Radiation in Our Daily Lives
To help you better understand how radiation is involved in our every day lives enter RadTown USA at the following web site For each area that you are directed to learn about you must write a summary (1 or 2 paragraphs) of the information you are reading.
Click on enter RadTown on the right side of the page. From there, click on the Basic Information heading above RadTown and read about “What is Radiation”. Next, click on radiation and radioactivity to get to Ionizing and Nonionizing radiation and write a summary of how the two compare and contrast.
Go back to the RadTown USA screen and write a short summary for each of the following 3 topics.
- Click on the Super Store to learn about food irradiation.
- Click on the High School to learn about one of the two topics listed.
- Click on one other location in RadTown to learn about the topic.
Read 3 of the 8 following articles then write a summary of the articles including the importance to society. (1)
(2) (3)
(4) (5)
(6) (8)
Finally, there is a proposal to build a nuclear power plant on the Green River in Utah. There is both opposition and support for this power plant. Write a two page typed (12 point) paper describing specific reasons for opposition to the plant at this specific site and benefits to building the nuclear power plant. Make sure you properly cite your sources of information at the end of the paper. Plagiarism will result in zero on this assignment.
Below are sources of how to do citations for the nuclear power plant paper. It does not matter to me if you use APA or MLA.