Writing Workshop

Use digital tools in writing workshop:

The If/Then guide for teachers

If you want to learn more about Writing Workshop….

1. Check out the Lucy Calkin’s curriculum and website.

2. Busy Teachers Café Workshop Basics

3. Videos of Writing Workshop:

If you have kids that don’t know what to write about ……..


1. Open the padlet by scanning the QR code with the i-nigma app. (scan the QR and press go online) .

3. Double tap anywhere on the Padlet and add your picture from the camera icon (choose a file>take a photo)

3. Make a list of 3-10 things you like by typing in the text box.

4. If something goes wrong= scan the QR code again.

5. Can’t think of an idea for writing one day? Come back here for ideas! Look at your list or look at other kid’s ideas and start writing!

6. Create your own padlet for your class!

If you have kids that don’t know what to write about ……..


1. Open the pic collage app.

2. Make a collage of things you like, places you have been, and things you like to do.

3. Have the students practice telling stories to a partner about the pictures throughout the year.

One pic can have help you on all types of writing:

EX: Teach how to cook lobster, tell about a time I ate lobster, give a review about lobster, and compare two stories/articles about lobster

3. Save the collages to the iPad, SEESAW or something else you are using in the classroom. Print out the QR codes from SEESAW so they can reference them when they are out of ideas. Keep the QR codes in their writing folders or journals.

If your students need a digital tool to share their work with an audience…

1. Use Seesaw! “Seesaw empowers students to independently document what they are learning at school.
Students can “show what they know” using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. You can also import directly from most popular apps.”

2. Have students post on a blog.

3. BoomWriter

BoomWriter Media is redefining what it means to tell stories.

Our unique approach enables writers, in all areas of life, to collaborate and compete for pieces of stories.

Readers can follow projects as they progress and watch competitions happen in real time.

If you have kids that can tell you all about a topic and then only write a few sentences….

TALKING IT OUT FIRST with a dictation tool! A dictation tool will write what the student is saying.


2. Open “Take a Note” and talk about the topic today by pressing the microphone on the keyboard.

+Reread it. Some of the words might be wrong. Edit it.

+Post it to SEESAW

+Use this to help you write your story during this unit.

+Teachers will use comment section on SeeSaw to provide feedback, also.

Other dictation tools: Dragon Dictation app or Siri

If you need your students to assess their work and set goals….

1. Have students post their work using a digital tool and use a checklist to comment about one thing they did well and one thing they are missing with text or audio.

Ex 1: Using the app Puppet Pals or Telecast students can analyze their work.

Ex 2: Use Seesaw


1. Open SeeSaw App.

2. Post your work using the PHOTO

After taking a photo use the tools on the bottom of your picture to record, draw or type: indicate two things you did well and two things you are missing. Use the checklist or rubric from your teacher.


Video: Record an editing interview. Buddy up: One student will read the checklist:

Did you get your reader’s attention at the beginning?

The writer will show evidence of completing that part or say they need to work on that.

If they can show their buddy where they did it then they will read the next step on the checklist or rubric. If they need to work on that step the video is done and they have a plan now about what to do next.

After posting a picture of their work, use the drawing tools to indicate where they did something well and where they need to add or fix something.

Comments: They can also use the comment button to record or type about their work. Download SeeSaw:

If students need to edit their spelling or grammar:

1. SeeSawUsing the NOTE button:

-using the microphone read your work and look and see if you can fix your spelling in your written work by comparing it to the recorded work.


- type some of the words that you don’t know how to spell and use predictive text to help you fix your work.

2.Let Readable.IO give you some tips for editing!

3. Google Chrome App

If you need to use a digital tool to assess their work you can also use the tools above and:

4. Plagiarism Detectors:

also see 3

5. Cliché finder

If you want to give your students more choices during publishing:


Explore these interactives by grade level.

My favorites: Printing Press, Flip Books, Persuasion Map, Character Trading Cards, Postcards

NOTE: These interactive tools must be used on a desktop/laptop. Check out the lesson ideas by scrolling down when you click on the interactive.

If you have a student who needs prompts…

Attach this link to your website or post the QR code in your room.


Sometimes the kids will use the prompt and many times it just sparks an idea and they will get started on their writing!

If you want students to engage in real world applications of writing throughout the year with something you are already using…

•Are you already using Class DOJO to keep parents in the loop about their child’s behavior with this positive behavior system? Have a student write about the week on Class Dojo Class Story.

•Add a blog to your WEEBLY or website you have already started: post prompts and students can comment and reflect on the writing. Pick topics that interest you kids! What is their current obsession? Fidget spinners? Pokémon? Have them write about that on the blog!

•Do you already maintain a website? Have your students update certain parts of it each week.

•Do you have to send a newsletter each week? Have your students type up the CLASS NEWSPAPER or Newsletter for you!

Use READ WRITE THINK newspaper interactive:

What other digital tools do you already use in the classroom? How can your students use it in writing workshop?

If you want students to practice typing…

Use Padlet: Give students a link or embed it onto your blog. Post different topics that they can respond to.

+Play with PADELT today.


*Using the “share” feature on Padlet you can embed the code onto your website and students can post on the Padlet right on your website.

Today’s Meet: Chatroom type writing “TodaysMeet gives everyone the floor and lets even the quietest students express themselves.”

If you need to use technology for Just-in- Time instruction…

Attach these videos to your website, web links folder or google classroom.


1. Learnzillion- writing and grammar topics

2. Khan Academy grammar

3. Teaching without Frills videos on YouTube- lessons

Use SafeShare to make videos safe to share without commercials:

If you need more ideas:

Check out these ideas and more on the PowerpointNew Link:

and the Padlet Located here:

After logging in, use the remake button at the top right of the padlet to make your own padlet for your class so they can easily use digital tools in the classroom.