Welcome to 6th Grade!
I am so excited to be teaching sixth grade at Willard Intermediate this year. You are here at a very exciting time. This year each student will be using an SAUSD ipad mini for the school year! This is an enormous responsibility and I am confident students will take excellent care while using and transporting their ipad to and from school. Please read and follow the SAUSD ipad rules and responsibilities guidelines carefully and contact me with any concerns you may have.
Students, please review this letter with your parents before signing the attached paper on the back. This is going to be the greatest school year ever!
The Way of Our Classroom
All of us learn in many ways, but none of us learn in exactly the same way. You need to know that our class is made up of unique individuals with different strengths, weaknesses, and needs. Our uniqueness is what makes us who we are! Throughout the year, I will ask you to respect and celebrate the diversity that exists among us. Simply put, this is how we expect our class to conduct itself. These are the things that we must demand of one another, without exception. They are:
- Be Respectful and Kind.
- Always Do Your Best.
- Support and Encourage One Another.
Morning Work: Must be completed right away when you enter class. This may consist of several different tasks.
Sustained Silent Reading: Each day you will have 15 minutes of undisturbed silent reading time. You will find the guidelines for SSR in this welcome packet. Please be sure you read and understand them before you and your parent sign this paper!
Bell: The bell does not start class, nor does it end class. Class begins when you enter the room. Class ends when I dismiss you. The bell is to remind me that it is time to leave.
Give Me Five: To get your attention, I will either raise my hand silently or call out for you to “Give Me Five.” This means that:
1. Stop what you are doing.
2. Immediately become quiet.
3. Put all materials down.
4. Turn and face teacher.
5. Listen closely
Emergency: Immediately stop what you are doing and find me. Then silently listen for instructions.
Fire Drill: Follow my directions. Silently line up single file by the classroom door. Head straight down the hallway toward the library and make a left. We will exit the building going down the outside stairway and line up in the parking lot next to the basketball court. Stay silent in line until I have given the signal to return to the school.
Questions: When you have a question, you must raise your hand and wait to be called on. Any calling out or waving of the arm will be ignored.
Work Time: When we are in work time you are permitted to sharpen pencils, throw garbage away, and ask to use the restroom. Students may use the restroom, but be aware of using time wisely. You are expected to complete the assigned task before moving on to other work.
What are the procedures for teamwork?
1.) Follow the activity steps listed in your instructions.
2.) You are responsible for your own job and the results of the team.
3.) If you have a question, ask your team members first. If no one can answer a question, appoint one person to raise a hand to ask me for assistance.
4.) You must be willing to help if a team member needs it.
5.) You will be working in the small group mode class setting
What are the different settings in our classroom?
- eyes front
- listen to the speaker
- stay in seat
- no talking
- raise hand to ask for help
- stay in seat unless given permission
- work on your own
- no talking
- eyes on own paper
- raise hand if you have a question
- no talking
- stay seated
- talk in normal voice
- stay in group unless you are on a task-related mission
- stay on task
- follow directions
- move to destination as quickly and quietly as possible
- get prepared in the minimum amount of time without distracting others!
What to do When You’re Done: You will have no less than 3 options. The 3 options always available are silent reading, ipad ap of the day, and working on other appropriate class work. Other options will be brought to your attention when they are available.
Paper Collecting: It is your responsibility to have your papers/materials ready in a timely manner so they can be collected at one time.
Restroom Usage: You should use the restroom in the morning before school begins and during scheduled passing periods if necessary. You will be allowed to use the bathroom during work time if it is an emergency and only with my permission.
School Supplies:Please make sure your supplies are replenished throughout the year.
Grade book: Parents and students are able to monitor grades via the parent portal 24 hours a day. Go to Santa Ana Unified web site and follow the directions for the Parent Portal.
Working in Groups: Cooperative group rules must be followed whenever working in groups. Quietly move into your groups with all materials in hand. Begin working as soon as all members have moved and have materials out. Complaining or whining about group members will be an immediate warning.
Moving Around the Room: Moving around the room is permitted when you are taking a restroom break, sharpening a pencil, or getting supplies with permission.
Absences: If you are absent, you are responsible for making up the work. It will be the your responsibility to see me for their missing work. You will have two days for every day they are absent to make up the work. For example, if you miss 2 days of school, you will have 4 days after you returned to school to make up the work. Much of our classroom activities cannot be done at home (group work, experiments, in-class activities, etc), so regular attendance is encouraged.
Late work policy: All homework, projects, and assignments given are done so with the understanding that the work assigned is essential for the your learning, placing merit on the “successful completion” of the work by you and your ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept, regardless of the timeframe. Therefore, homework, projects, assignments, etc. turned in 1-10 school days late will be accepted, however a reduction in the grade may occur.
Discipline: A respectful learning environment is crucial.
I emphasize 3 rules:
1) Be respectful
2) Be responsible
3) Be safe
If your behavior disrupts the learning of others, you will be reminded of the classroom and school rules as your first verbal warning. A second redirection of behavior will result in parent notification and a behavioral reflection slip. This reflection slip will need to be read and signed by a parent/guardian. The final redirection will result in a referral slip to administration.
Due Dates for Classroom Assignments: Classroom assignments are
generally due the next school day after they are assigned. Class time is always given to complete assignments. You will need to finish an assignment at home if it is not completed during the work time given during class.
You are required to read 30 minutes a day and fill out a weekly reading log on Edmodo. Additionally, you will be given video links to review. Please review these videos, as many times as needed in order to understand the concept we will be working on the next day. Additionally, any work not completed in class will need to be finished at home and returned the following morning. For more information on “Flipping the Classroom” and Edmodo, please the Willard website and search teachers, Hanson Lisa.
Edmodo provides a safe and easy way to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. For more information, please read and return the attached Edmodo informational sheet.
Water Bottles and Snacks
Bringing water bottles to school is strongly encouraged, especially when the temperature is high. According to district policy and health requirements, water bottles must contain WATER only. You are welcome and encouraged to bring a water bottle and a nutritional snack that will keep you going strong and steady!
Please sign and return this page by Friday, August 30,2013.
Thank you!
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______
I have read the classroom policies for Miss Hanson’s 6th Grade Class.