Medium-Voltage SwitchgearME- Building Group




  1. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


  1. This Section includes 15 kV metal clad switchgear and weatherproof housing to enclose the switchgear.


  1. The following documents are supplied for reference only:
  2. Primary Service One-Line Diagram.
  3. Switchgear Layout and Details.


  1. Store equipment in a protected, dry, enclosed location.
  2. Apply temporary heat to switchgear, according to manufacturer's written instructions, throughout periods when switchgear environment is not controlled for temperature and humidity within manufacturer's stipulated service conditions.
  3. Design shipping splits for lifting with a four-point hookup and a single point lift.

1Cover ends of shipping splits for protection during transportation and storage.


  1. Product data:
  2. Features, characteristics, and ratings of individual circuit breakers.
  3. Time-current characteristic curves for overcurrent protection devices.
  4. Ratings of individual protective devices.
  5. Shop Drawings:
  6. Layout, elevation, and one line diagram for switchgear, including shipping splits.
  7. Bill of materials.
  8. Nameplate legends.
  9. Size and number of bus bars and current rating for each bus.
  10. Detail interconnecting wiring for power, signal, and control systems

aIdentify manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring.

  1. Record Documents:
  2. Documents submitted under “Shop Drawings”
  3. Five sets of installation, operation, and maintenance instructions for all equipment.
  4. Product certificates, certifying that the products furnished comply with requirements.
  5. Test reports, indicating compliance of switchgear with requirements.


  1. Listing and Labeling: Provide products that are listed and labeled.
  2. The Terms "Listed and Labeled": As defined in the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, Article 100.
  3. Listing and Labeling Agency Qualifications: A "Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory" (NRTL) as defined in OSHA Regulation 1910.7.
  4. Inspection:
  5. Owner may inspect equipment during manufacturing, and may be present during tests.
  6. Owner may inspect material and workmanship after delivery.
  7. Installer Assistance:
  8. Provide the services of an engineer to oversee installation, to determine that the equipment as installed may be energized, and supervise energizing.
  9. Check equipment for completeness and absence of damage.
  10. Verify removal of internal shipping blocks.
  11. Order replacement parts for missing or damaged equipment, and oversee repairs.
  12. Verify that all equipment assembly, alignment, level, and installation is proper.



  1. Manufacturers: Unless otherwise directed, provide switchgear products by one of the following:
  2. GE Electrical Distribution & Control
  3. Square D Co.
  4. Cutler-Hammer
  5. Siemens


  1. Factory assembled and tested, and complying with IEEEC37.20.1.
  2. System Configuration:
  3. System Voltage: 13.8 kV, three-phase, 60 Hz, resistance grounded-neutral.
  4. Switchgear Voltage Class: 15 kV
  5. Bus:
  6. Main Bus: 2,000A continuous rating per IEEEC37.04 and ANSIC37.06.
  7. Bus Material: Copper, with silver plated at connection points.
  8. Bus Insulation: Flame-retardant insulation.
  9. Main Bus Extension: Each section shall be capable of extension to future sections.
  10. Surge Arresters:
  11. Provide arresters for mains and feeders, including fully fitted spaces.
  12. Intermediate and distribution class, metal-oxide-varistor type, per NEMALA1.
  13. Install in cable termination compartments and connect in each phase of circuit.
  1. Auxiliary Compartments:
  2. Provide auxiliary compartments to house meters, relays, instrument transformers, station power transformers, controls, and auxiliary equipment.
  3. Isolate auxiliary compartments from medium-voltage components.
  4. Common Terminal Block for Remote Monitoring:
  5. Connect remote monitoring outputs of meters, circuit breaker auxiliary contacts and trip devices to one terminal block.
  6. Locate terminal block in a section accessible without requiring a power shutdown
  7. Provide a conduit stub or other entry means for cabling at the top of the cubicle.
  8. Provide the following status information for each breaker:
  9. Open
  10. Closed
  11. Tripped
  12. Not inserted in cell
  13. Common Terminal Block for Remote Metering Communications:
  14. Interconnecting communications wiring of trip units, monitors and meters.
  15. Provide RS 484 or Ethernet wiring as required by units.
  16. Connect communications wiring for remote access at one terminal block.
  17. Locate terminal block in compartment with Remote Monitoring.
  18. Key Interlocking:
  19. Provide interlocking schemes indicated.
  20. Provide mounting hardware for future locks indicated.
  21. Provision for Future Devices:
  22. Equip each compartment with rails, mounting brackets, supports, and bus connections.


