ITS Project Request Form


Please answer every question. If a question isn’t applicable to your project please enter N/A for that question. Completed requests should be sent to .

Project Requestor
(Responsible for clearly defining project objectives and acceptance criteria. Accepts or rejects project deliverables.) / Project Sponsor
(Responsible for championing the project and interceding when needed to overcome project impediments.)
Name: / Name:
College / Division: / College / Division:
Department: / Department:
Phone: / Phone:

Request Title

Request Details

Please provide a general description of the request, including the problem you are trying to address.

Does this project invovle any global campuses? If so, which ones and how?

Please describe how the problem in the request is currently being managed.

Describe any alternative solutions that have been considered including any technical solutions.

If you are currently in contact with or have engaged any vendors, other RIT departments or ITS staff about the request, please specify the resources and reason(s) for the contact or engagement.


Please describe how this request enables RIT to meet regulatory, contractual or RIT information security compliance requirements. If this request is for a software upgrade, please indicate when the current version of software being used will become unsupported.


Please describe how this request enables RIT to address personal safety or security concerns.

Strategic alignment

Please indicate if the request aligns with any Dimension(s) of the RIT Strategic Plan (indicate all that apply).

  Career Education and Student Success

  The Student-Centered Research University

  Leveraging Difference

  Affordability, Value and Return on Investment

  Organizational Agility

  No alignment

If this request aligns with a RIT Strategic Plan Dimension please indicate the associated Difference Maker(s) and / or Objective(s) and how this request supports them.

If applicable, please describe how the request aligns with any Divisional or Global Location Objectives.

Student focus

Please describe how this request enables student success.

Please describe how this request improves the student experience.


Please describe how this request supports revenue generating and / or cost recovery activities.


Please indicate which of the following are expected to benefit from the completion of the request:

  My Department

  Multiple Departments

  My Division

  Multiple Divisions

  RIT Students

  RIT Community

  RIT Global Location

Please summarize the expected benefits for each area or group indicated.

Impact and Risks

Please indicate which of the following will be impacted by the completion of the request:

  My Department

  Multiple Departments

  My Division

  Multiple Divisions

  RIT Students

  RIT Community

  RIT Global Location

Please summarize the expected impacts for each area or group indicated.

Please describe what would happen if the requested work is not completed.


Please describe any funding for the request including known needs, status of funding and any known dates regarding funding availability.

Please identify any staff, excluding ITS, that are expected to be engaged to complete this work. Be sure to include estimated resource time (e.g. hours) and any availability restrictions.

Scheduling Considerations

Please indicate if:

o  This project must be completed by <enter date here


o  This project is flexible on completion date but is desired to start by <enter date here>

Please provide an explanation for your selection.

If needed, provide any additional scheduling details to be considered with this request. Common details include: known dates when resources are not available due to peak business processing or blackout dates for implementing new technologies to impacted areas.


PMO Project Request Form PMO revised 1/27/17