Class Syllabus
Course: Accelerated Math 1 (A1)
Instructor: Ms. Lee (email: )
Expected Behaviors And Classroom Rules
1. Be on time to class.
2. Respect and be courteous towards one another (property, peers, and teachers).
3. Bring class materials and covered books to class everyday.
4. Foul language will not be tolerated.
5. No writing on desks or littering.
6. No eating, drinking, or gum chewing allowed.
7. Class participation is important in learning.
8. Ask questions if you NEED HELP. You can make arrangements with me if you need extra help.
9. Truants will not be tolerated. Work that day (on the day of the truant) will be a fail.
10. No electronic devices or cell phones allowed in class.
Classroom Policies
First Disruption = Verbal Warning
Second Disruption = Detention
Third Disruption = Call home to parents or parent conference
Fourth Disruption = Referral to Dean
Always come to class after an absence with a readmit.
Accelerated Math 1 is the first course of a three course sequence including Accelerated Math 1, Accelerated Math 2, and Accelerated Math 3. This course satisfies the California Common Core Standards for Integrated Math 2 and is intended for accelerated, gifted and/or highly motivated ninth graders. Accelerated Math 1 builds and strengthens student’s conceptual knowledge of functions, linear functions, equations, inequalities, sequences, basic exponential functions, systems of linear equations, systems of linear inequalities, one variable descriptive statistics, correlation and residuals, analyzing categorical data, mathematical modeling, and both coordinate and transformational geometries. Special emphasis will be paid to enrichment activities, projects, mathematical discourse and development of critical thinking and analysis skills.
Homework…. ……………...15%
Math Lab…………………...15%
Tests………… ……………..25%
Final Exam……………….....25%
Grading Scale
Citizenship Grade
Based on class participation, attendance, and punctuality
Binders: Binders are collected at the end of each semester. You will be expected to keep a 3 ring binder
with the following sections:
1. Creative Cover Page (Include the name of the class, your name, teacher’s name, and period)
2. Your class syllabus on the first page of your notebook
3. Class notes in order by date(you are expected to take notes in class everyday)
4. Homework in order of assignment
5. Quizzes
6. Miscellaneous
7. Dividers for each section
Make-up Policies
Exams: If you know that you will be out the day of the exam, you must arrange to take it ahead of time. If you are unexpectedly absent on the day of the exam, only under special circumstances will a make-up be given.
Quizzes: Make-up policy for quizzes is the same as for exams.
Homework: You may only receive credit for homework while you were absent, only if your absence was excused. But you must turn in homework immediately on the day you return. (Late homework is worth 50% of its original worth).
Heading of homework must include your full name, period, class, date homework was assigned, assignment given and assignment number. No name on homework = no credit.
It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what the assignments are on the day you are absent.
Materials: Pencil, Eraser, Red Pen, Paper, Covered Textbook, TI 84 Calculator
What is Cheating?
1. Copying from others during an examination.
2. Communicating exam answers with another student during an exam.
3. Offering another person’s work as one’s own.
4. Taking an exam for another student or having someone take it for you.
5. Tampering with an exam after it has been corrected, then returning it for more credit.
6. Copying someone else’s homework or letting someone copy your homework.
7. Using unauthorized materials, answers to tests, un authorized written notes during an exam.
Cheating Policy
Cheating is not acceptable and will not be tolerated in Ms. Lee’s class. This only devalues your learning experience and is unfair to yourself and the students around you. Furthermore, it is highly disrespectful to Ms. Lee, your parents, and the staff at Mark Keppel High School.
Penalties of Cheating
1. Will get an automatic F on the exam or assignment.
2. Must write one page typed and double spaced essay on why it is wrong for you to cheat.
3. Must get the essay signed by your parents. A phone call will be made home for verification.
I have read Ms. Lee’s syllabus and understand all the rules, classroom requirements, and agree with everything completely.
Student’s Name (PRINT) Date
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Signature Date