YES Country Network - Action Plan for Tanzania

Structures of the YES Country Network

YES-Tanzania has 250 Institution members. That includes Government Institutions, Private Sector, Organizations dealing with Youth Development, Youth Groups, Religious Institutions, Financial Institutions, Educational Institutions and other stakeholders.

The following is a list of YES Country Network Members with their Contact details

Currently YES Tanzania has formed partnership with many Government Institutions, Non Government Organizations/Institutions and Religious institutions that work closely with the community. The following is a list of some of our partners who have great influence

  1. Ministry of Labour, Youth Development and Sports (United Republic of Tanzania)
  2. The Ministry of Youth, Employment, Women Development and Children Affairs (The Government of Revolution of Zanzibar)
  3. Vice President's office, Poverty Reduction Unity.
  4. Social and Economic Research Foundation (ESRF).
    Equal Opportunity for All Trust Fund (Chaired by First Lady of Tanzania)
  5. .Zanzibar Youth Education and Environment Development Support (Chaired by First Lady of Zanzibar) Tanzania Media Women Association of Tanzania.
  6. Chamber of Trade and Industry of Tanzania.
  7. Tanzania Employers Association.
  8. Tanzania Workers Union
  10. Tanzania Media and Youth Development Association
  11. 4H – Tanzania
  12. Youth Advisory envelopment Council (YADEC)
  13. Mbozi Youth Centre
  14. Youth partnership for development
  15. Youth Alive
  16. Cartas – Tanzania
  17. Vibindo Society
  18. University of Dar es Salaam
  19. Vocational Education Tanzania Authority
  20. Tanzania Information Services

There are Nine Committees working with YES Tanzania’ National Committee, Media Committee, Committee of peoples which special needs and five zonal committees that represent 26 regions of Tanzania.

The functions of the organs in the structure above

National Committee

There are three-office centres for National Committee

  1. Tanzania Media and Youth Development Association,
  2. The Ministry of Labour, Youth Development and Sports
  3. The Ministry of Youth, Employment, Women Development and Children Affairs (The Government of Revolution of Zanzibar)

National Committee responsibilities

¨  To plan, Organize and monitor YES activities countrywide

¨  To organize National meetings, Workshops/Forums

¨  To support zonal/other committees countrywide

¨  To seek for funds

¨  To interact with other YES Country Networks

¨  To contract YES Secretariat

Media Committee

Contact Office - Tanzania Information Services

¨  To organize Media Events

¨  To collect and disseminate information to all local stakeholders.

¨  To report through media all YES events.

¨  To promote and mobilize the youth groups and other stakeholders to join the campaign.

¨  To support other committees through lobbying influential figures/ National leaders to support YES Country Network.

¨  To Support networking activities.

Two Commettees for Groups with Special Needs
There are two committees one based in Tanzania Zanzibar and the other in Tanzania Mainland

¨  To mobilize disabled youth to join the YES Country Network.

¨  To identify the needs for disabled youth accordingly

¨  To prepare the proposal/projects for Disabled

¨  To report the progress of zonal activities to the National Committee

Five Zonal committees

Contact Offices

  1. 4-H Tanzania based in Tanga Representing North Zone
  2. TADEC base in Shinyanga Representing Lake Zone
  3. ZAYEDESA and PYD based in Zanzibar representing Zanzibar Zone
  4. TAMEYODA Southern Highland based in Songea representing South Highland Zone
  5. Mbozi Youth Center base in Mbeya representing Northern Highland Zone

Zonal Committee Responsibilities

¨  To plan, Organize and monitor YES activities at Zonal level

¨  To mobilize and organize YES stakeholders at grass root.

¨  To report the progress of zonal activities to the National Committee

¨  To Promote YES activities according to the environment and production activities of a particular geographical area

Address of the YES country Network

B.O.Box 8550

Dar es Salaam

Phone Numbers:+ 255 22 2462923, +255 22 2111467

Mobile Phone: + 255 744 364654
Fax: +255 22 112054



2. Vision and Mission statement

The vision of YES Country Network ii Tanzania is to have 75% of 700,000 youth entering the labour market each year be employed.

This shall be achieved by creating job opportunities, promoting activities that absorb big manpower such as agriculture, mining and fishing, mobilizing more youth to form groups and impart into them entrepreneurship skills necessary for self-employment.

The outcome of the YES Country Network's National Action Plan is to reduce poverty among the youth and the community as a whole and consequently reduce other problems such as HIV/AIDS pandemic infections and other diseases, raise literacy and build a strong and Society.

3. The current youth employment situation in Tanzania

The total population of Tanzania is 34 million. 60% of the total population is Youth. Each year a total number of 700 000 Youth from schools and colleges enter the labor market where only 30% of them get employed.

Major activities present in Tanzania that may compliment the work of YES Network are agriculture, Mining, fishing and handcrafts, tourism, animal husbandry, poultry, entreprenuarship.