Child Sexual Exploitation Analysis and Decision Making Tool (2017)

For Guidance on completing this tool, visit: and open the “Tools” section.

Childs Name
Date of Birth
Home or placement address
Is the child subject to Team Around the Child?
Is the child subject to child in need planning with Childrens Social Care?
Is the child subject to a Child Protection Plan?
Is the child a Looked After Child? (please state responsible local Authority)
Completion date of CSE decision tool
Name, job title agency of person completing the tool
Name of Manager/Safeguarding lead date discussed.
Child's School
Child's GP
Dates previous CSE tools completed (this may include tools different to the Somerset CSE analysis and decision making tool)

Age appropriate Sexualised behaviour: It's important that you have a good idea of what's normal sexual behaviour and can also spot the warning signsif something might not be quite right.

Please complete each section giving as much detail as possible and any evidence you have to support your concerns. The better and clearer the information you provide, the better the informed decision making will be.

Reason for completing CSE decision making tool:
Summary of concerns and professional opinion regarding the Family / Home / Relationships:
Conversation starters: Home life (Who do you live with? Are you happy? Do you feel good about yourself?)
Personal relationships (Who can you talk to? Do you use social media?)
Has anything changed in how your partner treats you?)
Remember to consider: Evidence of physical injuries (including sexual injuries)?
·  Change in behaviour - being more secretive / withdrawn / isolated from peers or not mixing with usual friends
·  Increasingly disruptive, hostile or physically aggressive at home or school Inc. use of sexualised language
·  Associating / relationship with significantly older men or women who encourage emotional dependence, loyalty and isolation from safe relationships e.g. estranged from family
·  Physical or emotional abuse by a boyfriend / girlfriend or controlling adult including use of manipulation, violence and/or threats
·  Associating with other sexually exploited children
·  Multiple callers (unknown adults/older young people) - (record description/names etc.)
Regularly coming home late or going missing from home, care or education for any period of time
(whether reported or not).
Summary of concerns and professional opinion regarding behaviour & experiences
Conversation starters: School/college life (What’s going well for you? What are you worried about?)
Sexual activity (Are you in a relationship? Are you having sex? Are you happy with the sex you are having?
Remember to consider:
• Concealed / concerning use of the internet including web-cam, online gaming (via X-box,
PlayStation), chat rooms etc.
• Exclusion from school or unexplained absences from, or not engaged in school, college, work
• Reports of being taken to hotels, nightclubs, takeaways or out of area by unknown adults
• Sexualised risk-taking, including on internet or mobile phone, such as sexting (sending explicit
messages or photos to adults or peers)
• Young gay/bisexual exploring sexuality in unsupported or unsafe way
• Increasing use of drugs or alcohol or misuse of drugs or alcohol
• Fear of victimisation from other gangs due to gang affiliation or rivalry
• Inability to negotiate exit from a gang due to fear/dependency
• Displaying signs of harassment/unwanted attention
• Evidence of sexual bullying and/or vulnerability through the internet and/or social networking sites
Involved in criminal offending activity (i.e. ASB/criminal damage/theft)Unusual association and / or
fear of victimisation from with adults, gangs
Summary/Description of concerns and professional opinion regarding grooming
Conversation starters: Are you in a relationship/seeing anyone?, are they your age?, how did you meet?, do your friends like him/her?, do your parents/carers like him/he?. What’s led to your change of imagine?
Remember to consider:
• Seen with unknown adults or older children?
• Access to money, phones, gifts etc?
• Seen at inappropriate venues e.g. hotels, pubs, nightclubs etc or travelling to other towns and
• Sexual content on phone?
• In a relationship with older adult or peer which is of concern?
• Dressing inappropriately or differently?
• Unexplained amounts of money, mobiles, credit, expensive clothing, jewellery or other items/gifts
• Having multiple mobile phones, sim cards or use of a phone that causes concern – multiple callers
or more texts/pings than usual
Summary/Description of concerns and professional opinion regarding missing events
Conversation starters: Have you ever felt like running away? Have you ever run away? Who with? Where did you go?
Remember to consider:
• Is child going missing? Where from, when, for how long. Is this persistent, is there a pattern?
• Where are they found?
• What is the background/context to missing episodes?
• How does the child present on their return?
• What explanation does the child give?
• Does the child go missing with other children?
Summary/Description of concerns and professional opinion regarding the Family and Social Domain
Conversation starters: What’s it like living in your house? Do you feel safe at home? Does anything worry you about living at home or anyone in your house?
Remember to consider:
• Is there a history of abuse? Parental substance misuse, domestic abuse, mental health?
• Is the child a young carer? If so, who for?
• Are parents protective?
• Are there other signs of neglect e.g. physical, emotional?
• Has the child experienced significant trauma or loss?
• Is the child questioning their sexual identity?
• Cultural factors that may impact their vulnerability?
• Links to gangs e.g. County Lines, Cuckooing?
Summary/Description of concerns and professional opinion regarding Health and Mental Health
Conversation starters: are you being supported by any other professional? do you use any other services?
Practitioner relationships (are you being supported by any other practitioners? e.g. CAMHS, Social Worker, Counsellor)
Remember to consider:
• Change in physical appearance e.g. new clothes, more/less make-up, weight gain/loss
• Increased health / sexual health related problems
• Marks or scars or physical injuries on the body or face which they try to conceal
• Depression, mental ill health, self-harm, suicide thoughts/ attempts, overdose, eating disorder
• Branding (i.e. of gang logos)
• Repeat/unplanned pregnancy or pregnancies (including ending in termination/ miscarriage
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) and/or repeat tests particularly with negative results
When completing your conclusion, please consider the following questions:
·  Are there any other possible explanations of observed behaviours other than CSE?
·  Do the parents/carers or child understand the risks, have they received appropriate information to enable them to make informed choices or safeguarding action? If so, what and by whom?
·  Does the child have a good relationship with at least one positive adult role model?
·  Are there significant power imbalances within relationships e.g. significant age difference
·  Does the child have any understanding of the risk; do they have any insight into what Child Sexual Exploitation is? Do they understand why we are worried
·  Can you comment on the factors that encourage children to continue with these risky behaviour?
·  Have you considered who else may be at risk e.g. siblings, extended family
·  Do you possess any perpetrator information, including soft information e.g. name/nicknames, vehicle type/registration
On completion: please discuss with your agency safeguarding lead or Child Sexual Exploitation Champion to determine, if appropriate, the next stage of intervention.

Resources for young people:

·  Barnardos Against Sexual Exploitation:

·  Website offering support to young people:

·  Awareness raising film and website:


Resources for parents, carers and guardians:

·  Informal Chat network for parents/carers:

·  Parents Against Child Exploitation:

Resources for professionals:

·  The Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre (CEOP):

·  Safeguarding Children and Young People From Sexual Exploitation - Supplementary Guidance:

Report a Concern

If you are worried about a vulnerable child and would like our help, please don’t stay silent.

Early Help Advice Hub on 01823 355803
Children's Social Care on 0300 123 2224

Childrens Social Care Consultation Line for Designated Safeguarding Leads and GPs on 0300 123 3078

Police: 101 or in an emergency 999

Somerset Direct Email:

Contact us on: Somerset Safeguarding Children Board PP2 B3W, County Hall, Taunton, England, TA1 4DY

Email us on Somerset Safeguarding Childrens Board: