City of Tallahassee

Power Plant Operator

Job Performance Measure

Plant Operator Hopkins Circulating Water System TH-HOP-04

Performance Measure: Circulating Water System


All Parts Satisfactorily Completed:

(Examiner’s Signature) (Date)

Supervisor’s Comments: ______





  1. Training Circulating WaterTH-HOP-04

Materials Needed:

  1. Pencil
  2. System Description –Circulating Water SystemTH-HOP-04-SD
  3. System Operating Procedure –Circulating Water SystemTH-HOP-04-SOP
  4. Associated Operator Route Check List


  1. Wear hard hats, safety glasses, safety toe shoes, and ear plugs as required.
  2. Discuss safety and environmental hazards associated with operating the system.
  3. Discuss any unusual operating conditions associated with the system.

Note:Always observe all plant safety rules in accordance with City of Tallahassee Safety and Health Procedures and all Federal, State and/or Local OSHA Standards.

Part A: Location of System Components

Conduct a walkthrough of the Circulating Water System.

Locate, identify and describe the operational function of the components listed below:

  1. Cooling Tower
  2. Cooling Tower Basin
  3. Circulating Water Pumps 2A and 2B
  4. Auxiliary Water Pumps
  5. Submersible Water Pumps
  6. Sump
  7. Closed Cooling Water Pumps discharge Header Flow Element/Flow Transmitter WCFE222/ WCFT222
  8. Closed Cooling Water Pumps discharge Header Temperature Element WCTE206
  9. Plate Heat Exchangers WC001AA/001AB
  10. Preheater Recirculation Pumps Seal Water Coolers A/B
  11. Boiler Feed Water Pumps Lube Oil Coolers A/B
  12. Steam and Water Analysis Panels Outlet Header Temperature WCTE216
  13. LCI Coolers Outlet Header Flow Element/Flow Transmitter WCFE219/WCFT219
  14. LCI Coolers Outlet Header Temperature WCTE212
  15. CT Generator Cooler Outlet Header Flow Element/ Flow Transmitter WCFE221/WCFT221
  16. CT Generator Cooler Outlet Temperature Element WCTE211
  17. Closed Cooling Water Bypass Control Valve WCFCV033
  18. Gas Turbine Base Coolers Outlet Header Flow Element/Flow Transmitter WCFE218/WCFT218
  19. Gas Turbine Base Coolers Outlet Header Temperature WCTE213
  20. LF/AA Coolers Outlet Flow Element/Flow Transmitter WCFE220/WCFT22O
  21. LF/AA Coolers Outlet Temperature WCTE215
  22. GE Accessory Module Outlet Flow Element/Flow Transmitter WCFE217/WCFT217
  23. GE Accessory Module Outlet Header Temperature WCTE214

Satisfactorily Completed ______

Part B: Location of Circulating Water System Valves

Conduct a walkthrough of the Closed Cooling Water System. Locate, identify and describe the operational function of the valves:

