·  Everyone with fireline assignments must have successfully completed the NC Wildland Fire Suppression class or S-130, S-190 and I-100.


·  Minimum 7 day assignment on incident.

·  Wildland Nomex clothing, 8” leather boots, leather gloves, hardhat, eye protection, hearing protection, and fire shelter are required for fireline assignment. Structural PPE and gear should also be brought for structural suppression needs.

·  Personnel and apparatus may be assigned to Staging. Be prepared for times when you may not be working directly on the fire. You may be stationed at a location to monitor a portion of the fire that is not very active. There will be some idle times, so don’t be surprised at “Hurry up and wait”.

·  Everyone must check-in with the Status Check-in Recorder at the Incident Command Post (ICP). They must have their Resource Overhead and Equipment (O & E) numbers to properly check-in.

·  Vehicles will receive pre and post incident inspections.

·  Fuel records must be kept for individual vehicles.

·  Equipment Shift Tickets and Crew Time Reports must be turned in daily to the Finance section.

·  Everyone must go through the demob process with appropriate paperwork before leaving the incident.


·  Volunteers cannot be paid for deployment.

·  Fire Departments & EMS Units will only be reimbursed for their paid members’ actual hours worked on the incident, not portal to portal.

·  Reimbursement for equipment will be for actual mileage or hours used, not both. FEMA rates will be used unless established agency rates have been accepted by DFR. Equipment reimbursement will not include time spent in staging or time operator is off shift.

·  Damage to equipment or loss of property must be reported to the line supervisor and safety officer immediately for investigation.

·  Agencies with equipment operating under "wet" rates will not be reimbursed for normal wear and tear repairs. (Wet rates include cost of operation - fuel, lubricants, general maintenance, wear & tear repairs - FEMA rates are considered wet rates)