School: St John Vianney Morisset

State Action Plan Literacy and Numeracy TERM1- 4 2013

NSW schools that did not achieve national minimum standards in NAPLAN 2010and 2011 years 3 and 5 have been identified to receive additional staffing support beginning in Term 3 2012 specifically for K-2 and based on a three-tiered approach to intervention.

This plan is a whole school approach with particular focus on K-2 framed around the following four areas:

1. Leadership development

2. Data literacy

3. Improving teacher quality

4. Schools as centres of community

Leading Teacher: Rebecca Kearns

Principal: Simon Devlin

Education Officer: Sally Brock


  1. Leadership Development:
To strengthen Principal leadership that prioritises literacy and numeracy improvements and teacher professional learning. (Literacy and Numeracy Framework CSO 2010)
Goal / KPI / Strategies / Timeline / Teacher and resource allocation / Working Progress / Target / Outcome
1.1 Develop the capacity of the leadership team in the use of Diocesan Literacy and Numeracy Framework K-12 / Attend meetings to discuss the framework
Use framework in assisting with planning / Term 4 / Leading teacher
Copies of framework available. / DAD meetings about the Framework.
Principal meeting and seminar
Sally Brock visits / All staff aware of the State Action Plan
All staff have a better understanding of the Lit/Num Framework / Staff engaged with the framework and the action plan.
AP 2.4.2
Discuss the framework at staff meeting.
Professional Readings / Leading teacher
1.2 To build the capacity of the leadership team in strategic and annual planning with specific goal and target setting for students improvement / Leadership team to discuss framework, evaluate school performance and identify goals. / Terms 1 & 2 / Leadership Team / Weekly executive meetings / Leadership team will have a better understanding of the framework and be able to identify school goals in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy. / Leadership team presented findings at staff meetings and discussed areas of strength and weakness with staff.
Leadership team will present findings at staff meetings and discuss areas of strength and weakness with staff. / Term 2 / Whole Staff / Staff Meetings
AP 2.2.3
1.3 To develop the capacity of the leadership team in supporting teacher professional development / Leadership team engage in PD focussing on Literacy and Numeracy. / ongoing / Leadership Team
Class teachers / Professional Development
Staff Meetings
Professional Discussions / Leadership team empowered to lead PD for other staff members. / Teaching staff supported by the Leadership team in continuing to develop pedagogy.
AP 2.2.3
1.4 To develop the capacity of the leadership team in the provision of resources for the explicit teaching and intervention in literacy and /or numeracy. / Develop a system for the allocation of funds to and ordering Literacy and Numeracy resources. / Term 2 / Leadership Team
Class teachers / Executive Meetings / All staff aware of budget allocation and how to request resources. / Literacy and Numeracy resources are continually updated.
  1. Data Literacy:
To set whole school Literacy and Numeracy goals and strategies within School Strategic and Annual Plans.(Literacy and Numeracy Framework CSO 2010)
Goal / KPI / Strategies / Timeline / Teacher and resource allocation / Working Progress / Target / Outcome
2.1 To focus on data literacy by using baseline data including Kindergarten Best Start assessments, Schedule for Early Numeracy Assessment (SENA) and standardised testing. / Review on current Assessment Schedule; validity and usage. / Term 4 2013 / Whole staff / Staff Meeting
LST Meetings / Review current standardised assessment practices. / Standardised assessments prescribed in the School Wide Assessment Schedule inform classroom teaching.
2.2 To conduct an environmental scan that includes demographic, contextual, historical and results data. / Complete resource audit (literacy and numeracy)
Evaluate Literacy and Numeracy resources in accordance with PD / Term 3 weeks 7-10 2012.
Terms 1 & 2 / Leading teacher
Library Assistant.
Supplement current readers in Flying colours.
Purchase exemplarsfor PM writing K-2($1120).
Leading Teacher and Class teachers complete resource audits in accordance with PD requirements. / Term 3 readers collected
Term 4 purchase graded readers.
Audit of numeracy resources completed by all staff.
K-2 teachers and Leading Teacher gather resources for use in Balanced Literacy planning. / Completed resource audit identified copies of texts needed for year K- 2 guided reading to be purchased ready for 2013.
New resources purchased and or made. / Evaluated the current supply, use and effectiveness of resources to support the teaching of literacy and numeracy and identified specific areas of need.
Well-resourced classrooms.
AP 2.2.3
Audit class timetables to ensure 100 minutes of literacy and 60 minutes of numeracy planned daily in blocks.
LT modelling balanced Numeracy lesson
Team Taught – observing,/feedback and planning collaboratively
Class timetables to ensure 100 minutes of literacy and 60 minutes of numeracy planned daily in blocks. / Term 3-4,
Ongoing / Leading teacher
Class teachers
Education Officer
Education Officer
Assistant Principal
Class teachers
Leading Teacher / Leading Teacher orientation day August 29, 2012.
Education Officer mentored Leading Teacher on 5/9/12
Executive meeting
September 20/9/12
Programme supervision / Modified Term 4 timetables reflect 60 minutes numeracy blocks daily.
Teachers K-2 using balanced Numeracy lessons
Timetables reflect 60 minutes numeracy blocks daily.
Teachers using balanced Numeracy lessons.
Term 2 2013 timetables reflect 100 mins of literacy blocks daily. K-2 teachers using Balanced Literacy lessons. / Numeracy blocks are given high priority of both time and organisation and reflect the Quality Teaching Framework.
AP 2.2.3
Literacy and Numeracy blocks are given high priority of both time and organisation and reflect the Quality Teaching Framework.
AP 2.2.3
