1. Who won the 2012 series of ‘The X Factor’? James Arthur
  2. Who had a U. K. hit single in 1977 with ‘Gary Gilmore’s Eyes’? The Adverts
  3. Marsh gas is also known by what name? Methane (can also be knows and fire-damp, coal seam gas, Jack-o'-the-Lantern, or Will-o'-the-Wisp)
  4. The term ‘billet-doux’ from French came to be known as what in English? Love letter
  5. Apollo is the god of the sun in which two mythologies? Greek and Roman
  6. Which bookmaker first sponsored the Snooker World Championships in 2009? Betfred
  7. The Petrified Forest National Park is in which U. S. state? Arizona
  8. In which decade was the Cambridge spy Anthony Blunt stripped of his knighthood? Nineteen seventies (December 1979)
  9. Apart from Sherlock Holmes, which other literary detective had lodgings in Baker Street? Sexton Blake (Sherlock Holmes, Basil the Great Mouse Detective, Sherlock Hound, Danger Mouse, Sexton Blake,Carland Cross and James Black (Case Closed) have all resided in Baker Street)
  10. Soul singer Randy Crawford was born on 18th February in which year? 1952
  11. In Coronation Street, which brewery owns The Rovers Return? Newton and Ridley(The brewery of Newton and Ridley used to own the Rovers Return and continues to supply it but it has been a free house since 1996. Jack Duckworth came into a large inheritance gained from the death of his brother Cliff and sister-in-law Elsie in a car crash. Combined with the money made from selling No. 9, Jack and Vera had the cash ahead of the McDonalds and were allowed to buy The Rovers Return. As Jack had a criminal record, Vera was made the licensee)
  12. If PI equals 3.14, and a circle’s radius in 5 cm, what is the circle’s circumference? 31.40 cm (2πr)
  13. Which of the armed forces is called the Senior Service? Royal Navy
  14. The Corbillon Cup is contested in which sport? Table tennis
  15. Which is the smallest Australian state? Tasmania
  16. Who is referred to as ‘Keith’ in Private Eye? Prince Philip
  17. Who was the only actor to appear in every episode of M*A*S*H? Alan Alda
  18. In 2002, which nineteenth century prison reformer featured on a Bank of England five pound note? Elizabeth Fry
  19. The Lake of Tiberias is an alternative name for which Middle East Sea? Sea of Galilee
  20. Which Charles Dickens’ novel featured the court case Jarndyce v Jarndyce? Bleak House
  21. Which well-known Welsh actor was born Richard Jenkins? Richard Burton
  22. ‘Sweet Georgia Brown’ is the theme song for which basketball team? Harlem Globetrotters
  23. What is the study of poisons? Toxicology
  24. Sapphire is the birthstone for which month? September(according to a pamphlet published by Tiffany and Co in 1870, birthstones change through time and by culture)
  25. The Texas Wedge is a nickname for which golf club? Putter(from Ben Hogan in reference to the use of putter off green on hard Texas surfaces)
  26. The Odense River is in which European country? Denmark
  27. The Russian series of spacecraft Soyuz translates as what in English? Union
  28. Which French author wrote ‘Les Miserables’? Victor Hugo
  29. The guinea pig is a member of which rodent family? The cavy family (cavy is another name for the guinea pig, family is caviidae from sub order hystricomorpha)
  30. In 1965, The Gambia gained independence from which country? U. K.
  31. Who were the two stars of the nineties comedy ‘The Detectives’? Jasper Carrott and Robert Powell
  32. Which English conductor gave his name to the Promenade concerts? Henry Wood
  33. The Chinook wind blows through which mountain range? The Rocky Mountains
  34. A Mills bomb is what type of weapon? Hand grenade
  35. At which racecourse is the Irish Derby run? The Curragh
  36. Which is the most westerly of the U. S. time zones? Pacific
  37. Which English King died at Pontefract Castle in 1399? Richard II
  38. Alf Tupper, the Tough of the Track, appeared in which comic? The Victor or The Rover
  39. Which English town has the postcode prefix ‘SN’? Swindon
  40. Name either of the clubs involved when Trevor Francis was transferred for one million pounds in 1979. From Birmingham City to Nottingham Forest