precursor proliferation
Cdkn1a / MP:0004952 / increased spleen weight
Cdkn1a / MP:0004962 / decreased prostate gland weight