HR 1540 in Congress
National Defense Authorization Act
Read Clay’s latest update HERE!
Déjà VuThe making of an American extremist
by Clayton R. Douglas / CRD Publishing
Horace Helms Holdings
P.O. Box 86254
Tucson AZ 85754-6264
520-413-2397 or
Cell 520-668-9044
SKYPE Address: freeamerican69 / Clay's Composite
The last five years
An Old Business Plan
The Committees of Safety Restored in Arizona
/ Clayton Douglas’ commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted,or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Clay's web site address is included ( or Publishers of publications charging for subscriptions or advertising who want to run these columns must contact Clayton R. Douglas for permission and payment. To schedule an interview should contact /

Upcoming Shows 2012

Monday January 30Bill Piper

Tuesday January 31Bill Cooper

on Hemp and Marijuana

Wednesday February 1William Gheen

Americans for Legal Immigration Attacked

Thursday February 2 Gordon Duff

Veterans Today Editor

Friday February 3 Clay Douglas

The History of the Rockefellers

Monday February 6Jack Foote

Arizona State Defense Force Foundation:

Foundation: Our website

Tuesday Feb 7th Me Sah

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Monday January 30Bill Piper

UPDATE: Last chance to urge a “yes” vote on marijuana bills

The Assembly and Senate only have until the end of the day Tuesday (tomorrow) to move these bills. If you have not done so already, email your legislators and ask that they support AB 1017 and SB 129!

Friday January 27 Clay Douglas The White Holocaust

Thursday January 26 David Kaas Author of Farm Physics

Tuesday January 24John Kaminski

Monday January 23Michael J. Reznicek M.D.Blowing Smoke

Friday January 20 Marina Meadows

Under attack by Judges for over 9 years & David Icke on the Rothschilds

Thursday January 19 Eli James Christian d

Wednesday January 18 Luis Ewing?rcwcodebuster@gmail

Tuesday January 17 Drake State Sovereignty and the Delphi Technique

Contact for more information

Monday January 16Dr. Jake WadeTimothy Bible College

Friday January 13 Elias Alias Board of Directors Oath

The Beginnings - Legends of Lucifer

The fiction of Clayton R. Douglas

I have always had questions about religion, politics and the way things are. Growing up reading science fiction certainly made me inquisitive about conspiracy theories. Studying history for the last 50 years certainly confirmed in my mind that every war and major event in history was the result of some kind of careful planning. Warfare by deception, the published motto of one particularly dastardly intelligence agency with well established links to organized crime, drug running and has worked together with our own CIA to bring billions of drugs into this country, arrest and incarcerate millions of Americans for buying the their contraband.

American heroes like Pat Tilman have been killed to prevent them from speaking out against our opium poppy operation in Afghanistan. I was almost killed for exposing Bush and Clinton’s cocaine smuggling operation from Columbia to Panama to Mena Arkansas. The details of Operation Watch Tower are included in my last book, “Mystery Babylon, the New World Order Unveiled”.

But I have been writing about the problems in this country, including the “War on Drugs” featured in my last few shows.

This is a war I have been involved in for a long time. I wrote a novel about a world in the future when a man came on the scene by the name of Solomon, a wealthy man of considerable power and wealth who changed the political face and structure of American society by abolishing all laws against victimless crimes and allowing access to here-to-fore “illegal” substances to all who desired it. The resulting revolution spread across most states while a few retained current prohibitions and continued to arrest and incarceration travelers. These states surround Louisiana, where New Orleans hosts the headquarters of my Character Solomon.

This novel was written forty years earlier, in prison in Texas for possessing marijuana. It was potentially a 99 year sentence in Texas then. Today there are over 15 states where you can smoke it, if you pay a doctor to give you a get-out-of-jail free card called a prescription issued by a licensed drug dealer we refer to as doctors.

At the same time this novel was written, I also wrote a short story about a flying saucer called an Earthship built by Atlantians. This craft and others like it were responsible for maintaining an old civilization’s technology and control over the enslaved inhabitants who were responsible for growing and gathering food, medicinal plants and mining precious metals and stones. These technologically advanced people were able to manipulate minds and matter. They were known to the lesser developed people as god, demons, warriors and even messiahs.

