Measham Medical Unit Patient Participation Group

Summary of meeting: 8 June 2016

Present;Kristen Eley; Sarah Miller; Barbara Milner; Tracey Lidgbird; Fred Baldwin;Dawn Christian; Meriel Caron; Jan King; Dr Handford; Dr Swaebe; Philip King (Secretary).

Apologies:Elaine Weir;Karen Turrell; Colin Manifold; Dr Randev

Applications for finance: Tracey reported that she has now been able to establish exactly what finance is available from 106 funding, what the money can be used for, what the stipulations are, etc. Money is certainly earmarked for health. The first deadline is 2019.

Self Care: It was agreed that this initiative will be one of our two key areas for development in the coming year. In essence, Self Care is about looking after yourself in a healthy way. It can be anything from brushing your teeth, doing some exercise, managing common conditions (like headaches, colds and flu) or living with a long-term health problem, such as asthma or diabetes. [More information:

PPG Network: Barbara has made available all the notes from May’s Network meeting (circulated to all PPG members) and asks for any comments to be sent to her for feedback at her next meeting.

Village Information Posters: June’s posters are now available and are being circulated. Tracey has an increasing number of places where these can be displayed, including local pubs. These posters will try to have a balance of news items, together with reminders about what services the Practice offers.

Social Prescribing: Dr Swaebe outlined a vision for how this might be implemented locally. Social Prescribing offers access to voluntary-run groups that provide support and services that are not generally available on the NHS. It is hoped to offer groups the space at the Practice in a new building in the garden; application will be made to the Minorca group for funding for this. Having the groups on site offers extra opportunity for medical support and encourages a good supportive environment for the individual members. This initiative is the second of our key areas for development.

Waiting Room Improvements: Tracey and Dawn will meet to decide on what will be displayed in the new notice boards, and further enquiries will be made about art work on one of the walls.

Informative Talks: It was agreed that the two subgroups would plan these. The September Talk will be organised by the Self Care subgroup.

Fund-raising: Over £15000 was raised for the Brain Tumour Charity by twelve colleagues who took part in the London to Brighton Challenge, and around £4000 was raised for the Breast Cancer Charity in the London Moon Walk. The generosity and support of the local community for these two fund-raising projects has been amazing.

Measham Youth Club: Dawn reported that unfortunately the Club will be closing at the end of July. There will be a Farewell Party on 14 July. She thanked those from the Practice who had supported the Club over a number of years.

Subgroups: For the remainder of the meeting, members joined one of the two subgroups (Self Care or Social Prescribing) so that initial plans could be made as to how to take these two initiatives forward. Each of these groups will hold their own meeting during July at a date and time to suit them. There will be no full PPG meeting in July. At the August meeting, each group will be able to present an Action Plan similar to the ones used before. At this meeting, there will also be an opportunity to see one of the Powerpoint presentations provided by the PPG Network group.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 3 August 2016 at 7pm

Plus:Wednesday 7 September 2016 at 7pm

Wednesday 5 October 2016 at 7pm