  1. Circuit Breakers:
  2. Vacuum insulation, per IEEEC37.20.2.
  3. Interrupting Class: 1,000 MVA.
  4. Contact Wear Indicator: Readily visible.
  5. Operation: Stored energy, electrically charged.
  6. Provide for manual charging.
  7. Breaker Control Power: 125 VDC for charge, close and trip.
  8. Mechanical Open: Mechanical means to trip breaker available at front of breaker
  9. Electrical Trip: provide electrical trip actuator, independent of overcurrent trip actuator.
  10. Spare Auxiliary Contacts:
  11. Six breaker cell position indication
  12. Six breaker mechanism position indication
  13. Continuous Current Ratings:
  14. Main:2,000 A.
  15. Tie: 2,000 A.
  16. Feeder: 1,200 A.


  1. Instrument Transformers: Comply with IEEEC57.13.
  2. Voltage Transformer:
  3. Secondary 120V
  4. Accuracy class 0.3
  5. Burdens of W, X, and Y
  6. Current Transformer:
  7. Ratios indicated.
  8. Burden and accuracy class suitable for connected relays, meters, and instruments.
  9. Multifunction Digital Monitor: UL-listed, microprocessor-based unit.
  10. Display functions locally:
  11. Power - kW, kVA, kVAR

1)Phase A, B, C, and system

  1. Voltage - A-B, B-C, C-A, A-N, B-N, C-N, N-G, average
  2. Current - A, B, C, N, G, average
  3. Frequency
  4. Demand - A, KW, kVA , kVAR

1)Phase A, B, C, and system

  1. Power Factor – Displacement, Apparent
  2. Percent THD, Current - A, B, C, N
  3. Percent THD, Voltage - A-B, B-C, C-A, A-N, B-N, C-N
  1. Other functions:
  2. CBEMA derating factor
  3. Crest factor
  4. Discrete input and output status
  5. Waveform capture
  6. Sag/swell detection
  7. True RMS metering through the 31st harmonic
  8. 12 cycle event capture
  9. Communications:
  10. Provide capability to communicate all locally displayed functions.
  11. Provide ability to communicate using RS-485 and Ethernet protocol
  12. Mounting:
  13. Display and control unit flush or semiflush mounted in compartment door.
  1. Billing Meter
  2. Provide meter with utility billing meter accuracy for each main breaker.
  3. kW capacity demand.
  4. kWh energy delivered.
  5. Analog Instruments:
  6. Rectangular, 4-1/2-inch square, 1 percent accuracy, semiflush mounting in compartment door, 250-degree scale, complying with ANSIC39.1.
  7. Voltmeters: Expanded scale range of normal voltage plus 10 percent.
  8. Voltmeter Selector Switch: Rotary type with off position to provide readings of phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral voltages.
  9. Ammeters: Expanded scale range of bus rating plus 10 percent.
  10. Ammeter Selector Switch: Permits current reading in each phase.
  11. Watt-Hour Meters: Flush or semiflush type, 5A, 120V, 3phase, 3wire, 3element, 15-minute indicating demand register, and provision for adding pulse initiation.
  12. Recording Demand Meter: Usable as totalizing or indicating, 15-minute interval.
  13. Housing: Drawout, back-connected case arranged for semiflush mounting.


  1. Switchgear Arrangement
  2. The switchgear shall consist of one assembly. Arrangement of the switchgear assembly shall be as shown on the accompanying drawing and sketch. Any changes in arrangement must be noted and included in the proposal.
  3. Incoming Lines
  4. Fittings to allow for rear entry of 15 kV cable into switchgear.
  5. Cable lugs suitable for 15 kV, 750 kcmil, shielded cables.
  6. Three intermediate class lightning arresters, 15 kV class, 12.7 kV MCOV.
  7. Main Breaker Units
  8. Vacuum circuit breaker.
  9. Auxiliary switch, eight circuits in addition to those used for breaker operation.
  10. Door-mounted breaker status lights; one red, one green.
  11. Door-mounted circuit breaker control switch.
  12. Door-mounted multifunction digital monitor.
  13. Multi-ratio current transformers, single secondary.
  14. Door-mounted devices 51, single element, very inverse time.
  15. Door-mounted device 51N, single element, very inverse time.
  16. Door-mounted devices 67, with time-overcurrent unit.
  17. Door-mounted device 67N, with time-overcurrent unit.
  18. Manual reset device 86, with white indicating light and 16 contacts.
  19. Tie Breaker Units
  20. Vacuum circuit breaker.
  21. Auxiliary switch, eight circuits in addition to those used for breaker operation.
  22. Door-mounted breaker status lights; one red, one green.
  23. Door-mounted circuit breaker control switch.
  24. Multi-ratio current transformers, single secondary.
  25. Feeder Breaker Units
  26. Fittings to allow for rear entry of 15 kV cable into switchgear.
  27. Cable lugs suitable for 15 kV, 500 kcmil, shielded cables.
  28. Three intermediate class lightning arresters, 15 kV class, 12.7 kV MCOV.
  29. Vacuum circuit breaker.
  30. Auxiliary switch, eight circuits in addition to those used for breaker operation.
  31. Door-mounted breaker status lights; one red, one green.
  32. Door-mounted circuit breaker control switch.
  33. Multi-ratio current transformers, single secondary.
  34. Door-mounted devices 51, single element, very inverse time.
  35. Door-mounted device 51N, single element, very inverse time.
  36. Door-mounted multifunction digital monitor.
  37. Auxiliary Units
  38. Voltage metering transformers, draw-out, 15 kV, 110 kV impulse level, 13.8kV-120V ratio, minimum 400 VA, with primary and secondary fuses.
  39. Terminals for wiring connections external to switchgear.
  40. Station power transformer 13.8kV-120/240V, with primary fuses.
  41. Dry-type transformers.
  42. Separate compartments for units larger than 3 kVA
  43. Primary and secondary fuses.
  44. Interconnect secondary to effect an automatic station power transfer scheme.


  1. Analog Current Relay:
  2. Device 51, 51N
  3. Electromagnetic, time-overcurrent, single element, very inverse time.
  4. Semi-flush mounting.
  5. Device 67, 67N
  6. Electromagnetic, time-overcurrent, single element, directional.
  7. Semi-flush mounting.
  8. Lockout Relay:
  9. Device 86
  10. Manual reset
  11. 16 contacts
  12. White light indicating trip
  13. Semi-flush mounting


  1. Circuit Breaker Accessories:
  2. Extension rails, lifting device, transport dolly, and all other items necessary to remove circuit breaker from housing and transport to remote location.
  3. Racking handle to move breaker between Connected, Test and Disconnected positions
  4. Test coupler to permit testing of circuit breaker in Test position.
  5. Relay and meter test plugs.
  6. Grounding and Test Device:
  7. For grounding, and testing phases of, the switchgear bus.
  8. Interchangeable with circuit breaker.
  9. Provide interlocked electrical access to either bus or feeder.
  10. Electrically operated.
  11. System control cabinet permanently mounted near switchgear.
  12. Portable Remote Control Station: For grounding and test device.
  13. Control Cabinet Coupler Cable: Adequate length to connect device inserted in any switchgear cubicle and control cabinet.
  14. Remote-Control Coupler Cable: 50-foot cable length to connect control cabinet and portable remote-control station.
  15. Permanent Control Power Wiring: From control cabinet to power source.
  16. Protective Cover: Fabricated of heavy-duty plastic and fitted to device.
  17. Approval:
  18. Obtain approval of Utility and maintenance agency designated by Owner.
  19. Circuit Breaker Test Cabinet:
  20. Separately mounted, containing power supply and push buttons for circuit breaker charging, closing and tripping, and coupler with cable approximately 9 feet long.
  21. Include provision for storage of test and maintenance accessories in cabinet.
  22. Provide chicken switch with each substation


