MarkvilleSecondary School: Liter8 Program
Liter8 Lesson Plan
BBB4M Softwood Lumber MindMap
B. Timm (with contributions by M. Ianni) / Date:
Nov. 12th
Liter8 Skill:
’L’ - Learn Reading of Informational Text, Visuals, Graphics
’I’ - Increase Reading and Comprehension Skills
‘T’ - Think and Respond Critically to Informational Texts
‘E’ - Evolving Writing Skills / Grade / Subject / Level:
BBB4M – International Business
/ Unit:
Canada and Global Trade
Indicators of Liter8 Skill (cut and paste applicable indicators):
’L’ - Learn Reading of Informational Text, Visuals, Graphics
> previewing and analyzing features of a text
> locating and accessing information from a variety of sources
> extending vocabulary and identifying unknown words
> reading different text forms (texts, visuals, graphics)
’I’ - Increase Reading and Comprehension Skills
> highlighting key words, passages, quotes, elements in texts
> interpreting text forms
> organizing ideas from text: note-taking skills, concept maps, visualizing
> differentiating between most and least important ideas / information
> identifying main points, thesis, main arguments
‘T’ - Think and Respond Critically to Informational Texts
> asking questions
> making inferences
> using context to find meaning
> drawing conclusions
> solving problems
> making judgments
> identifying bias
> determining credible sources; analyzing validity of sources
‘E’ - Evolving Writing Skills
> writing for a purpose - mind mapping, reflection, synopsis, abstract, précis etc.
> organizing arguments in writing
> supporting the main idea / argument with evidence
> adding details and explanation
> writing with clarity
See link – on the MSS Business Dept.
BBB4M - Softwood Lumber Dispute - Mind-Map Assignment
Due Date:Wed. Oct. 3rdDeadline:Tues. Oct. 9th65 marksIntroduction:
Canada’s economic identity has historically been tied to primary industries, particularly the extraction of natural resources. This trend continues to the present time. One important sector where Canada has an absolute advantage is forestry, due to the abundance of high-quality forest resources i.e. hardwood and softwood tree species, that can be harvested relatively economically.
Today, Canada’s forest products are used to produce lumber for buildings, furniture and paper products in Canada, the United States and around the world. Softwood lumber is particularly valuable and has been the subject of disputes with the United States for over 20 years. American’s claim that Canadian production is unfairly subsidized. It is very important to understand the history of this issue as it has shaped the economic and political relationship between the two countries for over a generation. Recently, a settlement to the issue was reached.
This issue is very complex due to that fact that individual provinces in Canada have constitutional control over natural resources i.e. trees, minerals, wildlife etc. (as per However, the Federal government has jurisdiction in matters of international trade and trade agreements, such as NAFTA, under which trade in softwood lumber falls. In addition, any agreement must have solid support from the key lumber producing provinces and companies in order to be effective and long lasting.
1)Read the CBC News Online article of Aug. 23, 2006“Softwood lumber dispute” at
2)Make a ‘Mind Map’ that visually summarizes the key points in the article.
Your Mind Map must contain the following headings at a minimum. The Mind Map should be no larger than two 8.5” x 14” (legal size) pieces of paper. The information should be in point-form.
- Issue / Introduction – Important facts and terms surrounding the issue – use the ‘W5’ model
- Note: ‘W5’ stands for Who, What, Where, When, Why
- Historical Overview – Important facts, dates and events leading up to the agreement in 2006
- Framework Agreement – Important elements of the agreement
- Provincial Positions – Which provinces are supporting the agreement? Why?
- Critical Analysis – Opinions, questions, comments and concerns raised by stakeholders – i.e. those people involved who have an interest in the agreement - e.g. lumber companies, governments, forest workers, construction industry, environmentalists, Canadian citizens, etc.
- “Why is the softwood lumber industry important to Canada?” What opportunities are there in the future for softwood lumber?
- “Is the deal reached in 2006 good for Canada overall? Why or why not?” Note, in your position you must include facts and references to key stakeholder groups to justify/explain your answer. Make sure to footnote any direct quotes or statistics in the MLA style, as outlined at
- The Aug. 23rd article “Softwood lumber dispute” is the focus for your Mind-Map, however you should consult the other resource links shown on the webpage to help form your answers to part 3a) and b) – e.g. the CBC Archives (refer to the heading ‘Archives’), CBC Stories (related news articles), etc. This issue was hotly debated in the House of Commons during the fall 2006 session and there are many more news articles and editorials available that discuss this issue! You should read at least three other articles before responding!
**** Note – You must submit this rubric with your finished assignment! ****
Summarizes key ‘points’ of the article using a Mind-Map.
- Includes minimum of 5 main branches on the mind-map /5
- Appropriate subtitles, labels,
descriptions, illustrations /25 / Summarizes key ‘facts’ with a high degree of effectiveness. / Summarizes key ‘facts’ with a considerable degree of effectiveness. / Summarizes key ‘facts’ with a moderate degree of effectiveness. / Summarizes key ‘facts’ with a limited degree of effectiveness.
Mind-Map is free of spelling errors, clear, easy to read with an effective and organized layout. /10 / Communicates with a high degree of effectiveness / Communicates with a considerable degree of effectiveness / Communicates with a moderate degree of effectiveness / Communicates with a limited degree of effectiveness
Response to #3a)– Importance of Softwood lumber to Canada- historical / current importance /5
- future considerations? /3 / Connections are highly effective / Connections are considerably effective / Connections are moderately effective / Connections are limited in effectiveness
Logical connection of topics in the Mind Map /5
Response to #3b) - Opinion
Concludes on the deal and using facts and references to stakeholders in opinion. /12 / Connections are highly effective
Opinion and supporting arguments are highly effective / Connections are considerably effective
Opinion and supporting arguments are considerably effective / Connections are moderately effective
Opinion and supporting arguments are moderately effective / Connections are limited in effectiveness
Opinion and supporting arguments are limited in effectiveness
Overall Mark: / 65
Website Resources / Handouts:
The CBC Archives has an amazing series of videos that discusses the issue at the following link
The Rick Mercer report also offers a series of videos (funny and informative) on the subject at the following link
Notes / Reflections:
The softwood lumber story is a large and complex issue that serves as the first ‘in-depth’ analysis of international business and trade in this course. The teacher scaffolds this assignment by leading class discussions, videos and a mini-debate on the subject of softwood lumber.