Rick Bowen Inheritance/Me,Myself, and I February 15, 2015

Heritage is what gives rise to the possibility of inheritance. The Bible makes this an worthy expectation throughout Holy Writ.

Remember Jacob and Esau?

Remember Manasseh and Ephraim.

There was always a way to leave a proper legacy and to walk properly in the footsteps of heritage.

Even if a man died before his wife had children there was the issue of posterity and inheritance that was resolved legally under the theocratic rule where the kinsman redeemer would marry his deceased brother’s wife and have children by her to continue his deceased brother’s legacy.

The Bible states quite emphatically that WE are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17)

1.  The pedagogue to bring us to Christ (Galatians 3:24,25)- The Old Covenant was a schoolmaster. Now that Christ has come we are not under the schoolmaster. So we know there is a time for everything. Solomon said that. There is a time, way, and place to enjoy each of God’s provided benefits, including our inheritance.

The younger son in the story did not want to wait (or to go about things in the conventional manner). If he had waited he wouldn’t have wasted! It is like someone who wants to get rich quick. Sometimes you hit the jackpot (although rarely) and then don’t know how to handle the inheritance safely.

He would not have understood frugality.

He would not have understood discretion.

He would not have understood compounded interest.

He would not have understood volatility.

He would not have had a basic understanding of life’s ups and downs.

He would not have understood adversity.

He would not have understood circumstances.

Waiting is not always bad. In your patience you possess your souls.

2. The Death of the Testator - Typically for an inheritance to be divided up there had to be a death or a pending death. You know that the will is executed after the death of the testator.

Today people have no patience. They have little resolve. They have little consideration or empathy for others.

The younger son in the story could not bring himself to wait for the appointed time. His curiosity and wild streak got the best of him. He didn’t care how his Father may have felt.

Some of us want the blessings of the Christian life without the responsibility of living the Christian life.

We want blessings but not holiness.

We want happiness but not holiness.

There were some that got into error in the prosperity movement because they leaned toward Blab it and Grab it. Avarice, opulence, and ostentatious living were promoted. But prosperity without consideration for God’s precepts is always an error. In other words.

What I see here is the new driving force of this modern day culture:

I want mine now.

I don’t care what anyone else has to endure.

If it feels good I am going to do it.

Consideration, appreciation, respect, reverence, and honor are all sacrificed on the altar of selfishness.

Believe it or not the Father goes ahead and grants the request.

We will pick our story up here next week when I preach the message.

“Lately all I’ve God it Leaving on My Mind”

Now we are going to take a brief look at what is really ours NOW and in the life to come eternal life:

3. Walking in and enjoying one’s inheritance Romans 8:17; Hebrews 1:2

A. Finding the will - Seeking God’s will. 1 John 5:14,15. You do this by spending time in the Word corporately in teaching and individually in devotions.

B. Knowing the will - Once discoveries are made. Revelations. They are embraced as personal disciplines, blessings, and strengths.

C. Executing the will - Here the child of God puts into motion his/her faith as they move forth. With every privilege comes a responsibility.