  1. Design Criteria
  2. Area Classification: General purpose, nonhazardous
  3. Roof Loading: 40 PSF
  4. Additional Roof Loading– allow 200 lbs per foot of switchgear
  5. Wind Loading: 125 MPH
  6. Floor Loading: 250 PSF, total DL + LL
  7. Base Deflection Criteria: L/240
  8. Seismic: Zone 1
  9. Exterior Design Temperatures:
  10. Summer: 95°F
  11. Winter: -20°F
  12. Interior Design Temperatures:
  13. Summer: 104°F maximum.
  14. Winter: 60°F minimum.
  15. Sizing and Configuration
  16. Size and configuration to comply with OBBC and NEC requirements and layout drawing.
  17. Provide a minimum of 78 inches clear aisle in front of switchgear
  18. Construction.
  19. Structural members shall not support combustion.
  20. Base:
  21. ASTM A36 channel, wide flange and angle sections forming a self-supporting grid.
  22. Incorporate skid beams into the base of the housing if required.
  23. Wall and roof panels of G90 galvanized steel formed in a self-framing, interlocking design.
  24. 18-gage minimum, formed to create a tightly interlocking panel with standing ribs.
  25. Interlocking ribs shall repeat at a maximum of 16 inch.
  26. Caulk seams using a silicone-free product.
  27. Floor of 0.25 inch checkered plate.
  28. Interior walls of G90 galvanized steel, 18-gage minimum.
  29. Attached utilizing ASTM shear and pull out rated self tapping screws

1)24 in. maximum centers along all vertical seams.

  1. Each interior wall panel formed to receive adjacent panels at each splice.
  1. Insulation:
  2. Ceiling: 3 inch fiberglass (R11)
  3. Walls: 3 inch fiberglass (R11)
  4. Floor: 1 inch rigid urethane board (R7.2)
  5. Equipment Access Doors: None
  6. Personnel doors:
  7. Single-leaf, 1-3/4 inch with aluminum threshold and stainless steel hinges
  8. Panic Hardware: Thumb latch with keyed cylinder lock
  9. Closer with stopping arm (Yale Series #50 or equal)
  10. Crash chains
  11. "DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE" sign on exterior
  12. Drip shield
  13. Weather strips
  14. Accessories:
  15. Removable lifting lugs located along the housing base frame exterior.
  16. Cover plates, 12 ga. galvanized steel with gaskets, for unused cable entrances.
  17. Enclosure Grounding:
  18. Provide Burndy #QA28-2N1-4/0 terminals for connection to grounding cables.
  1. Cleaning and Finishes
  2. Thoroughly clean exterior and interior galvanized surfaces.
  3. Prepare and finish in a temperature and humidity controlled atmosphere with ventilation.
  4. Exterior: Off-white 1.5 mils DFT epoxy primer, 1.5 mils DFT polyurethane enamel.
  5. Interior: Off-white 1.5 mils DFT epoxy primer, 1.5 mils DFT polyurethane enamel.
  6. Floor: ANSI-61, 1.5 mils DFT epoxy primer, 1.5 mils DFT polyurethane non-skid enamel.
  7. Base and Below Floor: 2.0 mils DFT epoxy mastic, 4.0 mils DFT coal tar epoxy.
  8. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  9. Provide heating, ventilation and air conditioning to maintain inside temperature specified.
  10. Perform calculations showing sizing for ventilation, heating, and indicating ambient infiltration and internal equipment heat losses.
  11. Provide exhaust fan with wall-mounted thermostat and HOA switch
  12. Provide intake and exhaust louvers with control dampers.
  13. Provide heaters controlled by a wall-mounted thermostat.
  14. Provide air conditioning if required to maintain space temperature for batteries.
  15. Interior Lighting and Wiring
  16. Lighting and PowerLoadCenter:
  17. Wall-mount a 120/240V LoadCenter
  18. Provide 30-20A, 1-pole branch breakers.
  19. Connect LoadCenter to station power derived from transformers in the switchgear.
  20. Provide general lighting of 45 Fc.
  21. Provide minimum egress lighting of 1 Fc for the path of egress and entrance door.
  22. Lighting Fixtures:
  23. General Lighting: Industrial fluorescent, 2-T8 lamps, and electronic ballast.
  24. Emergency Egress Lights: Grainger #2V489; Dual-Lite ML-7E; 50W lamps.
  25. Exit signs: LED exit sign with emergency battery over each entrance door.
  26. Light switches for general lighting: Three-way located at entrance doors.
  27. Exterior light: Over each entrance door. Owner will specify fixture.
  28. Wiring:
  29. #12 AWG, THHN for power wiring.
  30. #14 AWG, THHN for control wiring.
  31. Exposed 3/4 inch EMT.
  32. Wiring devices:
  33. Duplex Receptacles: Specification Grade, 20A, 125V, GFCI duplex receptacles near each entrance door.
  34. Exterior receptacles: Weatherproof cover, near each entrance door.


