OctoberLiteracy HW

Week 1 / Write a new ending to the story. Must be at least 5 sentences. / Read a nonfiction book. List 3 nonfiction text features your author used. How did these text features help you understand the book? / Create a Venn Diagram to show how two characters are alike and different. Use specific information to support your answer.
Week 2 / Write a sentence for each for what happened in the beginning, middle and end of your story. / Create a new front cover of the book. Include the title and author. Then, write a description why your cover would be better than the original. / Complete the following prompt-
“I like/dislike this part of the book because…”
Remember to give two details from the story to support your opinion!
Week 3 / Which character would you most like to be friends with? Give three reasons why you would choose this character. Use the text to support your answers. / Read a nonfiction book.
What is the most important thing the author wanted you to learn?
What was most interesting to you? / Create and answer 5 W and 1 H questions for your book.
(who, what, when, where, why, how)
Week 4 / Retell the story you read in 4-5 sentences. / Read a non-fiction book of your choice. Pick two illustrations in the book and explain how the illustrations/images in the book help you understand the text. Write complete sentences. / Dictionary Man
Choose a vocabulary word from the book you are reading that you do not know or know well. Complete Dictionary Man for the vocabulary word. (See Edmodo)

Read each night for 15-20 minutes. Each week, choose TWO of the activities listed in that row to complete for one of the books you read. Write the name of your book and the author.

October Literacy HW

Week 1 / Write a new ending to the story. Must be at least 5 sentences. / Read a nonfiction book. List 3 nonfiction text features your author used. How did these text features help you understand the book? / Create a Venn Diagram to show how two characters are alike and different. Use specific information to support your answer.
Week 2 / Write a sentence for each for what happened in the beginning, middle and end of your story. / Create a new front cover of the book. Include the title and author. Then, write a description why your cover would be better than the original. / Complete the following prompt-
“I like/dislike this part of the book because…”
Remember to give two details from the story to support your opinion!
Week 3 / Which character would you most like to be friends with? Give three reasons why you would choose this character. Use the text to support your answers. / Read a nonfiction book.
What is the most important thing the author wanted you to learn?
What was most interesting to you? / Create and answer 5 W and 1 H questions for your book.
(who, what, when, where, why, how)
Week 4 / Retell the story you read in 4-5 sentences. / Read a non-fiction book of your choice. Pick two illustrations in the book and explain how the illustrations/images in the book help you understand the text. Write complete sentences. / Dictionary Man
Choose a vocabulary word from the book you are reading that you do not know or know well. Complete Dictionary Man for the vocabulary word. (See Edmodo)

Read each night for 15-20 minutes. Each week, choose TWO of the activities listed in that row to complete for one of the books you read. Write the name of your book and the author.