Each team will receive a book. Please take the time to read it.

Again this year there has been an increase in numbers. This is great news. It is so good to see more people wanting to play. We also have some new clubs Make them welcome.

there are two program books one for the open grades and one for all junior grades

Programs will be website (thanks Sandy). Make sure your teams have the correct program.

**** Please note that 13 Div 7 is split between 7 pm and 8 pm

Other Additions/alterations to the Book

D grade has the wrong times and program New program with this newsletter & will be given out book night

17/3 28/2 change court 16 to 19

17/4 13/12 change court 15 to 5

13 Div 2 PHOS Camden should be I not H

11/5 Time was omitted This grade plays at 6 pm

11/9 CLG T is Mayflowers.

8/2 Rosefield R is Rapids

Each week the score cards are written out and available in the club rooms.


Matches must commence on time. No grace period is allowed. Play can commence with 5 players.

A forfeit can be called if a team is not ready to start on time.

PARKING Disabled Permit to the northern side of the clubrooms

Parking on the south is only with an ACC permit

All other cars must be parked in the car park

PLAYER REGISTRATION - This form must be handed in the first night.

All players are to fill-in the large registration form at the beginning of the season.

Please ensure all your players’ details are printed neatly and there is a date of birth.

All players must sign the registration forms.

For fill in players during the season, forms are available from the clubrooms.

The Club Secretary /representative must also sign the Registration forms.

Fines may be imposed for playing unregistered players $5 for each unregistered player each match.

Clubs that can please enter all new players online. This will help me greatly

Umpire Registration

All umpires who have not registered for the Winter season must register

Forms are available from the clubrooms and can be left there. Forms are also available on our web site

UMPIRE: Each team must provide an umpire even if a player has to leave the court and umpire. No umpire, no game. Umpires are not permitted to single. A forfeit can occur if there is no umpire. Umpires are to wear something that is different from the teams. A White top is to be worn over club uniforms.

FEES All clubs/teams will receive an invoice on book night. If you have paid thank you.

Due either Book Night or by the first match.

INSURANCE $67 per team playing in the summer competition.


1. The Maurice Clifton Trophy is awarded to the team who scores the highest average goal score in matches played for the minor round. There will be two trophies this year. One for Open competition and one for Junior competition

2. The Dean Lawrance Incentive Award for the 13 & Under section will continue this season. This will only be for Div 1, Div 2, Div 3 and Div 4. All scorers for these divisions will be asked to vote for the most talented player for the opposition. Voting slips will be available with the scorecards. The completed vote to be placed in an envelope and returned to the clubrooms. The winning player/s will be awarded with a trophy after the minor round matches. Please make sure your scorers are aware of this.

3. The Anna De Cicco Memorial Sportsmanship Award

This award is teams on Wednesday night. All teams will be asked to vote by Round 13 for the teams in their grade, they believe demonstrates the 10 commandments of sportsmanship.

POLE COVERS It is the responsibility of the home team to collect pole covers for the first match and the responsibility of the home team to return the pole covers to the clubrooms after the last match on that court. A fine of $20 will be imposed if pole covers are not returned to the clubrooms. Please check if your court is being used after your game. We appreciate your help in doing this.


Matches for the night will be cancelled if the temperature is 36 or more and it will be

announced on Facebook and our web site by 4.30 pm on the day of matches

Make sure all players are able to check out either of these

There is no need to enter anything on line. In summer this will be done by one person
Each team is to collect their scorecard for the match from the board inside the
Clubrooms and each team must provide a scorer. If not then a player must leave the court and score. Scorers must sit together. Each team must return scorecard to the clubrooms immediately after the match. Scorers must be 14 years of age.


If during the season you find it necessary to forfeit you must let the opposition know no later than 5 pm on the day of the match. You must notify the Secretary Margaret Johnson and your umpire. Failure to advise the opposition by 5 pm may result in a $80 fine.


Times for all finals will be notified early in 2017.

All teams (whether in or not) will be asked to supply umpires

Each umpire will received a payment of $30 per match during finals.

For further information or queries please contact the

Secretary Margaret Johnson 0422 563 417 or

Enjoy your season with us.