Second Semester
Final Exam Review
Chapters Covered:
Nervous System
Endocrine System
Growth & Development
What You Should Know!
1. What are the three layers of the heart wall and what is the job of each one?
2. What is the bag around the heart called and what are the functions of it?
3. Name the 4 valves in the heart and describe their location.
4. Describe where the blood will go next after each of the following parts:
left atrium-
right atrium-
pulmonary veins-
pulmonary arteries-
right ventricle-
left ventricle-
superior vena cava-
5. Describe the parts and locations of the conduction system of the heart.
6. Why is the pacemaker important? Why is it able to be the pacemaker?
7. Where does each end of the heart contract from, top or bottom of the chambers?
8. Draw and label an EKG. Describe both what is happening to the heart tissue and where blood is in the heart.
9. How do valves work in the heart?
10. Which of the chambers has the thickest wall? Why?
11. What makes the sounds you hear when you listen to your heart beat?
12. What do you feel when you feel your pulse?
13. What are the two measurements of blood pressure?
14. What are?
angina pectoris-
myocardial infarction-
congestive heart failure-
15. What are some risk factors that increase the probability of heart disease?
16. Describe fibrillation and defibrillation.
17. What are three things in the nose that help with the air that enters the body and what do they do?
18. What are the functions of the larynx?
19. What is all involved in speaking?
20. What are the functions of the following:
a. epiglottis-
b. pharynx
c. nasolacrimal duct
d. nasal septum
e. alveoli
21. Put the following in order of size from largest to smallest:
secondary bronchioles, trachea, bronchi, terminal bronchiole, tertiary bronchiole
22. How does gas get exchanged in the lungs? Name the parts and the methods that are important. What is the membrane around the lungs and what is its function?
23. Describe the mechanism of pulmonary ventilation.
24. How do alveoli stay inflated? There are two ways.
25. What is external respiration? Internal respiration?
26. Describe the following disorders or procedures:
respiratory distress syndrome
CO poisoning
27. Know the following volumes: ERV, IRV, TV, RV, VC, TLC
28. Describe 5 reasons why smoking is bad for your respiratory system.
29. Why does the respiratory system get worse as you age?
30. What is the difference between coughing and hiccupping?
31. Name the food-carrying organs of the digestive system.
32. Name the accessory organs of the digestive system.
33. For each organ, name and describe the types of mechanical digestion that occurs in each one.
34. For each organ, name and describe the types of chemical digestion that occurs in each one.
35. Describe the importance of surface area in the digestive system and name all of the structures that increase surface area in the food-carrying organs.
36. Name the four layers of the digestive system. Why are the layers sometime different in different organs? I would compare the mucosa in the stomach compared with all the others and the muscularis from organ to organ.
37. Why the liver is called the most important organ?
38. How would our eating habits have to change if we didn’t have (a):
3 feet of large intestine
10 feet of small intestine
39. Reproduction: Female Vs. Male
a. Sperm Formation (all info), Anatomy, Semen, All Glands, Seminal Vesicles, Circumcision and Vasectomy
b. Ova Formation (all info), Anatomy, Menstrual Phase, Ovulation Phase, Pregnancy, Reproduction Cycle and Hysterectomy
c. The process that produces sex cells in both male and females isa special type of cell division called?
d. The testes are located in the scrotum, outside the body cavity because…
e. In the scrotum, what happens?
f. Sperm cells mature and become able to swim in the______
g. The urethra:
h. Erection of the penis occurs as a result of:
i. Which of the following is a gonad in the male?
j. At puberty, what happens?
k. The inability to accomplish the sexual act is called______
l. Semen is discharged into the ______before leaving the body:
m. The jobs of the fluids secreted from the seminal vesicle and glands is…
n. Developing follicles induce the secretion of ______hormone.
o. Long, thin processes that swoop the egg into the uterine tube surrounding the openings of the uterine tubes are called
p. After ovulation, the ruptured follicle is transformed into a glandular
structure called
q. Part of which layers of the uterus is sloughed off during menstruation?
r. The cervix :
s. The time between the ending of menses and ovulation is called
t. Which of these would be correct if an adult male had a vasectomy?
40. Name the first three groups of cells that the fertilized egg becomes. Where is each one
41. What are the three stages called of prenatal development? Describe the length of each.
42. What are the three germ layers of an embryo? What will they generally turn into
43. Describe the three trimesters and describe what happens during each period.
44. Describe the three stages of parturition.
45. What are the postnatal periods of development?
46. What are some developmental changes during senescence? List about Six.
47. What are the three functions of the nervous system?
48. What is the CNS composed of?
49. What is the PNS composed of?
50. What makes up a neuron?
51. What makes an impulse travel faster?
52. What are the different types of neurons?
53. What is the all or none response?
54. Describe how an impulse travels in terms of action and resting potential.
55. What are some characteristics of sensations?
56. Describe the somatic senses.
57. How are receptors classified?
58. What are the four basic senses of taste?
59. What are the sensory structures that detect taste?
60. What are the three primary tunics (layers) of the eye and what major parts are found in these layers?
61. Why does our nose run when we cry?
62. What is the fovea centralis? What is the optic disc?
63. What is the difference between rods and cones?
64. What portion of the ear is contains sense organs for hearing and balance?
65. In the ear, where are the sensory receptors for balance?
66. What is the function of the semi-circular canals?
67. Describe the hearing process.
68. What is the Endocrine System?
69. What is the job of glands?
70. Why are hormones crucial to homeostasis?
71. What are target cells?
72. Is it dangerous to produce too much of a hormone or too little of a hormone?
73. Be able to know the following glands and the hormones that they secrete. Also, know the job of the hormone (What does it regulate?):
Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, Thyroid Gland, Parathyroid Gland, Pancreas, Thymus, Ovary, Testis, and Adrenal Glands
74. Know the following flow chart to help you with Endocrine System:
What Else Should I know?
All Diagrams from each chapterJ
CP Anatomy
Spring 2012