February 8, 2013

Noting a quorum was present, the meeting was brought to order by Chairman, Jack Dehoff at 11:03 a.m. The meeting took place at York County Annex building. Pat offered prayer. Keith then led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were as follows:

Directors / Associate Directors / Staff
Jack Dehoff
Jeff Gossert
Harry Bickel
Pat Sueck
Michael Flinchbaugh
Direct Emeritus
Keith Eisenhart / John Riedel
Kevin Grim
Dr. Penny Grove
Jackie Kramer
Leroy Bupp
Agency Representatives
Eric Samus, USDA,NRCS
Steve Ludwig, USDA,NRCS
John Rowehl, Penn State Ext.
Rick Csutorus, FSA / Mark Kimmel, District Manager
Christopher Thompson, Assist. Manager
Mark Flaharty, Ag Resource Cons.
Christina Dehoff, Admin. Assistant
Eric Jordan , Resource Conservationist
Gary Peacock, Watershed Specialist


·  Jack welcomed everyone to the meeting.

I.  Agency Reports:

1.  USDA, NRCS - Eric Samus gave an overview of his written report.

-  Staff introduction of Steve Ludwig.

-  Farm Bill Programs update.

-  Ag Land Preservation Easement Program

·  Carl and Margaret Shaull, Chanceford Twp. Tract 1110 totaling 62.35 acres.

·  Jackson Family Farm LP, North Hopewell Twp. Tract 678 totaling 82.4 acres.

·  Todd and Elizabeth Morris, Hopewell Twp. Tract 368 totaling 97.6 acres.

Pat moved to approve these plans for Ag Land Preservation Easement Program, Harry 2nd, motion unanimously carried.

2.  PA DEP’s written report in day of folder.

3.  Penn State Extension, John Rowehl gave a verbal report.

4.  FSA, Rick Csutorus gave a verbal report.

II.  Business:

1.  Action on January’s meeting minutes.

Harry moved to approve the minutes from the January 11th, 2013, board meeting, Jeff 2nd, motion unanimously carried.

2.  Treasurer’s Report – Michael reviewed the Treasurer’s Report and reported that the District received funds from the Marcus Shale Gas Well fund that is restricted for use through the CDFAP Administrative Assistant Program.

Pat moved to file the Treasurer’s January report for audit, Harry 2nd, motion unanimously carried.

Harry moved to accept the Envirothon donations, Jeff 2nd, motion unanimously carried.

3.  2013 Committee Appointments – Jack presented the written list and recommended approval of the PACD delegates in this order: Pat Sueck, Bruce Holbrook, Dan Wolf, and Mark Kimmel.

Harry moved to accepted the PACD delegate as presented, Michael 2nd, motion unanimously carried.

4.  Correspondence – Mark K.

1.  Request for a letter of support from Spring Grove Borough for a five star restoration program grant application. Chairman Dehoff approved sending a letter of support prior to today’s meeting because we had supported similar requests last year and the application deadline would pass before our meeting date. – FYI.

Michael moved to approve a letter of support for Spring Grove Borough, Pat 2nd, motion unanimously carried.

2.  Ag Recognition Banquet announcement, reservations due March 1, 2013.

Pat moved to donate to the Ag Recognition Banquet silent auction a Wildlife Journal and several District hats, Harry 2nd, motion unanimously carried.

3.  PACD Region Director’s Meeting held on Tuesday, March 5th, Directors were asked to let staff know if they are planning to attend. Pat, Jack and Mark K. plan to attend.

4.  Copy of letter from PA DEP to Eric Gemmill, re: CAFO permit renewal. FYI.

5.  Copy of letter from PA DEP to Fawn Twp. re: notification of Biosolids application by Synagro on the Kenneth Moore farm – FYI.

6.  Email request from the Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to continue including YCCD in their coalition letter supporting continued funding of the Land & Water Conservation Fund. The Distrct will continue to endorse LWCF.

7.  Jack presented a newspaper article about George and Hazel Wolf (Dan Wolf’s parents) who celebrated 70 years of marriage. A card from YCCD will be sent.

5.  E&S/NPDES Program –

a.  DEP Permit Decision Guarantee Process Updates. Eric and Mark K. led a discussion about changes and the impact the changes could have on our District Staff.

Pat moved to send a letter to DEP and the powers that be with our concerns on Permit Decision Guarantee & Standard Operating Procedures and bring to the attention of Robert Maiden, with PACD to discuss at the Regional Director meeting, Harry 2nd, motion unanimously carried.

b.  Compliance Update – Eric reviewed the written report.

6.  Ag Cost Share Program – Mark F. reviewed the written report and requested approval for the Ray Manifold Contract Application.

Harry moved to approve the Ray Manifold Application, Jeff 2nd, motion unanimously carried.

7.  York County Garden Show, EXPO Center, March 1-3, 2013 – Chris T. gave a verbal report and encouraged Director participation.

III. Reports

1.  Building Committee Update – Chris T. gave a brief verbal report.

2.  PACD Winter Meeting – Mark highlighted a few items from his written report.

3.  SCC Update – Jack gave a verbal report.

4.  NACD Annual Meeting Report – Pat & Jack gave verbal reports.

III.  Other Business/ Additional Public Comments:

1.  York County Total Maximum Daily Load strategy (TMDL) update. Gary highlighted a few points in his written report he had passed out to the Board. A discussion followed.

2.  Seedling Sale forms update. Chris T. gave a verbal update.


Meeting adjourned at 1:47 pm.

Next meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 8th, 2013 at 11:00 am at the York County Annex Rm. #1. Respectfully Submitted

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Recording Secretary Chairman

Christina Dehoff Jack Dehoff