  1. Close Cooling Bypass Valve WCFCV033 Inlet isolation Valve WC031
  2. Close Cooling Bypass Valve WCFCV03 3 Outlet isolation Valve WC032
  3. WCFCV033 Bypass Ball Valve WC034
  4. Expansion Tank Base isolation Gate Valve WC029
  5. Glycol fill header isolation BallValve WC082
  6. Demineralized Water fill header isolation ball Valve WC093
  7. Expansion Tank Base Drain Valve WC030
  8. Closed Cooling Water Pumps Suction isolation Butterfly Valves WC001A/B
  9. Closed Cooling Water Pumps Discharge isolation Butterfly Valves WC003A/B
  10. Plate Heat Exchangers inlet isolation Butterfly Valves WC004A/B
  11. Plate Heat Exchangers outlet isolation Butterfly Valves WC005A/B
  12. Preheater Recirculation Pump A Seal Water Cooler inlet Ball ValveWC132
  13. Preheater Recirculation Pump B Seal Water Cooler inlet Ball Valve WC134
  14. Preheater Recirculation Pumps A Seal Water Coolers outlet Ball Valve WC136
  15. Preheater Recirculation Pumps B Seal Water Cooler outlet Ball Valve WC138
  16. Boiler Feed Water Pump A Lube Oil Cooler inlet Gate Valve WC062A
  17. Boiler Feed Water Pump B Lube Oil Cooler inlet Gate Valve WC062B
  18. Boiler Feed Water Pump A Lube Oil Cooler outlet Gate Valve WC077A
  19. Boiler Feed Water Pump B Lube Oil Cooler outlet Gate Valve WC077B
  20. CT Generator Cooler inlet Butterfly Valve WC030B
  21. CT Generator Cooler Outlet Butterfly Valve WC007B
  22. CT Generator Cooler Outlet Ball Valve WC127A
  23. LCI Coolers inlet Ball Plug Valve WC009B
  24. LCI Coolers outlet Ball Plug Valves WC012A
  25. GE Gas Turbine Base inlet Ball Plug Valve WC008B
  26. GE Gas Turbine Base outlet Ball Plug Valve WC014B
  27. LF/AA Module Coolers Inlet Gate Valve WC087
  28. LF/AA Module Coolers Outlet WC088
  29. LCI Cooler inlet Ball Plug Valve WC122B
  30. LCI Cooler outlet Butterfly Valve WC088
  31. Accessory Module inlet isolation Butterfly Valve WC010B
  32. Accessory Module outlet isolation Butterfly Valve WC015B

Satisfactorily Completed ______

Part C: Location of Local Control Panels and Breakers

Conduct a walkthrough of the Circulating Water System. Locate, identify and describe the operational functionof the CirculatingWater local control panels and breakers.

480V HRSG MCC-1 Closed Cooling Water Pump A/HP2AW002PA COMP 1E

Closed Cooling Water Pump B/HP2AW002PB Local Start/Stop Station

480V HRSG MCC-2 Closed Cooling Water Pump B/HP2AW002PB COMP 6C

Closed Cooling Water Pump A/HP2AW002PA Local Start/Stop Station

Satisfactorily Completed ______

Part D: Closed Cooling Water Pumps

Using the following steps, demonstrate how to prepare for operating the Closed Cooling Water Pumps. Explain your actions at each step.

Explain Your Actions
1.VERIFYClosed Cooling WaterPumps are mechanically intact and maintenance issues are cleared. / L
2.VERIFYelectrical issues are cleared,breaker is closed and control power is available / L
3.Verifylubrication is adequate and rotating assembly is free of foreign objects / L
4. Verifyvent and drain Valvesare
closed / L
5 VerifyStatus of minimum flow control valve and downstream coolers / L
7. VerifySuction Valves are open
8: VerifyDischarge Valves are open
Alarms / Initiating Device(s) / Device Setpoint(s
Closed Cooling Water Pumps Common Suction Header Pressure Low / WCPT202
Closed Cooling Water Pumps Common Suction Header Pressure Low
Expansion Tank Level High / WCLIT201
Expansion Tank Level Low
Closed Cooling Water Pump A Suction Strainer
Differential Pressure High / WCPDIT220A
Closed Cooling Water Pump A Suction Strainer
Differential Pressure Low
Closed Cooling Water Pump A Suction Strainer
Differential Pressure High
Closed Cooling Water Pump A Suction Strainer
Differential Pressure Low
Closed Cooling Water Pump B Suction Strainer
Differential Pressure High / WCPDIT220B
Closed Cooling Water Pump B Suction Strainer
Differential Pressure Low
Closed Cooling Water Pump A Motor Amps High
Closed Cooling Water Pump A Motor Amps Low
Closed Cooling Water Pump B Motor Amps High
Closed Cooling Water Pump B Motor Amps Low
Closed Cooling Water Pump A Motor Speed High
Closed Cooling Water Pump A Motor Speed Low
Closed Cooling Water Pump Discharge Temperature High / WCTE208
Closed Cooling Water Pump Discharge Temperature Low
Closed Cooling Water Pump Discharge Flow High / WCFE206
Closed Cooling Water Pump Discharge Flow Low
CT Generator Coolers Outlet Flow High / WCFT221
CT Generator Coolers Outlet Flow Low
CT Generator Coolers Outlet Temperature High / WCTE211
CT Generator Coolers Outlet Temperature
LCI Coolers Outlet Flow High / WCFE219
LCI Coolers Outlet Flow Low
LCI Coolers Outlet Temperature High / WCTE212
LCI Coolers Outlet Temperature Low
Gas Turbine Base Coolers Outlet Flow High / WCFE218
Gas Turbine Base Coolers Outlet Flow High
Gas Turbine Base Coolers Outlet Temperature High / WCTE213
Gas Turbine Base Coolers Outlet Temperature
LF/AA Cooler Outlet Flow High / WCFE220
LF/AA Cooler Outlet Flow Low
Accessory Module Coolers Outlet Temperature High / WCTE214
Accessory Module Coolers Outlet Temperature Low
Accessory Module Coolers Outlet Flow High / WCFE217
Accessory Module Coolers Outlet Flow Low
Satisfactorily Completed ______

