Grange Park Health Centre/Staining Surgery

PPG Meeting Minutes

21st October 2016

Present; Malcolm Hyland (chair) Ivor Southworth, Maria Perkins (Practice Manager)

Aplogies: Christine Hall, Norman Hall, Sandra Pounder (secretary),Marlene Hyland, Jennifer Rodgers.

Minutes from last meeting checked and verified by MJH chair

MJH – discussed the success of the patient survey carried out by the PPG members, a few things were highlighted such as the lateness of the GP’s appointment times MP did say that although if staff think patients need more time they would book a double appointment but some patients take longer than others, especially with Dr C doing reviews at present time, but MP said this would be discussed with DC and an alternative way of booking reviews would be looked at. The survey also highlighted the fact that patients were not being informed of the delays with DC appointments and MP said that this would be addressed, MJH added a flip chart at the Staining Surgery to enable patients to be made aware of any GP appointment delays this will be reviewed by the practice.

MJH noticed that in the month of September that 92 patients had not attended for their appointment and wondered if anything could be done about this, MP said although we ask patients to cancel their appointment this is a long standing problem and no real solution could be sort, explained that in the past the surgery had rang patients the day before to remind them of their appointment but patients still didn’t turn up. MJH asked if the DNA’s could be split down by each practice site MP said that this could be done MJH asked for the figures to be forwarded to him.

Due to the upcoming CQC inspection it was decided that no meeting would be held in November, but decided that MJH and MP would meet prior to discuss this.

MP to send next PPG date out in December by email to all members, send JR in post as this is her preferred method of communication, discussed that the PPG meetings if successful with the inspection to go on a quarterly basis.