  1. System Requirements:
  2. Provide battery sized to serve the load of indicating lights, circuit breaker trip and close coils, and charging motors for the circuit breakers, including future breakers.
  3. Battery:
  4. Sealed lead-acid type requiring no maintenance.
  5. Suitable for service at an ambient temperature ranging from minus 18 to 25°C.
  6. Provide a two-step rack that fits available space indicated.
  7. Provide electrical connections between cells and between rows of cells.
  8. Provide flexible connectors with bolted-type terminals for output leads.
  9. Accessories:
  10. Set of socket wrenches and other tools required for battery maintenance.
  11. Wall-mounted, nonmetallic storage rack fitted to store above items.
  12. Set of cell numerals.
  13. Battery Charger:
  14. Unit automatically maintains output voltage within 0.5 percent from no load to rated charger output current, with ac input-voltage variation of plus or minus 10 percent.
  15. After loss of AC power, charger automatically resumes charging battery.
  16. Regulates rate of charge to prevent damage due to overload.
  17. Capacity sufficient to supply load, and provide equalizing or float charge to the battery.
  18. DC ammeter and DC Voltmeter:
  19. Maximum error of 5 percent at full-charge voltage.
  20. Toggle switch to select between battery and charger voltages.
  21. Ground Indication:
  22. Lights connected in series between negative and positive terminals, with midpoint junction connected to ground.
  23. Charging Rate Switch:
  24. Manually operated switch provides for transferring to higher charging rate. Charger operates automatically after switch operation until manually reset.
  25. Current-Limiting:
  26. Limits output current to rating of charger due to overload, including short circuit on output, and does not disconnect charger from either battery or ac supply.
  27. Low Battery Voltage Alarm:
  28. Monitor battery voltage and initiate alarm when voltage falls below adjustable value.
  29. Factory set at 80 percent of float-charge voltage.
  30. Provide two spare contacts, 1 N.O. and 1 N.C. for remote monitoring.
  31. AC Supply
  32. 120or 240 V, 60Hz, plus or minus 10 percent.


  1. Nameplates:
  2. Identify equipment and major components and circuit breakers by engraved laminated nameplates.
  3. Major lettering 3/8-inch high, minor lettering 1/4-inch minimum.
  4. Black letters on white background.
  5. Mimic Bus:
  6. Continuous mimic bus, applied to front of switchgear, in single-line diagram format.
  7. Painted graphic, or graphics fastened to compartment, as approved.
  8. Color contrasting with factory-finish background, selected by Owner.



  1. Anchor switchgear assembly to floor and attach by bolting.
  2. Sills: Select to suit switchgear; level and grout flush into flooror concrete base as indicated on Drawings.
  3. Temporary Lifting Provisions: Remove temporary lifting eyes, channels, and brackets and temporary blocking of moving parts from switchgear units and components.