Curriculum Vitae (Summary)

Personal Details: Date of Birth 22 November 1975 Nationality British

Qualifying Experience:

Kate has worked for many years on sexual and reproductive health and HIV policy and advocacy at UK, European and international level within the nongovernmental sector and as a freelance consultant. She has a particular interest in sexual rights and the research to policy and practice process. Kate has worked on research communications for a number of projects and programmes and enjoys the theoretical and practical aspects of this work. Kate is currently the Convenor of the Sexuality and Development Programme, a project funded by the UK Department for International Development, which is exploring critical issues in sexuality through research, dialogues between critical thinkers and innovative communications. Kate sits on the Steering Committee of the UK Network on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.


2006, MA in Human Rights, The University of Sussex

1997, BA in Social Psychology, The University of Sussex

Employment history

2010 – present Convenor of the Sexuality and Development Programme, Institute of Development Studies

2008 – 2010 Communications and Research Officer, Institute of Development Studies

2007 – 2008 Policy and Advocacy Manager, Interact Worldwide

2002 – 2005 Policy Assistant and Project Support Officer: Policy, International HIV/AIDS Alliance

2001 – 2002 Administrator, Institute of Development Studies

1998 – 2001 Fundraiser and Creative, Personal Fundraising Partnership

Relevant Research Projects

2008 – 2010 Communications Officer for the Realising Rights Research Programme Consortium funded by the UK Department for International Development

2008 – 2010 Communications Officer Future Health Systems Research Programme Consortium funded by the UK Department for International Development

2009 Communications Manager for Aid for AIDS, a research project funded by Swedish Sida

2008 Communications Officer for POVILL, a research consortia funded by the European Union

Selected Publications and Reports

Halmshaw, C. and Hawkins, K (2004) Capitalising on Global HIV/AIDS Funding: The Challenge for Civil Society and Government, Reproductive Health Matters 2004; 12 (24): 35–41

International HIV/AIDS Alliance and International Planned Parenthood Federation (2005) ICPD+10: The HIV/AIDS Working Group Background Paper

Reproductive Health Matters and International HIV/AIDS Alliance (2006) Emerging issues: Condom policy and programming, Condoms: An International Workshop,

21-23 June 2006, Meeting Report http://www.eldis.org/vfile/upload/1/document/0708/DOC23361.pdf

Action for Global Health (2007) Health Warning www.actionforglobalhealth.eu

Hawkins, K. (2008) Ensuring Healthy Aid in Zambia: Harmonisation, budget support and the role of civil society in improving aid effectiveness, Action for Global Health

Hawkins, K. (2009) The Hidden Costs of tackling Maternal Mortality, Commonwealth Finance Ministers Reference Report

Aziz, R., Gautham, M., Oladepo, O. and Hawkins, K. (2009) Improving provider performance, Making health markets work for poor people, ID21 Insights

Bloom, G, Hawkins, K, Pei, X, Xiao, Y and Zhang, Z (2009) Lessons from the Chinese Approach to Health System Development, IDS In Focus Policy Briefings 8 .1, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies

Tulloch, O, Crichton, J., Theobald, S. and Hawkins, K. (2009) Lessons learnt from health researchers and communications experts at an international meeting on strengthening the research to policy and practice interface, SHHEP briefing

Ainsworth, P and Hawkins, K. (2010) Beyond Scaling Up: Pathways to Universal Access, Brief from a joint STEPS Centre/Future Health Systems workshop