Over forty years of study has convinced me that at no time in my career, even in my fiction, have I been far off the mark. Now, going back and rereading the scenarios I created then, were and still are a rational, reasonable interpretation of events throughout recorded history and longer.

The concepts of UFOs, astral projection, telepathy, reincarnation, angels and demons have been related to the kook’s korner, science fiction novels and films. Much of the fodder for these ideas comes from religious fanatics, cults and secret societies, like the Masons and Jesuits.

The characters I have created have special powers and abilities. That may or may not make them fictional. I once reacted with surprise about the actions of one of my fictional characters. “How was he able to do that?” It was if he had a mind of his own.

I started to do this article as though I was interviewing the powerful character I had created to long ago as if he were real. Then the disturbing thought occurred to me that what if he was real? What if this thousands of years old being was alive today, reincarnated again and again with different names, even different bodies, but with the ability to remember past lives and accumulate massive fortunes at different times in history.

What if the religions institutions were not really beneficial to mankind? What if what we think of as the bad guy, the devil, was not?

What if the Earth has been a plantation and a source for valuable minerals for a far flung intergalactic civilization and this garden planet was turned into a prison or a plantation for the less advanced beings we call humans.

What if these stories I wrote were not stories at all but memories from past lives when there were those among us capable of creating and using anti-gravity, tractor beams, lasers and space ships?

What if one of these beings they called angels was directing my thoughts in certain directions? What if the future I saw was possible, even probable? Could we return this planet to its garden state? No slave

I am through with the two-faced patriot movement but I will continue to do what I came to this world to do. Write!

For the last 20 years I have concentrated on translating the news, studying history to learn from it. I have interviewed some of the most intelligent and the most biased in the world.

What I wrote about 40 years ago was right on and predicted events occurring now.

Tell people about this show, my books, the villages I planned years ago and support the one man that has been exposing this plot for 25 years. Send me an e-mail.

Read Clay’s latest update HERE!

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"Do you think that we want those laws to be observed? We want them broken. There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power the government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws." -- Ayn Rand (1905-1982) Author Source: Atlas Shrugged, 1957

The Naked Communist Written by Cleon Skousen The Goals of Communism in 1963

The last five years

Listen to this show with Bob Chapman to understand why I helped restart the Militias so many years ago and why I have been so demonized!

Friday Dec. 2 Bob ChapmanThe International Forecaster

My Apologies. This show was blocked on Skype and Blogtalk 12 times! Condition Red!

Alternate source here!HR 1540 in CongressNational Defense Authorization Act

"Mystery Babylon, the New World Order Unveiled"

Watch these films and try to understand the value of men like Clay Douglas and the alternative media!

Maybe you will understand why one chapter in his book will show how they have tried to kill and silence his voice and destroy his businesses. Maybe you will understand the reason you should order his books and make a donation to help him restore our Constitutional Republic.

If you do nothing to help the cause of freedom and justice, you help the very enemy whose only goal is your total enslavement and destruction. If you fail to spread the TRUTH of what is really happening, you become part of the enemy’s propaganda machine. When you fail to support those who are fighting on the front lines and risking everything for your benefit, you are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. You may think that all is lost, but you couldn’t be more WRONG! Just ask the people of Nazi Germany, or Communist Russia…these “monsters” can be defeated and have been many times before….it just takes good people like YOU to help. . . before they kill 60 million of us!This article documents that genocide. "The White Holocaust" Don't think that is can't happen here! It already is!

Right Wing Extremists in America. Meaning most of us! Veterans, Christian Identity and Militias.

Make a $20 donation and get the book of your choice in a PDF file today. Send via PayPal to

David Icke on the Rothschild Zionists

The story of John D. Rockefeller, Standard Oil, Rothschild and the creation of the Federal Reserve!

Mitt Romney's Zionist Connections and their control of Clear Channel

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