Part E: Closed Cooling Water SystemPumps Startup

Perform a start up of the Closed Cooling Water Pumps. Explain your actions and observations at each step of the procedure:

Explain Your Actions
The LOC column in this procedure specifies where the associated ACTION step is taken. A "C" step is performed in the Control Room, an "L" step is performed locally, and an L/P step is performed at a local panel. A "C/L" or "L/C" step indicates a combination of Control Room and local activities.
1.VERIFYExpansion Tank level is adequate and system is hydrostatically filled / L/C
2.OPEN the Closed Cooling Water Pump suction valves, WC001A and WC001B. / L
3.VERIFY oil level is adequate to bearings. / L
4. OPEN the Closed Cooling Water pump discharge 1 turn, WC003A or WC003B / L/C
5. START the selected Closed Cooling Water pump locally or at the DCS.
6. SLOWLY OPENClosed CoolingWater pump discharge valve until fully open.
7. VERIFY the Close Cooling Waterbypass control valveWCFCV033 is maintaining cooling water flow. / L/C
8.VERIFY Expansion Tank level control WCLCV201A. / L/C
10.PLACE the other Closed Cooling Water pump in standby mode at the DCS board. / C
Satisfactorily Completed ______

Part F: Closed Cooling WaterNormal Operation

Conduct a complete system inspection of the Closed Cooling Water System. Explain your actions and observations as equipment is inspected.

The LOC column in this procedure specifies where the associated ACTION step is taken. A "C" step is performed in the Control Room, an "L" step is performed locally, and an L/P step is performed at a local panel. A "C/L" or "L/C" step indicates a combination of Control Room and local activities.
NOTE:Proper operation of plant equipment will lead to increased availability, sustained performance, and extended life of the equipment, while reducing the chance of failure. Proper operations include close adherence to operating procedures when starting the equipment, proper monitoring and inspections when the equipment is in normal operations, and following proper operating procedures when shutting down.
Explain Your Actions
1.Check all indications listed in Table 3, Local Indicating Instruments. / L / .
2.Check all control room indications. / C
3.Check the Expansion Tank Level. / L / .
4.Check flow through the coolers in the distribution network / L
Satisfactorily Completed ______

Part G: Closed Cooling Water System Shutdown

Conduct a complete system shutdown of the Closed Cooling System. Explain your actions and observations as equipment is shut down.

Explain Your Actions
The LOC column in this procedure specifies where the associated ACTION step is taken. A "C" step is performed in the Control Room, an "L" step is performed locally, and an L/P step is performed at a local panel. A "C/L" or "L/C" step indicates a combination of Control Room and local activities.
1. VERIFY the Closed Cooling Water Pump is not required for service. / C
2. If a Closed Cooling Water Pump is in STANDBY mode, PLACE in OFF. / L
3. STOP the operating Closed Cooling Water Pump locally or at DCS. / L
4. VERIFYClosed Cooling Water Pump stops and pressure drops to 0 on the discharge header / L
Satisfactorily Completed ______

Part H: Personnel and Equipment Safety

Verify the individual performed all aspects of the JPM using safe operating practices, following plant safety and environmental procedures.

Satisfactorily Completed ______

Draft May 1 2014Page 1