Lord of the church, you call a broken people around your table;

in times of disagreement teach us to listen; loose us from prejudice and bind us to your way of forgiving grace; through Jesus Christ, who stands at the heart of our gathering. Amen.

Common Worship Lectionary Readings for September 2017

(Year A)

3rd September
12th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 17 / Jeremiah 15: 15-21
Romans 12: 9-21
Matthew 16: 21-28 / Green
10th September
13th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 18) / Ezekiel 33: 7-11
Romans 13: 8-14
Matthew 18: 15-20 / Green
17th September
14th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 19) / Genesis 50: 15-21
Romans 14: 1-12
Matthew 18: 21-35 / Green
24th September
15th Sunday after Trinity (Proper 20) / Jonah 3: 10-4: 11
Philippians 1: 21-30
Matthew 20: 1-16 / Green

Shires Edge Benefice

St Mary Magdalene, Wardington


St James the Great, Claydon, St Mary the Virgin, Cropredy

All Saints, Great Bourton, All Saints, Mollington

St Mary Magdalene, Wardington

The Revd. Hilary Campbell

The Vicarage, High Street, Cropredy OX17 1NG

Tel: 01295 750385

Assistant Priest: The Revd. Lynda Alcock

Authorised Assistant: Sue Upton

Services for September 2017

2nd September
Cropredy / 11.00 am / Wedding/Baptism
Gates/Bruno / HC
3rd September 12th Sunday after Trinity
Claydon / 6.00 pm / Evening Prayer / SU
Cropredy / 9.30 am / Holy Communion / HC
Gt. Bourton / 11.00 am / Holy Communion / HC
Mollington / 6.00 pm / Evening Prayer / HC
Wardington / 10.00 am / Family Service / SU
10th September 13th Sunday after Trinity
Gt. Bourton / 6.00 pm / Christian Caravanners Service / Caravanner
Wardington / 10.00 am / UBC Holy Communion / HC
17th September 14th Sunday after Trinity
Claydon / 8.30 am / BCP Holy Communion / HC
Cropredy / 10.00 am / Seeker Service / SC/RC
Gt Bourton / 11.00 am / Sunday at All Saints / SU
Mollington / 9.30 am / Holy Communion / LA
Wardington / 10.00 am / Family Communion / HC
24th September 15th Sunday after Trinity Harvest
Claydon / 4.00 pm / Harvest Family Service
With tea / HC
Cropredy / 12.00 noon / Harvest Family Service
With lunch / HC
Gt. Bourton / 11.00 am / Holy Communion / LA
Mollington / 6.00 pm / Harvest Songs of Praise / SU
Wardington / Visiting Sunday

Bible Study every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7.30 pm.

13th September - Old Orchard Cottage, Manor Rd, Gt Bourton (750522)

27th September – Spicers, Red Lion St, Cropredy (750739)

Please join us you would be most welcome.


Midday Communion (Iona Liturgy)

Tuesday 5th, 19th, 26th September at Cropredy

NO SERVICE 12th September

Wednesdays 9am Morning Prayer

6th September – Cropredy

13th September – Gt. Bourton

20th September – Mollington

27th September - Wardington

Parish Events for your Diary

6th September– Claydon Beetle Drive – 2.30 pm

18th September – Wardington PCC 7.30 pm

21st September – Claydon 10.30 am-12.00 pm

Little Lights Group for pre-school children and their carers – HC.

23rd September – Mollington Ceilhidh & Harvest Supper

7pm Village Hall. Tickets £12 (5-14 yr olds £6) Bob Reeves 750778

25th September – Cropredy Church Rooms

6-7pm Mindfulness Group - HC

30th September – Wardington 7.30 pm Harvest Supper

8th October – Cropredy Brackley Chamber Music Club at 7pm.

Tickets £10 to include light refreshments - V Wass 758222.

Proceeds to Raise The Roof.

To all who try to understand the workings of your universe, give a clear mind

and a sense of wonder; to those who teach and those who learn, give a thirst for knowledge and an acceptance of what cannot be known;

to all who seek discernment of your ways, give a firm faith and simple trust.
