Physical Education Rules and Procedures

Scott Germain Rhonda Major Kristy Row

Ext. 2075 Ext. 2025 Ext. 2057


Each student is required to purchase a PE uniform. Uniforms can be purchased in the main office. Uniforms must be left as issued (no cut sleeves) and must have students name marked on each piece of clothing.

All students must wear school issued PE uniform. This includes sweatshirts and sweatpants. Students are NOT allowed to wear ANY street clothes of any kind. Students must dress in complete uniform and MUST wear ONLY THEIR own uniform. Lace-up tennis shoes and socks are part of the daily uniform. Sandals and slip on shoes will result in a dress cut due to the risk of injury. Students are only allowed to wear school issued sweatshirts and sweatpants.

Incoming freshmen and new students MUST purchase a lock for their PE locker from the main office. This lock is the student’s responsibility and if lost of stolen, a replacement lock MUST be purchased for $6.00 from the main office. All students are to keep their lock on their locker at all times! PE Instructors/school are NOT responsible for stolen items (purses/bags etc) that are left on the benches or in an unlocked locker. PURSES/CLOTHES ARE NOT TO BE LEFT ON BENCHES DURING CLASS FOR ANY REASON.


PE Shorts-- $10.50

PE TShirt-- $5.50

Sweatshirts and sweatpants--$10 each


Both participation and dress policy consist of the majority of your overall grade.

**Not dressing out will result in the following:

**The 1st time the student chooses not dress out they will receive 5% of their overall grade lowered.

**The 2nd timethe student chooses not to dress out they will receive an additional 10% of their overall grade lowered and their parents will be notified via mail.

**The 3rd time the student chooses not to dress out they will receive an additional 10% of their grade lowered, the students parents will be notified and the student will be referred to the office.

**The 4th time the student chooses not to dress out they will receive an additional 10% of their grade lowered, the student receives a grade of an “F” and will be assigned to study hall for the rest of the semester.



Participation is a MUST in this class! If you choose not to participate you will fail. A student who is well enough to attend school is expected to dress out and participate in daily activity.

* Participation does not mean showing up for class.

* Participation does not mean dressing out.

* Participation does not meant standing around during activity.

**Participation involves playing the game within the framework of the rules, using correct skills and etiquette, cooperation, and sportsmanship!


Students who are dressed out and refuse to participate in the daily activity will result in the following:

*1st Time—Student will be warned.

*2nd Time-- Results in loss of 5% off overall grade, will be referred to counselor and parent will be contacted.

*3rdTime—Results in additional loss of 10% off overall grade, will be referred to principal, and letter will be sent home.

*4th Time— Results in additional loss of 10% off overall grade, and they will be referred to office.

*5th Time—Results in additional loss of 15% off overall grade, and the removal from class with a grade of an “F” for the remaining semester.

Students will have the choice of participating in the daily activity OR walking. If a student chooses to walk, they will have to meet the required number of steps using a pedometer in order to earn all daily participation points.

It is the student’s responsibility to report number of steps at the end of the hour to the PE instructor. Failure to do so will result in earning a 0 for the day.

Pedometer Criteria:

2700 – 3000 = 10 points

2400 – 2699 = 8 points

2100 – 2399 = 6 points

Under 2099 = 0 points


Anytime a student misses class, they must access the teacher’s website (see handout) and complete a written assignment to make up their daily participation points. For each day absent, the student is given one day after their return to school to submit the completed work (Ex. Student is absent on Monday—work is due on Wednesday. Student is absent Monday & Tuesday—work is due Friday).


Notes from parents or guardians excusing students from P.E. are good for ONE day at the teacher’s discretion. If the student is to be out of class longer than one day, a note from a doctor is required. If a student has medical excuse from a doctor, he/she is required to complete a written assignment for each day out. Any student who cannot participate in physical education classes for one week or more due to a doctor’s request, will be placed in study hall/library and will be given alternate assignments. The student is responsible for providing a medical clearance from the doctor before they are allowed to return to class.


  1. Students may NOT ice instead of PE/Weights unless school coach/trainer/doctor has provided written request.
  2. Students who ice instead of PE/Weights must also miss practice.
  3. Students may ice FOLLOWING weights/PE by double bagging ice & taking it with them to their next class period.
  4. If a student ices INSTEAD of participating in PE/Weights they must fill out the sheet that verifies that they chose to ice instead of participating.


All students upon entering physical education have a grade of “100%” and it is theirs to lose. They will be graded on the following:

**Participation--- 10 points per day

**Written Test (approximately 1-3 per semester)

**Written Semester Exam--

A / 93 – 100 / 4.00
A- / 90 – 92 / 3.67
B+ / 87 – 89 / 3.33
B / 83 – 86 / 3.00
B- / 80 – 82 / 2.67
C+ / 77 – 79 / 2.33
C / 73 – 76 / 2.00
C- / 70 – 72 / 1.67
D+ / 69 / 1.33
D / 67 – 68 / 1.00
D- / 66 / 0.67
F / 65 and below / 0.00

**CHS is on a semester basis with each of the two nine-week grades counting as 40% of the final semester-grade, and the exam counting as 20% of the final semester-grade.Columbia is on a semester basis; passing the second semester of a year-long course does not equal one-full credit.


1. No horseplay of any kind.

Ex. Kicking, pushing, wrestling, throwing balls or equipment at others outside the rules of the activity etc. (horseplayincludes all of the previous listed but is not limited to only those listed).

2. Profanity will not be tolerated.

3. No food/drinks/gum or candy in the gym or locker room. ANY FOOD/DRINKS (OTHER THAN WATER) BROUGHT INTO GYM/LOCKER ROOMS WILL BE THROWN IN TRASH.

4. No jewelry to be worn at any time—if you have jewelry on it is considered a dress cut.

5. No fighting (even “play fighting”).

6. Students are to be lined up in assigned spot. If not in assigned spot, the student is considered tardy.

7. Students are to be full clothed—shirt, socks, and shoes must ALL be on before existing locker room and lining up in rows.

8. Students are to use the restroom before class starts. Students will NOT be allowed back into locker rooms to use the restroom.

9. Locker rooms will be locked and students will not be allowed back into locker room until class has ended.

10. Upon completion of the activity and after students have changed out of P.E. uniforms, students must be in gym and not in locker room/hallway until the bell rings.

11. It is the responsibility of each student to keep their things locked up in their gym locker. Random lock/locker checks will be done. CHS P.E. instructors are not responsible for student’s belongings.

12. Students are not to share lockers with other students.

13. Respect each individual’s skill levels.

14. All CHS school handbook rules apply.

77 Veterans Parkway

Columbia, IL 62236


Rules Acknowledgement Form - 2014/2015

Physical Education/Weight Room

The CHS Administration and instructors require that you read and review with your student the specific rules, procedures and expectations as outlined in the Physical Education/Weight Room Rules and Guidelines worksheet as well as the rules found in the CHS handbook.


My son/daughter and I have read and agree to all CHS weight roomand Physical Education guidelines.

Guidelines may be found on teacher website.

Parent Printed Name
Parent Signature
StudentPrinted Name
Student Signature