CGCD Board Minutes May 24, 2016

Attendance: Margaret Brook, Irene Schilling, Carly Wee, Jo Murphy, Beth halligan, Megan Koss, Cindy O’Neil, Cheryl Tufankjian, Carolyn Wandsworth, Kelly Murphy, Jean Callhan, Laura Smith, Beverly Hovey, Jean mark, Jeanette MacKenzie

President: Megan McClure opened the meeting at 9:05 at the Duxbury Free Library. She mentioned that we need suggestions for the Yearbook chair.

The Secretary’s Minutes: read and accepted.

Treasurer’s report: (See attached report). Marietta and Lisa Pattinson are taking flower show classes. $135 X 2. Motion to accept report. Report accepted.

Scholarships: Elena spearheaded this process. There were four applications. We expect more next year. There were two applications for the $1,000 scholarship. Lou NeJame was awarded the scholarship. He made a sign for the food pantry (town beautification). June 1 is the awards night. Grant $- boy scouts applied for it. Wesley Pattinson was awarded $500 for his Eagle Scout project, creating walking trails in the woods across from Town Hall. He is using the money to build some benches. DHS garden club awarded $300 for a new vegetable garden.

Town Green/Tree: The white concolor fir is in place and doing well.

Membership: Beth is staying on as director. Kelly and Kama are her co-chairs. Beth will do training after DHS graduation. There have been 40 renewals. Beth predicted that by the August meeting, we will have 100 renewals. About 75 people won’t renew. She suggested having a renewal form in a basket at the Garden Tour. We need a renewal deadline so people’s names can appear in the yearbook. Beth suggested mid-August deadline. Beth mentioned that 20 people still haven’t paid dues for 2015-2016. We need all members to pay dues, so we can afford the programs we run. Discussion of instituting a late fee. Determined that Cindy O’neill will set up the website so people can pay dues online. Dues deadline and yearbook deadline will be 7/15. Discussion of membership cards, which Beth has available.

Yearbook Chair: We need to think about suggestions of people to take on this position. One idea is Camille Neville, although she has indicated that she is busy with the camera club.

Programs: Fall and Christmas programs are booked. September program is a surprise. A landscape designer will come in October. All programs will be sorted out for the yearbook deadline. Laura asked about the budget. She was told to make up the list of programs and give it to Irene or the budget. We will go through the budget at the August meeting and approve it. Laura said the budget will be close to last year’s.

Megan mentioned that all budgets need to be ready for the August meeting.

Garden Gatherings: GG hit the maximum membership again. Four gardens are booked so far. They still need more volunteer gardens. They are trying to arrange a Nantucket trip agin. A new idea is a thank you gift for the hostesses. We will have a surplus from the GG dues, so they will use it for the hostess gifts. This is a self-funding program. Last year there was $197 left over.

Habitat for Humanity: Jeanette gave some information about the Habitat for Humanity program. Jean Cohen, Susie Calends and Jeanette have worked on the house. Jeanette volunteered to do the landscape plan. Laura Smith got the DHS Garden Club to do the planting. Tammy Kirk helped and worked with the DHS kids. The Clipper took pictures. Megan asked Jeanette to write a letter to DHS to thank them for their help. Jeanette will send the pictures she took to Jean Cohen to post on Facebook. Need to ask permission before posting any pictures of DHS kids.

Ways and Means: Garden Tour is gearing up. Tickets sales-about 83 sold. 2.5 weeks left. We need to place an ad in the Clipper. It costs $270. We need to public to know about this. We need to hang posters. Marietta will run the ad in the Clipper. Our sales goal is 160. We still need hostesses. Discussion of how many hostesses we need at each garden. The Tour committee will have one more meeting. There will be a free bus from the Senior Center. If people take the bus, they will spend 30 minutes at each garden before the bus picks them up again. People should park at the Cornerstone Lodge or St Margaret’s.

Town Beautification: Nancy is hosting a meeting for site captains at That Blooming Place. We will use the new sign for the Tour. There are only 16 watering slots left for the summer.

Winter Street Roundabout: Discussion of whether the Town has plans to landscape it. Should CGCD do it? Route 53 is a State Highway.