Who to bite?

There is a vampire who has a choice of 6 kids. He doesn’t know who to bite so gets the kids to choose.

Characters: Josie, John, James, Jake, Jamil, Jessie

Josie I think he should bite John because he’s fat so he has loads of blood.

John NO! I think he should bite Josie because she’s REALLY ANNOYING!!!

Josie Well that’s not nice!

James I agree with you John.

John There you go! What more evidence do you need?!?

Jake I don’t think so! I really like Josie… She’s really nice… and pretty.

Jamil Yeh! Anyway we need her… Just in case we get deserted on a desert island because she’s the only girl!

Jessie (cough, cough)

Jamil OH YEH! Sorry…

Jessie You should be… Anyway! I think he should bite John or James because they never say anything other than cusses.

James Not true!

John I’ve been thinking… I don’t see why he has to bite any of us! I mean why aren’t we escaping right now? There’s a door right over there we could just-

Josie I don’t think we should escape, I think we should just try and talk him round. Why do vampires have to be bloodthirsty people? There must be at least one vampire that doesn’t suck blood. We could create a new initiative; vampires and humans living in harmony!

Jessie Yeh! Good idea! Come on!

John That’s stupid! Let’s just go, beat him up and run for it!

James Great! John’s the oldest, just do what he says.

Jamil But it’s a rubbish idea.

Jake Jamil’s right. Just because you’re the oldest, doesn’t mean you’re right.

John LOOK! Me and James will go for our solution then if it doesn’t work we will die and you can talk him round.

Josie But if you get him worked up he’s gonna attack all of us!