Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s)

Teacher: Second Grade Subject/Class: Math Week Of: August 17-21
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Standard(s) / 2.NBT.2
2.OA.2 / 2.NBT.2
2.OA.2 / 2.OA.2 / 2.OA.2
2.NBT.1 / 2.NBT.2
Essential Question/
Learning Goal / How can I make number bonds to 10? / How can I make number bonds with subtraction? / How can I make a ten within 20? / How can I make a ten to add and subtract within 20? / How can I make a ten to add and subtraction within 20?
Activating Strategy:
Lesson Opener, Warm-up, Hook / Lesson 1
Happy Counting / Lesson 2
Happy Counting / Lesson 3
Break apart and put together / Lesson 4
Take from 10 / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Kq28ayZiU
Teaching Strategies: Procedures,
Performance Tasks / Sprint/
Problem set / Problem set / Sprint/
Problem set / Problem set / Small groups to reteach
Summarizing Strategies:
Closing Activity / debrief
Exit ticket / Debrief
Exit ticket / Debrief
Exit ticket / Debrief
Exit ticket / Think/pair/share on white board to make number bond
Evaluation / Daily grade:
Sprint/ problem set review
Differentiation / Use lessons/problem sets from this week to determine groups: reteach, enrich
Materials Needed/
Technology / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIbIcG0uD24&feature=youtu.be / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcUCPJnr-hw&feature=youtu.be / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11etsT3V8TQ&feature=youtu.be / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHjwobeKiSk&feature=youtu.be / Front Row
SPED Math-Gibson / Accommodation/Modifications / Rephase questions/directions for clarification: Student 1, 2
Allow extra processing time: Student 1, 2
Allow frequent breaks: Student 2
Differentiation / Working Memory, long and short term: 1, 2: Review previously taught skills, them summarize using you tell me and I’ll tell you
Visual Motor/Spatial: 1,2: Allow to give answers verbally and them have them copy.​ Highlight where answers go so students have a clear defined space to write answers.
Verbal Reasoning: 1, 2: Give directions verbally as needed.
IEP Goals / Use Easy CBM for progress monitoring.
Work on counting up or down from given number