2.3 To focus on data literacy by participating in workshops for all staff in data analysis. / All class teachers to use NAPLAN Teaching Strategies (developed by Leading Teacher) in 2013.
When SMART data available in 2013, Rebecca Kearns will conduct PD on analysis.
Leading Teacher work with staff to develop specific areas of need and identify appropriate NAPLAN Teaching Strategies for use in 2014. / Term 4 2013 / Leading Teacher
Class Teachers
Trish Gleeson / Staff Meetings
Professional discussions / Teachers analysing SMART data and using the information to inform future teaching. / SMART Data used to inform teaching.
AP 2.4.2
2.4 To complete e-learning modules in SMART / Teaching staff complete e-learning modules. / Term 4 / Class Teachers / Staff meetings / Teachers examine the data and discuss the deficiencies and strengths. / Teachers use the SMART data to inform teaching.
2.5 To make connections with A-E reporting especially in Years 1-2 / Teaching staff will view work samples on ARC website.
Staff will discuss why grade were allocated to work samples / Term 2 / Class teachers
Leading Teacher / Class teachers collaborate with grade partner / Leading Teacher to assess students’ work. / Making connections with A-E reporting scale. / Class teachers have a better understanding of A-E reporting.
2.6 To liaise with Learning Support Teacher and existing structures to track and map progress. / LST works with LT LSAs and class teachers to set up timetables for appropriate intervention.
LST to be involved in a review of the School Wide Assessment Schedule / Ongoing / Learning Support Teacher
Leading Teacher
Learning Support Assistants
Class Teachers
Principal / Regular meetings with involved members of staff / Intervention for small groups and individuals / Improved in student learning
AP 2.2.3
AP 2.4.2
  1. Improving Teacher Quality:
To strengthen teacher capacity to deliver quality literacy and numeracy practices. (Literacy and Numeracy Framework CSO 2010)
Goal / KPI / Strategies / Timeline / Teacher and resource allocation / Working Progress / Target / Outcome
3.1 Employ expert teachers to work with staff and students. / LT works with staff K-2 in class.
Presentations at staff meetings.
Informal meetings with staff.
Modelled teaching
Finding a space for LT to set up.
Order resources from Woolworths / Terms 3-4 / Leading teacher
Classroom teacher / Speaking at each staff meeting.
Staff meeting Week 3 and 4 examining a Maths block.
Week 5 work with teachers in preparing a lesson to be observed. / Teachers engaging with LT.
LT in classrooms. / Consistent approach to teaching Mathematics
AP 2.4.2
LT works with Students
LT works small groups and individual
Observations in class
Consultations with Teachers.
Swell intervention Program / Term 4 / Leading Teacher
Principal / Assessment of children
Taking small group for MinilitYr 1 and Yr 2
Working with Kinder / Assessments completed
Set up a room for minilit
9 students placed in minilit program and complete 11 lessons / Improved reading skills for targeted children
3.2 Identify areas of specific need and conduct targeted professional development for staff. / Education Officer leads Differentiating Mathematics Instruction online course for staff. / Terms 1 & 2 / Education Officer
Class Teachers
$1000 Math Resources / Participation in online PD during staff meetings. / Teachers will differentiate instruction in the mathematics strands of Number and Algebra. / Student learning needs better catered for in the mathematics strands of Number and Algebra through differentiation.
AP 2.2.3
3. 3 Use specific programs and professional development opportunities to up-skill teachers in their explicit teaching of literacy and numeracy K-2. / Education Officer and LT work with K-2 staff to develop English units of work using a Balanced Literacy approach. / Term 2 / Education Officer
Leading Teacher
K-2 teachers
Casual Relief 3 classes x 2 = 6 days
Approx $2000 / Education Officer leads PD for K-2 teachers to develop balanced literacy units for their class. / K-2 teachers will used a Balanced Literacy approach when programming for English. / K-2 teachers will have a better understanding of the explicit and cohesive teaching of literacy.
  1. Schools as Centres of Community: Focusing on whole school change
To develop parents as integral partners in their child’s literacy and numeracy learning. (Literacy and Numeracy Framework CSO 2010)
Goal / KPI / Strategies / Timeline / Teacher and resource allocation / Working Progress / Target / Outcome
4.1 To build leader and teacher capacity through targeted professional development, setting up structures that enable student and staff progress to be monitored and tracked. / * Parent workshops for new families in Numeracy and Literacy.
* review tracking and Monitoring System
*Complete Best Start Training / Term 4 2013 / Leading Teacher
Learning Support
Mini Lit Training
$1000 / Work with T/L and discuss workshops with Principal.
Orientation sessions planned.
Parents invited.
Resource pack for parents to take home. / Each Kinder parent for 2013 will be given practical ways to help chn in Literacy and Numeracy before they start school. / Children better prepared for school.
Parents have a deeper understanding of what happens at school.
Parents feel more involved in their child’s education.
AP 2.4.2
4.2 To use individual plans (IPs), literacy plans, (LPs) and personalised learning plans (PLPs) / Continue to use and update IPs and LPs to monitor and track the progress of tier 2 and 3 children. / Ongoing / Whole staff
Parents / Plans are developed and reviewed as needed. / The learning needs of specific children are identified and tracked. / Improved literacy skills reflected in data.
AP 2.4.2
4.3 To incorporate current initiatives in relation to student well-being to support this action plan. / Continue to use and review PBS model for classroom and playground use.
Engage in workshops that support PBS model such as anxiety. / Ongoing / Whole staff / Annual review of PBS model and practises.
Workshops as they arise. / The school will be a safe and happy place; delivering quality education. / Children feeling safe, happy and engaged in their learning.
AP 2.5.1