Specific risk assessment VFRA: 701A - Branches that facilitate provision of therapy or exercise

Branch: / Contact: / Venue:
Specific risk assessment: / Branches that facilitate provision of therapy or exercise / RA No: / VFRA: 701A
Person completing RA: / Type of therapy/ exercise: / Date:
Injury: / Anxiety, back/head injury, bruise/cut, burn, choking, fatality, fracture, puncture wound, sprain/strain, suffocation
People at Risk: / PwMS: / Y/N / Vulnerable person: / Y/N / Volunteer: / Y/N / Lone worker: / Y/N / Public: / Y/N
To be completed by allBranches organising therapy or exercise sessions. Thereafter to be reviewed if the Branch believes the document is no longer valid, if there have been major changes within the Branch or annually whichever is soonest. Please see generic risk assessment VFRA: 701 for accompanying notes.
To complete the risk assessment:
  • Look at each statement and answer it Yes, No or N/A
  • If all the answers are Yes or N/A, fill in the first line of the Action Plan on the last page; stating “No action needed” sign and date to indicate when the assessment was completed
  • If there are any ‘No’s’ fill in the actions needed, person responsible and completion date in the Action Plan
  • Once outstanding actions are complete, the responsible person must sign and date the last column as each action is completed

Hazard / Prevention / Y/N/NA
1 / Signage and documents
(Risk Factor – 3 Low) / Participants complete disclaimer form HSV: 741 and Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire HSV: 742 and return to Branch
Fitness activity listed on MS Society “Summary of insurance cover”
If no; Branch/ activity organiser has contacted MS Society insurers
Venue insurance details checked annually to ensure in date and venue specified
If service provider has Service Level Agreement (SLA) - HSV: 761 with the Branch and has completed HSV: 746 as appropriate, please complete sections 2 and 7 only
1a/ 1i / Documentation – physiotherapist
(RF – 3 Low) / Have up-to-date registration with Health Professions Council (HPC), work within their scope of practice, adhere to HPC and Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) guidelines
Have valid professional and public liability insurance (check in date, £5million cover and activity specified) or CSP membership
Have completed and signed document HSV: 743
1b / Assessment and treatment – physiotherapist
(RF – 3 Low) / Physiotherapist carries out initial assessment on each member and records results
Physiotherapist develops a written management plan for each member
For details of what must be recorded in the assessment and plan see section 1b of HSV: 701
1c/ 1i / Documentation –instructor/ therapist
(RF – 3 Low) / Have a recognised, certified qualification and work within scope of practice
Have valid professional and public liability insurance (check in date, £5million cover and activity specified)
Have completed and signed document HSV: 744
1d / Assessment and treatment – instructor/ therapist
(RF – 3 Low) / Therapist/ instructor views copy of signed disclaimer (HSV: 741) and PAR Q (HSV: 742)
Therapist/ instructorchecks members have consulted their GP where needed
Therapist/ instructorcompletes assessment before taking a class to ensure members able to participate safely
1e/ 1i / Documentation – complimentary therapist
(RF – 3 Low) / Have a recognised qualification for their role and work within scope of practice
Have valid professional and public liability insurance (check in date, £5million cover and activity specified)
Have completed and signed document HSV: 745
1f / Assessment and treatment – complimentary therapist
(RF – 3 Low) / Therapist views copy of signed disclaimer (HSV: 741) and PAR Q (HSV: 742) where needed
Therapistchecks members have consulted their GP where needed
Therapist completes assessment before taking a class to ensure members able to participate safely
1g / Manual handling
(RF – 3 Low) / Appropriate equipment available to assist with moving and handling
Therapist/ instructor appropriately trained annually in moving and handling including risk assessment
If no: instructor/ therapistdoes not take part in moving and handling
1h / Disclosure checks (RF – 2 Low) / Individuals providing a service for a Branch (i.e. any therapist or exercise instructor) have completed a disclosure check for the MS Society.
1i / Confidentiality (RF – 2 Low) / Access to individual’s notes restricted to therapists treating them, notes stored securely at all times
Verbal confidentiality observed by all
Disclaimer (HSV: 741) and PAR Q (HSV: 742) stored securely, signed copies available to participants
2 / Transport
(RF – 3 Low) / Correct risk assessments complete where Branchowns its own transport
Car park has sufficient disabled spaces or a suitable drop-off area
Car park well lit and signposted with public walkways clearly marked
3 / Fire and emergency situations
(RF – 4 Medium) / Full list of attendees at the event recorded on Personnel register – HSV: 111A
Emergency evacuation plan in place, sufficient trained personnel/ volunteers to assist in emergency
All participants know action to take in an emergency
Safe refuge available where disabled participantmay not be able to completely evacuate the building
In MS Society building; emergency evacuation plan practised twice a year and a record completed using Evacuation drill record - HSV: 126
In external venue; follow emergency evacuation plan practises as laid out by the venue
If a therapist/ instructor in participants home, they know nearest exits in case of emergency
4 / Access
(RF = 2 Low) / Walkways and emergency routes accessible at all times
Therapy and exercise areas kept clear and accessible at all times
High level of housekeeping standards maintained
Where assistance dogs attending event, HSP: 3111 and standards laid out by Assistance Dogs International followed
If no; separate risk assessment completed for the venue and event
5 / First aid (RF – 3 Low) / Satisfactory first aid facilities including sufficient number of first aiders or other medical staff available
If no and more than 50 people attending the event; provision must be made for satisfactory first aid facilities and sufficient first aiders to be available
If no and less than 50 people,instructor/ therapist to:
  • nominate an individual to call an ambulance and guide it to the patient
  • nominate individual to look after other participants
  • clear the area around the patient and keep them comfortable

Phone accessible to summon emergency services if needed
Accidents/ incidents reported using appropriate form (HSV: 122/ 123),returned as instructed on form
6 / Welfare
(RF – 2 Low) / Suitable and sufficient disabled lavatories and washing facilities available
Accessible changing facilities available if required
Where individuals need regular assistance or personal care, they bring a carer with them
If no;Branch to arrange care assistants to assist members when needed
7 / Equipment
(RF – 3 Low) / Where Branch or therapist/ instructor provides equipment:
  • it is appropriate

  • it is secured in position

  • it is maintained in line with manufacturers instructions

  • competent person available to train participants

  • cleaning regime is in place

Where equipment used in a group class
  • competent person available to train participants

  • participants advised to bring own mats and/ or towels

8 / Lone working
(RF – 2 Low) / Home visits are avoided
If no:
  • Instructor/ therapist must take a second person with them on the first visit
  • Instructor/ therapistmust carry a mobile phone

When carrying out visits alone, physiotherapists follow the guidance in Standard 17 of the Core Standards of Physiotherapy Practice

JDRev: 10 March 2015 Page 1 of 5

Specific risk assessment VFRA: 701A - Branches that facilitate the provision of therapy or exercise

Action Plan
Branch: / Contact: / Type of therapy/ exercise:
Hazard No. / Action Needed / Responsible Person / Completion Date / Signed/ dated for completion
Please ensure that once actions are complete they are signed off and dated and the LNO is informed

JDRev: 9 March 2015 Page 1 of 5