Genre Scene Rubric – Art Four

*Specify which areas are in need of improvement in the spaces below the numbers in each section
**If you give a “5” you still need to explain why. / POOR
Un/refined or un-finished in *many areas / MODERATE
In need of refinement or finish in *several areas / GOOD
In need of refinement in *a couple areas / STRONG
*Slight refinement needed
*one area / EXCELLENT
Work is refined in all areas
Very Accomplished
Material/media well used; technique is excellent; overall use of chosen media
**This is an evaluation of how well the pencil, charcoal, colored pencil, etc., is used to create the piece. The focus is on craftsmanship and application of media. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Form Description: Are the figures well drawn? Is there excellent form with shading and highlights? Does the place show depth? Is the scene 'readable'? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Media & Substrate
Are the media and substrate well used? Do they fit the style of mark-making? Do they enhance the visual impact of the artwork? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
CREATIVITY! Evaluate level of challenge and choice of subject matter, scene, texture, shading style / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
*Specify which areas are in need of improvement in the spaces below the numbers in each section / POOR
Unfinished or under-developed in *several areas / EXCELLENT
Work is refined in all areas
Very Accomplished
Level of Finish: Idea is fully realized and complete / 0 / 10
Anything less than 95% complete / Anything more than 95% complete
Total each column and add together in total points box:
Total Points:

30/30 = 100% A+

29 = 97% A+

28 = 93% A

27 = 90% A-

26 = 87% B+

25 = 83% B

24 = 80% B-

23 = 77% C+

22 = 73% C

21 = 70% C-

20 = 67% D+

19 = 63% D

17-18 = 60% D-

17 and under = F Name of Evaluator: ______

Name of Artist: ______

Total Points: ______/30 Grade: ______